Collars for Machine Knitters - Replay Live Archive

Want a collar for your next sweater project? Adding collars to any knitting pattern doesn't have to be intimidating. Let's examine 3 popular collar styles.
You'll be surprised how easy they are to plan and knit.
You'll be surprised how easy they are to plan and knit.
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Links mentioned in the Show
Collar ClassroomJumplinks
00:01:34 - Collar Classroom00:02:47 - KIIS Collar
00:04:34 - KIIS Collar - extended
00:10:04 - Turtleneck knit separately
00:14:14 - Turtleneck in the Round?
00:16:04 - Gauge Disaster
00:23:55 - Split Cowl
00:24:30 - Full Cowl
Previous show replays
Marie-Jo C Thank you, Sue and Matt ! and merry christmas... |
Sue Jalowiec BTW - the classroom is |
Carol B Thank You! |
Marjorie M Thank you Merry Christmas, and good night. |
Sue Jalowiec i'll have links up in the show notes ASAP - |
Sue Jalowiec Happy holidays everyone! |
Sue Jalowiec Marie-Jo- V collars ... sounds good! |
Erin p thanks sue for all you do! |
Sue Jalowiec @marjorie... great idea |
Nancy M Lorna don't give up keep practice and going step by step and you will soon be mastering your machine |
Marie-Jo C Perhaps V collars, that are difficult ? |
Cynthia P thanks Sue and Matt. enjoyed today's meeting |
Lyn R Have a great day. Getting back to knitting upside down front. See you next Wednesday. |
Marjorie M Future ideas: Fixing drop stitches when using a ribber. Ribber tricks. |
Phyl in Raleigh, NC Hi Cynthia, how are you? |
Judy P ruffle collar |
Annie L Have a great Christmas. |
Cynthia P Hi Phyl. |
Sheri P thanks sue. |
Phyl in Raleigh, NC ...And collars! |
Phyl in Raleigh, NC Thanks for the great neckline ideas! |
Samantha B I would like more about Lapel Collar and Shawl collar |
Lost the voice |
Jean S See you next time Lorna T... |
Lorna T going to say bye for now. This is way over my head. Just beginner, but really excited to learn more. Just finished 3 hats from beginner course ha ha. Love it! I'll be back.Thanks Sue |
Marjorie M Any pattern? What if your source pattern is a âVâa neck and you want a turtle neck, or a circular neck and you want a shawl collar? |
Marjorie M If you have a ribber, could you do âUâ knitting for width? |
Patricia H Could you have knitted it sidways and attached? |
Mary K also need to make neckline larger |
Nancy M Sue you have to increase to get that cowl to hang right...either increase sts or loosen tension |
Marjorie M JUst a rectangular piece added and not seamed at ends. |
Jean S The cowl was too tight and splitting it make it work |
Mary K not enough stitches used |
Cynthia P otherwise it would have been too tight. |
Erin p Didn't fit over your head |
Patricia H Doesn't lay well |
Cynthia P you didn't sew up the seam |
Ritta K didn't make it large enough?? |
Marie-Jo C Amen, yes! |
Jean S Amen! Its almost a! |
Mary K yes |
Patricia H Amen!! |
Nancy M tsk tsk swatch?!?! |
Nancy M a glutton for punishment could hand manipulated the ribs stitches in the round |
Marie-Jo C Good idea, Nancy ! |
Nancy M elastic thread could be used to do the hand stitching |
Marie-Jo C ok, thank you, Sue ! |
Judy P no, for the fold at the abase of the cowl. think a few rows of short row might make the difference. Do you think so? |
Nancy M be careful to keep stitching want to keep the stretch in the neckline |
Marie-Jo C ... through it ! |
Marie-Jo C The neckline must be very wide because after knitting the collar, the head must pass throught it ! |
Ebba R Hallo from Sweden! |
Judy P just returned 2 cashmeres to Everlane for that reason. |
Sheri P Sue can you do a turtle neck with a tubular knit? |
Lyn R Hi Lorna. Welcome. Hope you enjoy. |
June R June from Pennsylvania |
Erin p Warmth would be me |
Judy P how to avoid the fold at the base of the cowl or funnel |
Donald K Here in NC |
Marjorie M Marjorie from Michigan, USA |
Lorna T Hi Lorna from Ma. 1st time yay! |
Susan B Susan from Oklahoma |
Samantha B Hi from Switzerland |
Nancy M the KISS would be great for a shell for under a v neck cardigan |
Ritta K Hi from Orlando, FL |
Patricia H Patricia from Louisiana here |
Dot B Hi from the UK |
Cynthia P I knew someone who knew nothing about kntting and she bought a knitting machine and I think her 2nd project was an entralc blanket since no one had said hse shouldn't be able to do it. |
Lea B Hi! |
Sheri P Daily at Airport area, nightly in Bolton |
Jenny M B Adore my G Carriage - but entrelac? No! |
Cynthia P where in the GTA Sherry |
Nancy M working on custom order of topper towels using kh 350. |
Jean S Maybe she is still working on it! |
Leslie Lewis from Shelbyville IL Split the collar to put on a fleece cape |
Sheri P Hi Cynthia nice to hear from a MK for GTA |
Beverly H hi this is bev in calif |
Phyl in Raleigh, NC Hi, sunny and cool in Raleigh, NC |
Jean S Great sound and video here in West Kootenays...Yay! |
Nancy M Good morning from Nancy Mangeri in Kansas |
Cynthia P hi sherri i live in Oshawa, Ontario. |
Dawn W Working on a green and white entrelac throw |
Lyn R Have the back of upside sweater finished and hung stitches from front |
Cynthia P I got 3 hats made and 1 head band. still have to start on the upside down raglan |
Sheri P Good Afternoon from Canada |
Marie-Jo C Sound and video are perfect !! |
Lyn R Good morning Sue and Matt. Can hear and see you Sue |
Erin p See you Hear you hope you had a nice thanksgiving! |
Matthew Friedman We had to update the stream id |
Good morning from Shelbyville il |
Dawn W Good afternoon everyone! |
Matthew Friedman Ok everyone - if you are not seeing sue please reload the page |
Marie-Jo C Hi everybody, Marie-Jo from France, here .. |
June H Hi from Shelton Washington. |
Donald K I'm here in NC |
Cynthia P Good afternnon everyone. |
Lucretia checking in! Inspire me! :^) : |
Mary K Hi from NC |
Edith L i'm here too |
Lyn R Good morning everyone |
Jean S Good Morning everyone! |
Matthew Friedman Hi everyone! |
Jenny M B Hello Sue - I'm ready and waiting! |
Sue Jalowiec hello! we'll be starting in a few minutes |