Is your knitting machine gathering dust?

Are you feeling guilty about your yarn stash?

Maybe you are knitting, but you are bored with the same 'ol, same 'ol.

Today, lets talk about getting out of a knitting rut and what you can do to get going again.
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Basic Ribbing without a Ribber

SHARE: See what others are knitting
Carol D
See you tomorrow! Yea!!!
Sue Jalowiec
bye everyone see you soon!
Lyn R
Till. Tomorrow
Sue Jalowiec
@karyn YES! video isn't required
Karyn B
Sue, if you don't have video can you still participate in the meetups?
Marja S
Yes Knitted Knockers are inserts in the bra for people who suffered breast cancer. My mom knits them by hand.

Enjoyed this! Thank you :smile:
Sue Jalowiec
I believe knitted nockers are inserts to use after mastectomies
Dee Z
Emily S
can't wait till tomorrow!!!
Jean S
Thanks so much, Sue (and Matt) its great to be back!

Cindy Minota
Thank you, Sue!
Eleanor L
what are knockers?
Patricia B
The KAL gives me a deadline which gets me knitting!
Mary Ann B
Thanks for a great knit club! Looking forward to making mittens.
Betty E J
really enjoyed today!!!
Emily S
love the sneak peek!
Cindy Minota
The knitalongs inspire and push me to try things I wouldn't on my own--it's nice to have company! I have a mitten experiment in the works!
Jean S
Ruth S...that's a brillant suggestion! I'll keep that in mind as I do my mittens for Christmas.
Ruth S
I'm making my mitts with an extra 5 - 6" of ribbing as the cuffs on my jacket are bigger and the breeze tends to go up the sleeves.
Monika D
great, I will look for it
Nancy M
there is a video on knit it now
Monika D
Thanks, how do I do the manipulation, do you have video?
Nancy M
been thinking of doing a mk pattern for knockers
Nancy M
Monika. .. there is a ribber if you can find them... the ribber for the 800 will work. but there is always hand manipulating the ribbing.
Emily S
a machine version of knitted knockers would be so awesome!
Jenny M B
I use up a lot of my stash making sweaters, cardigans etc - all sizes - and donate them to our local charity shop which supports elderly people.

Sorry I'm so slow to post, but two of my favorite cone yarn sources are "Made in America Yarns" , "Peter Patchis" and of course Newton's Yarn Country. My favorite "cheap" yarn is "Woolike by Loops and Threads", it comes in skeins but knits beautifully on the Passap and standard gauge. Just my two cents.
Betty E J
knitted knockers always needs items
Cindy Minota
even here in NE Florida, the local charities need hats, mittens blankets and kids sweaters.
Emily S
just tuning in... love your blouse!!!
Monika D
do I need a ribb attachment for my brother KH585?
Nancy M
right now my biggest problem is my ROOM needs reorganized... a depressing thought.
Betty E J
it would be nice if we could email each other
Matthew F
I will get it better - I think I can make it much better - on th elist
Mia F
Darn! I thought that was the problem.
Dee Z
@Mia F - yes if I'm reading it that you're doing full needle rib 4 ply is really thick
Dawn W
Is the Share only for projects made from Knit-It-Now patterns?
Matthew F
and that will take you to the patter
Matthew F
you can click the "get the pattern" under the image
Betty E J
how can you access the map that shows where everyone lives?
Mia F
I want to retry doing FNB Rib on my SK840. Is 4ply too thick? I tried it at the t=10 but the carriage won't go across. I also tried the 4ply on a chunky at the lowest tension but it was too loose. Any ideas?
Aly T
Good timing..finding it hard to motivate myself to MK..
Joan W
Try Yeoman Alpaca for bulky
Cindy Minota
We need an attitude change about finishing--it is all part of the project and relaxing sit in front of tv work!
Joan W
Yeoman has an incredible range of yarns on cones
Karyn B
I'm in the US and shipping isn't bad at all.
Jean S
Love knitting from cones best...Have to admit ... I knit our youngest daughters wedding shawl by hand from a cone, Celtic design with almost 500 hundred teeny tiny beads and simple did not want to have to work in ends....it was beautiful!
Karyn B
OH...I have a suggestion for coned yarn (natural fibers) check out World of Wool in the UK.
Terry S
I got a machine to knit through my 'out of control' stash. My yarn is mostly 420 yards of fingering weight yarn. I soon learned that I needed 1.2 pounds of yarn to knit a sweater. So, I had to learn how to do color and texture work on the machine to incorporate my yarn. It was a huge learning curve! Knitting a sweater in a solid color is a vacation for me!
Celia V
Hello from Portugal!
Tina W
I finish with linker or sewing machine. :)
Betty E J
thanks Nancy M
Nancy M
on cones when available... fewer ends to deal with, no winding into balls...
Les B
its finishing thats the problem. my wife can finish several garments hand knitting while I'm finishing.
Betty E J
when you make a large project do you buy your yarns in skeins or on a cone?
Carol D
Getting ready to swatch for my mittens!
Nancy M
been 'seeing' the butterfly shawl with a hood
Karyn B
Will do!!!
Karyn B
I'm waiting for my shop to close for the season on September 10...planning to hit the ground running with cheap yarn to start, planning to move up to the yummy yarn in a few months. The mitten KAL is calling to me! :smile:
Scott V
Scott from pa
Petra M
Perfect timing for this topic , i needed it
Tina W
Many times I will browse on Knit it Now for knitting ideas!
Tina W
My son is impatiently waiting for an afghan. He will still wear knits, but mostly hats and scarves. ;)
Jenny M B
Clocking in a few minutes late - sorry! Knit It Now is the BEST for getting one's mojo up and running again.
Marelda C
I I started knitting things for my sister's grandchildren, but couldn't keep up as she has 4 now. So, I got a knitting machine.
Eleanor L
Betty, so do I.
Betty E J
I wish Brother would make knitting machines again
Nancy M
always amazesss me when people say they aren'ttslented enough to knit. i dometimes droo the bomb that 3rd world countries have 5 and 6 year olds knitting for $$$
Carol D
Everything is working here today!
Eva K
Here from PA
Eva K
Getting back into knitting. Love my machine
Nancy M
experiment with new stitch techniques... learn to use both hands so you can manipulate quickly from either direction
Eleanor L
Eleanor Leap Here in Michigan Schools, City Rescue Mission always need hats and mittens for our cold winters.
Monika D
I know the feeling, had carpal tunnel on both hands
Joan W
Started machine knitting 40+ years ago to earn pin money when my son was little. Came back to it 2 years ago and it is now my creative outlet. Love using beautiful yarns I can now access via the web and import from around the world.
Marjorie M
handss having problems going numb hodling kitting needles.
Cindy Minota
Dog/Cat shelters!
Nancy M
new goal... learn the brother midgauge.
Nancy M
if you decide to do production knitting, excellent craftsmanship will build a good reputation.
Cindy Minota
I wanted to knit more than I could hand knit! The mk skills have improved my hand knitting skills, too! I like designing now--lots of ideas! (yes, I'm in fl but it isn't going to be dangerous now where I am!)
Tina W
I started 17 years ago before child #1. I was a hand knitter but knew there had to be a faster way!
Eileen F
I bought a machine when my DIL got pregnant with twins. I do not hand knit fast enough for twins.
Nancy M
so my hubby bought me a machine for iur first anniversary. yea we were air force
Jean S
My Mother had a knit Machine as well as my Aunt. Finally took the plunge about 5 years ago....love love love it! I hand knit and still do both Hand Knit and Machine knitting.
Betty E J
Love Knit It Now and look forward to Tuesday's because of the videos!
Wilma T
Saying hi to everyone from the Netherlands
Dawn W
Started hand knitting at 12, wanted to create my own sweaters, etc. Saw a machine many years ago, and was able to obtain one a few years back.
Dee Z
Also love that I can make something and wear it while it's still in style!
Nancy M
i was a self taught hand knitter that became intrigued with km when I saw them used in shops in Thailand
Dee Z
Love all the possibilities at my fingertips with Machine Knitting
Matthew F
Matt's in the House!

