We ran across these instructions in a vintage MK book. Let's talk about decoding this and reveal the results.

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Deciphering the code
This is part of our newest classroom "Machine Knitting Patterns"
The translated "Peek-a-Boo" Hem instructions can be found here

OOPS! A BASIC SIMPLE LACE CARD, used with standard gauge machines and a lace carriage looks like this
Notice that there are unpunched rows between the punched rows to allow for the lace carriage transfers

Source for Garter Bars: KrisKrafter.com
Shadow Lace Transfer Tool
From Matt to Knit It Now(Privately) : https://www.knititnow.com/path/207/a-mystery-pattern-can-you-decipher-this
From Lucretia Schuler : Lucretia here. Why can't I see the chat?
From Chris : I finished the front and back of Ellen's sweater. Now I am completely flumexed by the instructions for the shoulder extensions. I can usually follow instructions, but these make no sense to me. Is there a video somewhere?
From patriciajschwab : Hello from Patty in Ooltewah, Tn!!
From Chris : Thank you. Yes, I am voiceless. No microphone on this computer. No video on the other computer that has audio.
From Phyllis K. Day : Hi from Raleigh, NC where the gardens are loving the rain we’re having.
From Jenny : Can you send some rain to Wales, please, Phyllis!
From Mary Hay : Con. Y might mean contrast yarn
From Chris : She is saying to knit 11 rows MT-s with the contrast yarn. In the next sentence she says to thread up the Main Y.
From Chris : That should be MT-2
From patriciajschwab : If she is choosing EON for the Picot Hem, she means any card that you can use to choose EON for your transfers
From Rosemarie : MT-2 means 2 whole numbers tighter than the main tension or 2 clicks tighter than the MT?
From patriciajschwab : On Baby Garments it has never been a problem for me. I do Picot on the bottom of a lot of sweaters—seems to work fine
From patriciajschwab : That is another way to knit Picots
From Lucretia Schuler : Now that I entered my ? the other messages are showing up. :^)
From Silvana : That's beautiful
From Nicole’s iPad : basic lace card #17 for Brother/Taitexma machine
From Cynthia Price : Hello everybody
From patriciajschwab : I was agreeing with Nancy
From Phyllis K. Day : Hi Cynthia, nice to see you here today. Missed you last week. Hope everything is good.
From Uchenna Anajemba to Knit It Now(Privately) : Hi, happy to be here, just still trying to follow.
From Knit It Now to Uchenna Anajemba(Privately) : welcome!
From patriciajschwab : Question about Triangle Shawl. I am using KISS increases, should I use Simple decreases or change to Fully Fashioned??
From Matt to Knit It Now(Privately) : knititnow.com/trianglecontest
From Terry : the D slider is for drop stitch for Brother machines
From Terry : I have one for the 260
From scott vogin : i cant use a garter bar
From Alice McFarland : Does anyone else have a circular sock machine?
From annielindsay : I have a garter bar for the 155.
From Chris : I have a garter bar and always manage to drop stitches. Help.
From Nicole’s iPad : where do you get a garter bar?
From Marjorie : I've gotten mine from eBay, or Kris Krafter. They are two different styles and take different techniques to use.
From Matt : Guys here is the link to the contest to enter your work and vote
From Matt : knititnow.com/trianglecontest
From Matt : https://knititnow.com/trianglecontest
From Phyllis K. Day : So the transfer tool to go to and from the ribber is called “Jaws” or a “shadow lace transfer tool?”
From Knit It Now to Uchenna Anajemba(Privately) : @phyllis … yes jaws or shadow lace
From Knit It Now : @phyllis … yes jaws or shadow lace
From annielindsay : Knit the last row looser.
From patriciajschwab : Or the needles are aligned!!
From annielindsay : Your needles have to be really straight.
From patriciajschwab : Did you see my question about Triangle decreasing??
From Knit It Now to patriciajschwab(Privately) : i'll try to address this …
From MaryAnn : Patricia I would not use the full fashion decrease. It would be an obvious stitch difference. The simple decrease would look better.
From patriciajschwab to Knit It Now(Privately) : Thanks!! I am at that point in my knitting. Just finished the increases, ready to decrease
From patriciajschwab : Can you say that again?
From patriciajschwab : thanks!
From annielindsay : Back to Gilligan’s Island.
From Cynthia Price : good bye everyone.
From GLINDO : Good bye everyone, see you next week.
From Morag Walker : thank you everyone for this week c u later from Dundee Scotland
From Phyllis K. Day : Yay, Jenny’s cat is here!
From annielindsay : Do we meet next week?