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New Knit-Able: Color Blocks and Fairisle

July 2020

  Machine Knit-Able: Clacton Scarf
Clacton Scarf

Combining the looks of colorwork and colorblock, the Clacton Scarf is a unique winter accessory that is as fashionable as it is toasty.
Knitters Math: Create your own rectangles
Create your own scarves, shawls, pillows, and blankets. Use any yarn, any machine and any stitch gauge.

Let us do the math for you and generate your own custom knitting patterns based on YOUR gauge.
New Course: Take the mystery out of automatic patterning
One of the many advantages of machine knitting is the ability to quickly and easily knit in pattern. Textured stitch patterns, multi-color patterns can all be quickly produced with the help of automatic patterning devices. Using Punchcard or electronics, the machine automatically selects needles for pattern knitting.