We often get these questions from new knitters:

Do I need special yarn for my machine?
What yarn can I use with my machine?
Do I have to re-wind yarn in balls or center pull skeins?

Let's explore the topic of yarn! We'll dispel some myths, outline some facts, and get in trouble voicing some strong opinions on the subject
If you are an experience knitter, please join in with your words of wisdom for other knitters.
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Links mentioned in the Show

Yarns for machine knitting
Burn test
Waxing Yarn
Tool: Yards per Pound Compare yarn put up in balls, hanks, cakes or skeins to YPP and machine gauges

Inge Lise L
Hello everybody from Inge Lise in Denmark. It is tuesday evening here,
Gabriele T
Thanks Sue, very interesting show. Bye for now, till next time!
Ellie C
Thanks Sue- worth waiting up for! Ellie.
Sue Jalowiec
@marie-Jo :-)
I have started to set an alarm on my phone so I don't miss your show!!
Sue Jalowiec
Thanks everybody ... get knitting! :-)
Marie-Jo C
I think I am becoming a better knitter. Thanks Sue
Gio R
Thnx Sue, see you next week!
Jeanette M
yes! I think that is a perfect title!!
Phyllis K D
Great information as usual, thank you Sue.
Nara F
great show thanks a million!
Sue Jalowiec
you like the idea of every-which-way knitting? :-)
Sandra B
Me either!
Joyce R
Can't wait til next week!
Nancy M
got my lennveloppe course last night swatched this morning
Nara F
just a LITTLE vinegar!!
Mary Ann B
OOOOO vinegar & water. I have to try that.
Nancy M
it gets too close to the antennas or tarn
Carole M
Doesn’t it matter if you use Yarn from inside versus outside of a skein?
Nancy M
nothing like zapping your nose when it f
Nara F
a little vinegar in water in a spray bottle does well for de static. Works well when prepping wool for spinning too.
Mary Ann B
I do have a copper picture hanging wire on my machine that rests on the floor. I'm nor sure it SOLVES the problem. But I do have fewer issues I think.
Nancy M
keep your machine clean and lubricated.
Se S
Wow. I did not know that static cause the carriage to drag. good to know
Nancy M
yes and the speed at which you knit the faster you go the more static you make
Jeanette M
I live with dryer sheets next to me!! I have horrible static issues!
Mary Ann B
Sandy W. YES. I have a humidifier in my knitting room during furnace season.
Does the humidity level in your house/knitting room have much to do with static issues?
Nancy M
I have even used empty dry fabric softener jugs to contain a rolling ball of yarn
Nancy M
the wax helps keep static und er contral
Nancy M
you can use anti static sprays instead of wax.
Se S
very open tension looks like lace after pressing
Patricia J S
Very lightweight yarn, with sequins, but, knit on the Midgauge--has worked for me in the past
Se S
use grigna a LOT for summer wear
Marie-Jo C
Is it essential to use wax when rewinding the balls ?
Mary Ann B
Somewhere I read that the industry standard for OK is one knot per ball.
Nancy M
oh, SUE, I don't rewind every skein but use it right from the center
Kelly C
Can you use knobby yarns on your machine and how about sequins?>
Nancy M
my sister a spinner, weaver put me on to using a field microscope and learning what different fibers look like
Phyllis K D
Mary Ann B, I agree, I enjoy the lower cost and the lack of ends when using cones.
Nancy M
if you want a stitch pattern to really pop a tighter twist yarn gives better stitch definition
Betty S
How do you manage skeins. I'ce tried jar with hole in lid with some success
Nara F
yes it is a very tight twist!

You get to know your machine.
Nara F
Here here Nancy!
Nancy M
It is very important to experiment, swatch, and keep notes on your results...especially the failures.. so you don't waste time repeating fsilures
Nara F
I find that if i go with 200+ meters per 100g for the standard works well.
Patricia J S
My Standard machine can use some [3], but, I think it is hard on it, so, I use the Midgauge for [3]
Nancy M
when I try a new hand yarn for the machine I buy an extra skein just to play or experiment and swatch
Mary Ann B
Hand knitting yarns are often marked from 1 to 6 to signify thickness.

If you hand spin the single ply is spun clockwise and then plyed counterclockwise


4 ply is indeed 4 strands
Carole M
My LYS can order Brown Sheep Wool in various weights on cones. It is a special order so can take 2-3 weeks to get.
Se S
grigna rocks!
Patricia J S
Love Yeoman!!


https://www.wools.co.uk Uppingham Yarns also goog
Nara F
I have both a cone and a center feed ball winder. Have found that the centre feed is too tight.
Se S
I use silk city also....especially bambu 7
Irene E
also use yarns from silk city yarns in nj
Nancy M
Hand yarns are rewindable , this is when I check for knots, etc.
Dawn T
Hi from Michigan. I am an absolute beginner. Learning to use my machine and loving it.

