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[TIP] New Machine Knit-Able

Amazing Bobbles on the machine - just for fun!

May 2021

  Machine Knit-Able
Chevron Bobble Blanket

2 yarn colors knit with 2 strands together in color blocks makes a spectacular graphic design blanket.

Use your Intarsia Carriage, or knit striped strips and incorporate sew-as-you-go to knit yours on ANY the knitting machine.
Bobbles (Popcorn)
on the machine
Control those strands when knitting in intarsia. 2 quick (and inexpensive) ways to make your own yarn bobbins.
Everything you need to create the "perfect" sweater

3 steps:
  1. Measure a sweater you love
  2. Use a Knit it Now pattern
  3. Watch as we knit ours (boo-boos and all)