The bad news Not all hand knitting stitch patterns can be worked on the machine

The GOOD news: Many can!

Identify what stitch patterns can be worked on the knitting machine AND learn to translate from hand knitting instructions to machine knitting terms.
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Links mentioned in the Show

Prickly Pear Course
Ebook: Hand Knit to Machine Knit - Stitch Symbols Unravelled
Course: Using hand Knitting Patterns with your Knitting Machine

Hat Challenge

Stitch Multiples
PSSO Decorative Center Double Decrease

01:55: - Hat challenge
03:10: - Topic of the day
05:40: - Watch the video
17:30: - Stitch Multiples
21:12: - Right Leaning (k3tog)
26:45: - Stitch pattern without the eyelets
26:35: - Close up the eyelets
28:00: - Programming this stitch pattern
30:15: - Prickly Pear Course
33:15: - Prickly Pear Course Knit-Along Q&A Sessions
36:05: - Option 3: Center Double Decrease
Carol D
Thanks, Sue!
Sue J J
Sue J J
for the Q&A sessions - go to the live page
Matthew F
Thank you for all coming!!
Karen W
Thank you from me too.
Sue J J
Matthew F
Nancy M
will next lives be zoom or regular.
Lauren B
Thank you.
Patricia J S
Matthew F
Great Show. See everyone next time!
Jean S
thanks so much...See you next time!
Patricia H
Thank You!
Judy P
thanks, such nice smiles
Sue J J
See you next time!
Cynthia P
thanks so much for such a great course.with good information
Kim W
I will send the cardigan, the hat looks like it will fit 2 heads together
Nancy M
Going to try hat using up tons of 2/24 acrylic in fairisle.
Patricia J S
Beautiful Lace Hat
Michelle F
how do we share the hat challenge?
Kim W
Good afternoon, I tried the hat did not come out and shame to show. I am working on sweater cardigan and let me state reading is fundamental. well I tried it 3 times and the sleeves were horrible. Read the pattern with my coffee. went back into battle and it turn out perfect. will post pictures later. Thank you
Edith L
I will try.
Cynthia P
great minds think alike.
Cynthia P
edith try sewing them together on the machine
Judy P
yup. in minnesota fot tree
Edith L
My hang up is sewing the pieces together neatly.
Sandra B
Lauren, So do go through GR, if you do stop by, main st only brick building,
Nancy M
Nancy in Kansas here, finally.
Judy P
what is the amseye depth ?? Would llike narrower sleeve. And how to inc. dec. in tuck
Marie-Jo C
Unfortunately, lace carriage is not available for bulky machines!
Sandra B
I love that yarn tree, I have a hard time finding my yarn in tubs
Jean S
that's a great idea! Thinking of baby cardigans which I found always caught my babies fingers in the open work....didn't bother the babies just me...lol
Lauren B
Sandra, We took many trips your way from Havre to Billings.
Karen W
That was a lovely explanation. Thank you. About the right/left slanting.
Chris L
Love it. I'm not the only one crawling under that machine.
Jean S
I like the idea of moving the stitches is there anyway you could work the pattern without the eyelets?
Patricia J S
I could post a picure of the seam, if you like
Ebba R
Hej from Sweden
Judy P
marjorie and I are with you on this look.
Marjorie M
Maybe I should have said on the bottom as you knit. It would be on top on the public side.
Donald K
Hello from N Carolina
Matthew F
Putting the map away.
Judy P
the 1st st on the next needle will show on the public ???
Marjorie M
I'd do that pattern with the center stitch on top. I like the defined center line that gives. It would also avoid the double transfer.on a stitch that always annoys me.
Maryann B
it's up
Michelle F
or even the bickford seam? I like the bickford for newborn hats no bulk inside
Matthew F
its been up for a bit
Michelle E
Hello from Holland Michigan
Joy G
Near Sandringham, Norfolk UK :)
