Classroom: Sleeves
About Sleeves
Set in Sleeves
Modified Drop Shoulder (Square Armhole)
Dynamic Patterns: Choose YOUR Sleeve Style
Chart Your Own
Sleeve Adjustments
DesignaKnit and Sleeves
Set-in Sleeve Perfection
LIVE@KnititNow Replays
Complete Course

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Master Set in Sleeves
Do you hesitate to knit sweaters with set in sleeves? Have you struggled with them in the past?
Get focused on sleeves! Here's what to expect in the course:
Do you hesitate to knit sweaters with set in sleeves? Have you struggled with them in the past?
Get focused on sleeves! Here's what to expect in the course:
- Using the included Knit it Now Practice Pattern you will knit a sample armhole and sleeve
- You will explore different shaping methods to perfect your knitting
- You will learn multiple techniques for setting in the sleeves to the armhole
- We will explore knitting and joining sleeves from the top down.
- After all that practice, you will no longer hesitate to knit sweaters with set in sleeves AND you'll knit sweaters that you can be proud to wear.