About Necklines
Round Neck Shaping
V-Neck Shaping
Neckline Practice Pattern

"Decrease 1 stitch every other row 10 times"
But what method is best?

Explore and compare methods below. Roll over for a closer look

Simple Decrease - on the edge
Decreasing directly on the edge makes it difficult to pick up stitches for a band.

Simple Decrease - 2 stitches from the edge
Transferring with a 2 prong tool leaves a clean edge to pick up for a band

Simple Decrease - 3 stitches from the edge
Transferring with a 3 prong tool also leaves a clean edge PLUS an additional decorative column of stitches

Full Fashion Decrease - on the edge
Transferring with a 1 prong tool creates a neat edge, if left unfinished. But could be difficult to pick up along this edge for a band.

Full Fashion Decrease - 2 stitches from the edge
Transferring with a 2 prong tool leaves a clean edge PLUS an additional decorative column of stitches

Full Fashion Decrease - 3 stitches from the edge
Transferring with a 3 prong tool also leaves a clean edge PLUS 2 additional decorative columns of stitches