Lauren B fom Lolo, MT. I knew I wanted to MK in 2011 when I saw articles in Knit N Style magazine. I purchased and LK 150 but am having a hard time getting into the habit of using it.
Tina W
Good morning!! From SW Ohio too!
Dawn W
Hello everyone from SW Ohio!
Jean S
Travels were great....drove over the Confederation Bridge from New Brunswick to Prince Edward Island and then onto to Toronto then finally home!
Cindy Minota
I'm ready to knit! I don't need electricity for knitting machines!

Good evening from the UK. My first knit it now live and i'm excited to be here :D
Joan W
Good morning from New Zealand
Jody A
Good morning from Alaska
Dee Z
Hi Roseann M, from Noblesville Indiana so just a couple of hours away. Love finding more folks from Indiana
Betty E J
Lyn you are so right!
Lyn R
I know, but prayers don't hurt
Jean S
Hello from the West Kootenays...finally! Travelling so much over the summer and really glad to be back!
Roseann M
Trying to get remember how to mk also. Have lots of tools, machines, yarn and pattern but have not knit for 20 years. Do remember I LOVED it .Hi Tracey R I am Also from Fort Wayne.
Betty E J
Lyn r thanks but we are not in the path
Mary Ann B
What Sue said about changing the resolution is probably going to help.
Lyn R
Betty E J prayers are being sent your way
Marja S
The internet Works fine, I only have problems with the video's of KiN
Diane M
Hello from Sycamore, IL
Betty E J
hello from Alabama, prayers for state that will be effected by hurricane Dorian
Marie-Jo C
Hi Lyn !
Mary Ann B
Maria, I wonder if it’s your internet connection. Mine used to do that before I upgraded the internet.
Marja S
Beving = having
Marja S
Hi Sue and Matt, still beving probleem with the video's. What can I do to solve that? Image keeps stalling...
Lyn R
Hi Mary Jo
Marelda C
Good morning from overcast South San Francisco.
Lyn R
By the way, good morning from Texas
Nancy M
is the 585 have push button needle selection?
Marie-Jo C
Hello Sue! Marie-Jo, from franche-Comté, France.. Knitting better and better motivates me a lot !New skills, new ideas.. Daring other patterns, what a wonderful project !
Monika D
I am in Colorado, used to live in Kansas and it is windy here too
Lyn R
To make items for my family and friends as gifts. My son informed me he wanted a crochet Afghan, told him it would have to be knitted as my hands don't allow me to crochet thsst much anymore.
Carol D
Good morning from the sunny, 70 degree Catskill Mountains of New York!
Terry Z
good evening from the Netherlands
Tracey R
trying to get my feet wet again, Fort Wayne IN
Nancy M
good morning all, Nancy Mangeri in Kansas here.
Cathy R
Good morning from Tacoma WA
Mary Ann B
Good morning. From sunny & windy Minnesota.
Monika D
Good morning, I like to hand knit but I recently bought me a knitting machine, a Brotherr KH585 and I want to know if there is a ribber accessory available for this machine. :)
Sue Jalowiec
What motivates you to get knitting?
Sue Jalowiec
Good morning! We'll be starting soon.