  • Bulky/Chunky
Machine Type
  • Brother/Knit King
7.00 STS
10.00 ROW
Yarn Used
Carron skinny cakes
I knit yarn weight 3 on my bulky at a small stitch size. I used the basic poncho pattern, then I short rowed up the back to “fill in” the back and create a neckline to pick up stitches for a hood. I short rowed each side of hood, because I didn’t have enough needles on my bulky to do the hood in one piece. I then added a small central panel in top of hood, added I cord all around neckline and hood. I will be putting I cord all around hem as well. I used the basic pattern, then got really creative. It was one of those” let’s see what happens if I knit it this way” pattern. Lots of fun.
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