Hate to Seam Pieces? Try Sew-as-You-Go! (SAYG)

For many machine knitters, the words “hand-sewing seams” bring a sense of dread. If you’ve ever struggled with aligning panels or spent hours painstakingly stitching by hand, there’s good news: Sew-as-You-Go (SAYG) is here to rescue you.

This clever technique eliminates the need for manual sewing by integrating seams as you knit. SAYG transforms the finishing process, allowing you to complete projects faster while achieving clean, professional-looking results—all without picking up a needle and thread.

"Why sew seams when you can knit them in? Say goodbye to tedious hand-finishing!"

Overcome needlebed limitations: Machine knitters often find themselves restricted by the width of their needlebed when creating large projects like blankets or oversized garments. With SAYG, you can create wider projects by easily joininf multiple panels as you knit, enabling you to create wide, seamless pieces without the frustration of hand-sewing.

Want to learn how? Explore our in-depth Sew-as-You-Go Classroom, filled with step-by-step tutorials and expert tips. From basic techniques to advanced applications, this resource will help you master SAYG and leave hand-sewing behind for good.

Say goodbye to frustrating seams and hello to streamlined knitting. Take the first step toward faster, easier project finishes with Sew-as-You-Go.

Join pieces as you knit

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Sue J
 Jan 27, 2025
We just released a Skill Builder for this technique with exercises to give it a try. https://www.knititnow.com/skillbuilder/4331/sew-as-you-go

Tina B
 Jan 27, 2025
One of my blind spots. I should give it a try soon

Jacqueline O
 Jan 20, 2025
Thank you for this post. I liked watching the videos in the classroom. I'll be digging out my bobby pins to try on a swatch!
