Neckline Templates
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Why Cut 'n Sew

Why Cut 'n Sew?

As machine knitters we can create raw knitted "fabric" fairly quickly. Thinking of our knitting as fabric opens new possibilities for creating garments.
  • Create your own knitted fabric
  • No shaping - many knitters are intimidated by necklines (or they don't want to take the time to shape them)
  • Shaping while knitting in pattern can be a challenge and time consuming cut 'n sew eliminates shaping on the machine
  • Use sewing patterns for fabulous, updated garment styles
  • Alter / resize / remake existing garments to fit

The biggest challenges to Cut 'n Sew?

  • Getting over the fear of cutting your knitting
  • Creating templates or finding patterns
  • Stabilizing the fabric
  • Finishing the edges and adding bands