Punchcard Overview
Where to Start Knitting?
Which Card is Which?
Sources for Stitch Pattern Designs
Design your Own Stitch Patterns
Live Replays

Replay: One Card ... So many Patterns

Take a card ... any card (or stitch pattern) and explore amazing variations. You don't need to re-create the wheel to knit unique stitch patterns. Play with the options and gain confidence with stitch patterning with your machine.
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Links mentioned in the Meeting

Pick One Punchcard by Maggie Andrews
12 stitch vs 24 stitch punchcard

Complete course:

Using fill-in-the-blanks tutorials, we'll walk you through all the settings for YOUR machine, creating a cheat-sheet that you can use again and again.

Once you finish the exercises you will have an UNDERSTANDING of what is going on with all the levers and buttons and you will be confident to sit down and work the stitch pattern of your choice.