Header and/or other content above flex boxes.

This article contains a template for CSS flex boxes. The boxes generally contain text/image content, but may also contain videos and other types of content that can be published on a web page. "Flex" is a short word for the concept of "flexible". It begins with a div that has a CSS display:flex; declaration. The div is called the "flex container." The flex container can order and arrange, stretch, align, and have other effects on the divs within the container. (See this Flex Container page for a deeper understanding.)

original article.

This article contains a template for CSS flex boxes. The boxes generally contain text/image content, but may also contain videos and other types of content that can be published on a web page.

Content to come.

Box Four

Content to come.

Box Five

Content to come.

Footer and/or other content below flex boxes.

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