
Master Automatic Stitch Patterning

Master Automatic Stitch Patterning
The December LIVE meeting talked about using a single stitch pattern in many, many ways. From stitch variations, to color choices, to various knitting techniques, you can get a lot of mileage from a single stitch pattern.

This short video is an introduction to the topic covering automatic stitch patterning in general.


Neckline Planning for Machine Knitters

Neckline Planning for Machine Knitters
When choosing a sweater style to knit, one of the many decisions is "what neckline style do I want?" For machine knitters, consider your skills, your machine, techniques and your yarn when making a decision.


Twisted Cord Fun

Twisted Cord Fun
Use a kitchen appliance to create an easy, pretty and fun alternative to I-Cord for ties, straps, and embellishment. Turn strands of yarn into a strong cord.


Machine Knit No Roll Infinity Scarf

Machine Knit No Roll Infinity Scarf
Make it in a weekend! An Infinity (or Mobius) Scarf has no beginning and no end. Knit yours with your knitting machine in a gorgeous yarn in no time!


Machine Knitting Terms Glossary

Machine Knitting Terms Glossary
Don't let cryptic abbreviations and mysterious machine knitting terms discourage you. Use the Knit it Now Machine Knitter's Terms Glossary to understand vintage patterns and books. Use it for a refresher for the jargon used by machine knitters.
