is the sister site to Knit it Now, and the home of our blog, knitting machine database and Machine knit-ables inspiration.

We started more than a decade ago, and for that long Sue Jalowiec has been teaching people how to use their knitting machines and have fun with them, too!

As a machine knitter, do you ever feel isolated? There is a global network of people who share your passion for knitting machines, who understand your struggles and who are ready to celebrate your successes.

The goal of this website is to inspire you to knit.
  • One of our blog posts may give you a lightbulb moment.
  • You can't help but be inspired by the machine knit-ables. (why should hand knitters have all the fun? )
  • Have you explored the machine database?

If you are brand new to machine knitting and you would like to learn more about knitting machines, how they work, what models are available, what yarn you can use and learn what you can knit, please visit has more than a decade's worth of information for machine knitters (beginners, returners, and experts alike).
Discover our custom machine knitting pattern generator. Use ANY yarn, ANY machine and ANY stitch pattern. Plus explore Perfect Fit sizing.

There is something for everyone in the Knit it Now machine knitting universe. Please join us!