Classroom: Hoods
About Hoods
1. Learn to Chart your Own
2. Knit it Now Hood Builder
3. In-Pattern Hood Builder
Practice Makes Perfect
Knit a Hoodie
Hoodie Inspiration
Quick 'n Easy Hoods
LIVE@KnititNow Replays
Add a Hood to any Sweater

Why search for a pattern with a hood?
Use your favorite pattern and add your own!
4 ways to add a hood to your pattern
- Chart your own
- Determine the shape and your dimensions
- Use the Knit it Now printable Workbook
- Use the Knit it Now Hood Builder
- >Menu
- >Patterns/Knit
- >Charting Tools
- >Hood tool
- Use the In-pattern access to the hood builder tool
- Use DesignaKnit course: Custom Raglan Hoodie in DAK