Shaping your knitting and getting the increases and decreases JUST RIGHT can be a challenge. If you are altering a pattern or creating your own, guesswork just doesn't cut it.

Let's talk about shaping without adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing ANY numbers!

Shorten/lengthen sleeves or shaped garments, add shaped shoulders for better fit, plan triangles for interesting shapes and turning corners.

Check out our newest pattern 'Over Under Shawlette' created with the Magic Formula
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Links mentioned in the Show

Jodi Raymond Favorite Demo 2 (PDF) Great examples and practice with Magic Formula math

We recommend any books by Kathleen Kinder

Diagonal Shaping DAK
Explore the convex and concave curves formed by grouping shaping instructions

Over Under Shawlette

Magic Formula Stitches and Rows
Magic Formula Inches/CM
Taper Tool
Sue Jalowiec
give me a couple of hours ... :-)

bye! great class but will rewatch the whole thing to make sure nothing was missed during the glitch.
Maryann B
Bye for now
Sue Jalowiec
bye bye! Thanks everyone!
Marie-Jo C
Bye everybody
Cynthia P
thank you so much Sue and Matthew. i hope your mouth feels better asap
Lyn R
Sharon S
Thanks a lot. Enjoyed.
Nancy Z
again, a great show/thanks!

Marcia D will you be having any gathering over there?
Richard B
Thank you once again for a great show, cheers! All the best everyone, take care and enjoy your knitting! :grinning:
Nancy M
want to get midgauge working for the mitten classes
Nancy M
love eo needle... used to use eon on standard with 4 ply...old 4 ply not this new thinner 4 ply
Richard B
Measuring from shoulder makes sure sleeves don't ride too much when lifting your arms, but makes for overly long sleeves when arms at rest... that's what I used to find
Marie-Jo C
Do the perfect fit patterns use the magic formula ?
Nancy M
you filtered out yhe mud quite nicely!
Patricia H
Mens' dress shirt sleeves are measured from center back to wrist
Richard B
I was always taught to measure arm length (for sewing anyway) from the underarm
Nancy M
Carl, are you measuring your self or did some one else measure for you.
Annie L
To much weight while knitting?
Nancy M
9 times out of 10 you would be the ONLY person to know about that slight curve....unless of course you tell them.
Richard B
:grimacing: knitting "isn't art"!?! Sue! :laughing:
Cynthia P
yeah Sue is back

logged out logged back in and Sue is back
Matthew F
There is sound and video - if you are not hearing or seeing sue - please check your setting and internet speeds
Phyl in Raleigh, NC
Stream has been fine here, with excellent audio and video.
Kelly C
What does it mean in DAK to Hold a needle does it mean ti decrease?

I will watch the video when it has been uploaded. this is not fun to watch with all the buffering.

still no sound
Lyn R
Never left here. Have been able to hear and see all along.
Cynthia P
can't get sound or video just buffering here ias well
Betty E J
Erin P
i see and hear you
Richard B
All good here too... although I'm still trembling with fear of that Greek's "magic" invention lol :laughing:
Dawn W
Have had no audio/video breaks here in Ohio.

can't get the sound back
Matthew F
All good here

I can see you again!
Cynthia P
Poor Sue i wonder what she will say when she finds out we were hugn up in a loovp

yayyyy there she is again <3
Richard B
Sue.. I can't even spell it... you're brave to say it on a LIVE broadcast! :100:

Well sure Sue is taking her time to say the word just right....
Richard B
Cynthia P
matt can you do something to help Sue out. lol

Richard B
Diaphantine broke the t'interweb! :laughing:
Cynthia P

Cynthia, it is the difficult word I think :-))
Cynthia P
mine is stuck too. i thought it was my internet with the heat
Richard B
darn autocorrect! :laughing:
Sharon S
Sharon S. from Israel here

Must be a very hard word.....the livestream is stuck!
Cynthia P
thanks richard i needed a good llaugh
Richard B
*heeby-jeebies* lol
Richard B
As somebody with dyscalculia, the Magic Formula gives me the herby-jeebies!
Cynthia P
kathleen kinder books are very expensive on ebay.ca with one at $73.00 and cheaper books with ovf $20.00 postage
Marcia D
Mar- see- a
Kelly C
Kelly C From Hot Northern Calif

Hey Marcia! Nice to see you here!

Hi, Marja from the Netherlands, looking formward to this broadcast :-)
Carolyn K
Carolyn from Quebec - brand new to KnititNow
Marcia D
Good morning from Ephrata, WA
Nancy M
Nancy Mangeri in Kansas here...whew!
Lyn R
Am attempting the shawl. Have wanted to do one like it for a long time.
Joan W
Good morning from NZ
Richard B
Hi from Salford, Greater Manchester, in the UK :grinning:
Lyn R
Hi Cynthia and Matt. Hope the dentist was too rough
Maryann B
Hi from the Sunny Oregon Coast
Dawn T
Hello from Michigan

GOOd morning to all from Tacoma WA
Cynthia P
hi Matt
Cynthia P
hi Lyn
Barbara T
Matthew F
Matts here - back form the dentist
Dawn W
Good afternoon from Ohio!
Barbara T
I agree, we don't read too much about knitting, because it is a visual spatial medium. I tis hard to translate verbs information to knitting!!
Cara B
Printing was so expensive back then, no videos,
Lyn R
Good morning from Crandall
Jenny M B
I met Kathleen Kinder and she was lovely. I'm a huge fan of her books.
Marelda C
There is the Machine Knitters Guild San Francisco Bay Area. I haven't joined yet.

Hello from Norway
Barbara T
Hi from Hot Spings, Arkansas.
Cara B
Got it!
Patricia H
Hi, Patricia from Louisiana here
Patricia B
I’m in Santa Rosa (wine country). I don’t know of any knitting groups.
Cara B
I have most of hers
Cynthia P
no rain just feel the heat really bad
Marie-Jo C
It's better now ! Less hot and more rain. Thanks for asking, Cynthia !!
Cara B
Awful, even electric company is in a brown out. We may even have rolling black-outs
Carole M
Hello from Virginia
Cynthia P
how is your making out with your heat wave marie jo we have 93% humidity today
Patricia B
Good morning from nor cal
Cara B
I'm here in VERY HOT Pennsylvania, is hot elsewhere?
Cathy R
Good Morning All
Cara B
I can't wait to make this scarf.
Marie-Jo C
Hello good morning Sue, Matt and knitter friends. It's just 7 pm here in France...
Cara B
Cara B
Cynthia P
love that scarf. wow how is it made?
Phyl in Raleigh, NC
Hi Cynthia!
Jenny M B
And good evening from here - North Wales. Hearing you loud and clear, Sue.
Marelda C
Good morning from South San Francisco
Cynthia P
hi Phyl in Raleigh
Cynthia P
hi phyl
Cynthia P
good morning sue it is afternoon here. lol
Phyl in Raleigh, NC
Loud and clear. :grinning:
Sue Jalowiec
just getting started! good morning!