Edith L
About an hour
Michelle F
what if you did the half stitch for less bulk?
Kerri P
Hello from Evergreen CO - sunny today
Marie-Jo C
Thanks for the map, Matt !
Silvana J
Hello from Canton, Michigan
Sandra B
I live in Grass Range, the center of Montana
Marion S
Marion from Ohio, Hi
Maurie H
I was taking the stitch from the right to the needle on the left and then taking the stitch from the left of the needle and putting it on the same needle
Michelle F
3 sts is for the seam using mattress stich? pick up 1 full stitch each side?
Patricia J S
This is FUN!!
Marjorie M
Hi, Marjorie from Michigan
Jean S
Beveryly G...know Chilliwack, I lived in Burnaby for a lot of my growing up. Chilliwack is great!
Deb K
Hi from seriously sunny Milwaukee, WI
Maryann B
Hi from the Oregon Coast
Lauren B
Hi from Lolo Montana. Sandra where do you live in MT
Carol D
WOW! You are pretty close! :grinning:
Beverley G
Beverley from Chilliwack ,canada
Lucretia S
Lucretia, from Prescott Valley, AZ
Matthew F
we can do the map
Edith L
Patricia J S
You could crochet the 3 rows, from the open stitches, in single crochet.
Leda C
Leda J.
Michelle F
I LOVE hybrid projects!!
Carol D
Edith, where are you??? I'm between Kingston and Oneonta ... Roxbury!
Edith L
Edith from foothills of the Catskills.
Sandra B
Hi! From Montana
Carol D
\LIVE video days are GREAT!
Margaret J
Hello, Margaret from Georgia
Marie-Jo C
Can this stitch pattern be knitted on a bulky ?
Maurie H
just found out I was doing it wrong.
Karen W
I’m new too! Brand new. From Connecticut. Just seeing what the live events are like.
Patricia J S
Delia P
Hello Deedee from SAN FELIPE Mexico
Patricia J S
Hi, this is Patty Schwab. When we finish this Event, I plan to make my first of your March Hats. Thank-you for the video and help. I am a Hand Knitter since age 5. Just not sure how to PSSO on the KM, but, since seeing the video, I do know how!! Thanks!!!
Elizabeth M
first time to take part in the live video. kinda cool
Carol D
Hello from sunny, 44 degree Catskill Mountains of NY!
Michelle F
I've knit a few, my new club in scotland is working on hats as a topic for the next few months
Judy P
its a great open work look. hard to figure out.
Joy G
Hi Sue and Everyone from Joy in the UK :)
Scott V
Hi everyone. Have to try the reservable hat
Judy P
how to do open st #108insusans book hand manipulated sts
Cynthia P
It keeps the forehead warm too when the wind is blowing
Cynthia P
bulky for cold winters here in Canada
Marie-Jo C
Hello, Cynthia!
Patricia H
Patricia from Louisiana here
Cynthia P
I have knitted the reversible hat many times before and i made 2 this yea r
Judy P
Hi - fixed both punch cards.
Linda C
Great brain workout
Cynthia P
Hi marie jo
Jean S
Hello, (Finally) from the West Kootenays. So good to be able to get back to my knitting!
Matthew F
Please Share you works with us!!
June R
HI, June from Pennsylvania
Cynthia P
Hi Jennie
Marie-Jo C
Hello, everyone from Arbois, France !
Jenny M B
Hi from North Wales!
Cynthia P
I already knit it with ribbing and posted it
Linda C
I finished the top down raglan, yeah!
Betty E J
hello everyone from hot, rainy vla (very lower Alabama) ::grinning:
Nina L
hello from Florida
Lorrie B
I've finished 2 hoodies with kangaroo pockets.
Sonja L
Hi, from Denmark
Linda C
Hi everyone from sunny northern California
Matthew F
Fingers Crossed!!!!
Matthew F
If you do not see the countdown timer and have that big orange button - click it
Matthew F
Hi everyone.... we are starting to get the show going...
Cynthia P
Hi everyone, from southern Ontario, Canada
Sue J J
We will be starting in a bit over an hour ... look at the coutdown at the top of this page
Sue J J
Hi DeeDee! What are you looking for?
Delia P
had. How would i find them.
Delia P