Patricia J S
I use all kinds and brands of yarn!! Prefer cones!!
Marie-Jo C
It is easier to find balls in France ! Especially for bulky machines like mine...
Mary Ann B
I wonder if hand knitters would buy cones if they realized it would be cheaper than skeins and there would be less sewing in of ends.
Margaret G
This is persuasive. I think I should try cone yarn now!
Linda M
Hi, Linda from Jacksonville, Arkansas
Nancy M
would love to find "hand "yarns either in bigger skeins or on cones
Joan W
I have to buy yarn from Yeoman yarns in the UK. so have to plan ahead given the time it takes to get to New Zealand. I only use wool,cotton and silk,not acrylic.

I have ones, but I have been using skeins that I wind on a manual winder.
Gabriele T
I use both, cone yarn and balls aswell, especially for socks I use normal sock yarn.
Ellie C
Ellie. Have tried balls without much sucess. Too fuzzy.
Sandra B
My cone yarn is so brittle it breaks, old
Phyllis K D
Coned yarn is a heavy favorite, and rarely use anything else. I will make an exception if I saw something but I'm very happy with the Yeoman yarns on cones.
Joyce R
I invested in a cone winder years ago. The best. But I use balls also.
Se S
I use both also..depends on which gauge machine I am using
Good Morning from Minnesota!
Linda J
I lost audio.

Mary Lou
Margaret G
I've never used cone yarn
Nancy M
some hand yarn s need to be played with even to every third needle on bulky!

I use borh
Dr Jeri V
I only use cone yarn
Irene E
I use both
Se S
susan shildmyer
Sandra B
I use both
Nancy M
I use both
Mary Y
Nancy M
your right
Dr Jeri V
Hi from Dr Jeri in sunny SC. So glad you’re talking about yarn. Keeps me in a quandary for my Passap and Knitking 930
Sandra B
Success thanks
Nancy M
hurray finally got it.
Gabriele T
Perfect, now it´s working!
Nancy H
Got it !! yay
Gio R
Yessss, it works to refresh several times

New, Rachael from Nottingham
Matthew F
refresh the page
Matthew F
Betty Please try Once more
Betty S
I still have video unavailable
Se S
Ellie C
Huray, all good.Ellie.NEW
Wilma T
Yes!!!! It worked. Thanks Matt
Se S
susan S
Barbara P
Yes! Success. Thanks, Matt!
Sandra B
I have audio
Marie-Jo C
Here we are ! Erverything's perfect ..
Matthew F
we are live...
Matthew F
Sorry - try ONCE more - I had tp update a setting
Margaret G
Yay! Hello!
Gabriele T
I watch the video on Youtube and chat on the website. The video on the website is deactivated, I´m not allowed to see it there
Nancy H
refresh does not resolve the issue for me.
Betty S
Ive refreshed 3 times, no red play button, only video unavailable message
Sandra B
I refreshed but no video
Wilma T
Cannot view here, only on YouTube
Mary Ann B
Elspa M
refresh done, hit play done, but no video

Ok I'm in
Gio R
No it won’t
Matthew F
Fixed the issue
Matthew F
Sue Jalowiec
do not view on YouTube... please view at knititnow.com/live
Matthew F
hit that red button
Nancy H
If I go to You Tube I can see Sue but no chat.
Matthew F
there should be a red play button on the image on the left of the chat
Nancy M
hit red play button and the video unavailable due to owner rewqyest showed up
Matthew F
then do this
Matthew F
If you have NO video
Sandra B
I have no video either
Margaret G
Refresh didn't work for me either.
Barbara P
Hi the red play button, chat, but no video.
Gio R
No video! ;-(
Joan W
Good morning from New Zealand
Nancy M
whew! refreshed and it is fine now.
Matthew F
Hit the RED play button
Linda J
I can see it on Youtube
Matthew F
to see the video run
Mary Ann B
Refresh doesn't work as instructed.
Sue Jalowiec
refresh your page at Knit it Now
Matthew F
Carole M
Hi from Carole in Virginia
Margaret G
Hello from Virginia. Same as Nancy.
Mary Ann B
Same as Nancy.
Nancy H
Maybe Sue hasn't started yet. It's not quite time.
Barbara P
On KnitItNow, there is no video, only the chat.
Nancy M
Matt, I'm showing a video unavailable instead of Sue getting ready
Wilma T
No video here either :-(
Gabriele T
Yes it´s so nice to have machineknitting friends all over the world. Here in Austria we don´t machine knit much any more.
Olive M
Joining in from New York
Marie-Jo C
No video, no chat ! What can I do ?
Ellie C
Guess I should say Ellie from Australia.
Wilma T
Hello from the Netherlands :-)
Mary Ann B
I have video on YouTube no chat. I have chat on KIN but no video.
Gabriele T
Hello from Austria
Nancy M
Nancy Mangeri in Kansas here
Sandra B
Hi from Montana
Ellie C
Hello everyone, Ellie
Patricia J S
Hello form Tennessee
Nancy H
Hi from sunny South Carolina USA
Irene E
hello from St George
Denise W
Hello from UK
Mary Ann B
Hello from Minnesota
Marie-Jo C
Greetings from France !
Matthew F
Hi everyone - Matt's here from Boston!
Matthew F
Hello everyone... we are getting started soon!