
The Secret Language of Machine Knitting

The Secret Language of Machine Knitting
Machine Knitting has it's own unique set of terms and abbreviations that can be confusing. Use the Knit it Now Glossary to translate.


Using weights when Machine Knitting

Using weights when Machine Knitting
By using weights when machine knitting, you can achieve success even with those "difficult" yarns and stitch patterns and ensure that your stitches form more cleanly.


Tension Mast Assembly

Tension Mast Assembly
You may have noticed the bend in your machine's tension mast. It's there for a purpose!


Tuck Lace Challenge

Tuck Lace Challenge
For Tuck Lace, determining which stitches to put in out-of-work position can be a challenge. Here are some tips to make it easier


Have you checked your clamps lately?

Have you checked your clamps lately?
"Take care of your tools and your tools will take care of you" Dad
