  • Bulky/Chunky
Machine Type
  • Brother/Knit King
20.00 STS
30.00 ROW
Yarn Used
Carron skinny cakes weight “3”
I knit this for a small dog who is built like a rectangular box. The cast on to the body was a challenge as the pattern called for co 30 Stitches, then increase 2 stitches every row for like 20 + rows.
I don’t like the way the taper came out, as it is rather sloppy. I tried to use single crochet, and it stopped the curl from such frequent increasing, but the resultant edge was still sloppy. Then I had an epiphany:
Work the pattern backwards. Start with a cast on just under the arms, using an open cast on, then work decreases to the tapered piece that sits on dogs rump. Then I could hang the open stitches and continue to the arm holes. I will post a pic of the new way I knitted this pattern when
I’m done knitting it, but so far the tapered edge is much much neater.
The blue sweater with the ribbed edges( rainbow stripes) is the dog sweater I knitted by open cast on at body section(section A), and decreasing to the tail(Z) section. This worked much, much better, with a neat edge. Because I used a full fashioned decrease, Ihad an edge stitch to pick up and knit the ribbed edge.
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