Blankets on the Knitting Machine
Tools for creating blankets
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DIY (Design-it-yourself) Blanket

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Price: $24.99
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Making blankets is one of the more satisfying things we can do with our knitting machine. Who doesn't love a knitted blanket? They are great for gifts, they keep babies warm and snugly and are great for charity knitting.
As machine knitters, blankets allow us to try new techniques, play with yarn and stitch patterns. They offer an opportunity for us to gain confidence in our knitting.
Although blankets are "just rectangles", a little planning can go a long way!
  • Have you ever started a project unsure if you have enough yarn?
  • Why guess at how many stitches to cast on?
  • Want to create something that you will be proud of... good enough to enter in the fair?
This course will walk you through all the planning steps. It shows techniques that may be new to you and helps you record your progress.

If this is your first blanket or your tenth, follow along, the skills you gain here will be invaluable for future knitting projects .. not just blankets!