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New Knit-Able and Tip of the Week

October 2022

  Machine Knit-Able
Ankle Socks

Knitters often complicate things when it comes to socks.

Take a simple sock style and jazz it up with lace and a sweet ruffle.

Dust off your lace carriage (or chose a simple hand-manipulated lace pattern) for a special pair of socks.

The ruffle is best knit by hand. It's only a few rows to add a designer touch.
Cast on Rags
A cast on rag is very useful when you need to cast on stitches. It can be used in place of scrap yarn in any situation, but it is especially useful when casting on stitches in the middle of a piece.

This tutorial covers 3 types of cast on rags, including crochet as well as suggestions for using them.
Share you sock wins and inspire other knitters.

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