Machine-Specific Tutorials
Machine-Specific Courses
Machine maintenance
Knitting Machines for Sale

Machine Knitting is NOT cheating

Domestic knitting machines have evolved over the years. They were made by different manufacturers worldwide and branded with different names. As improvements were made, new models were released.

Today, machine knitters use a wide variety of machines, leading to some confusion when you are first getting started.

Each of the makes and models of machines available today have different features, but THEY ALL DO BASICALLY THE SAME THING. Instead of forming knit stitches by hand, one - at - time, knitting machines allow us to quickly form knitted fabric by pushing a carriage back and forth.

Some machines offer automatic patterning in the form of buttons, punchcards or electronics. Easily add texture and color to your knitting. Expand the capabilities of your machine with a ribber to form purl stitches automatically.

No matter what machine you use, the key to success is practice to master all the functionality of your machine

even if you've never mastered hand knitting needles.
This database has been created to capture and share historical information about domestic knitting machines. Contributions are welcome to make this reference material more complete.
Machine Knitting Database