Gravity, Gauge and Guesswork - Replay Live Archive
"Nothing fits"
"The armholes are too deep"
"My sleeves are too long"
Sound familiar? Let's talk about the effects of gravity on our knitting and resolving some common fit complaints.
"The armholes are too deep"
"My sleeves are too long"
Sound familiar? Let's talk about the effects of gravity on our knitting and resolving some common fit complaints.
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Links mentioned in the Meeting
Classroom: Swatching is NOT OptionalMachine Knit-Ables
Classroom: Side-to-Side
Knit-along: Cuff-to-Cuff

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00:02:03 - The rant
00:05:23 - Advantages of side-to-side knitting
00:07:48 - The problem
00:10:57 - Gravity - compare gauge at different points
00:17:42 - Yarn memory lane
00:19:09 - Knitwear Designers use Math
00:23:20 - Wider Swatch for Sideways knitting
00:24:53 - Suggestion: Run a strand with the yarn for more support
00:26:35 - What can you do about this?
00:29:20 - A conclusion
00:34:03 - Do you like the Machine Knit-Ables?
00:42:09 - Commercial break: Intro to
Dianne L Thank you for the patterns, they are inspirational. :-0 |
Doris C I'm new to video but not to knitit now |
Doris C finally made it to my 1st live session and it works. From Hudson Valley NY state |
Doris C i hear you, |
Dianne L Whatever you are going to do to the garment, you must also do to the swatch.. it can grow like mad if you steam it! Dianne |
Jean M Jean from PA |
Lindsey R yes |
Chris S I hear you!!! |
Marlene P new |
Marlene P Ontaio Canada |
Marlene P I hear you |
Sue J J thanks everyone .. I missed this! It's the only time my office gets cleaned .. you know ..invite visitors and clean house LOL |
Catherine G Thank you!! |
Heather C Thank you |
Patsey G thanks. Patsey |
Dot B Thank you! x |
Brenda W Thank you!!! |
Cynthia P thanks for telling me about droopy sleeves on the sideways. thanks for all the wonderful information |
Chris P Thanks & Good Evening |
Nancy M thanks! great meeting! |
Jean S Thanks Sue & Matthew...So good to finally get back to Knit it Now... |
Matthew F |
Richard B Thanks for another great live meeting, Sue (and MatthewJ |
Patricia H by the way thank you! |
Cris D Thanks for the help! |
Susan H Thank you |
Pat V what time did you say the program will be on wed. |
Patricia H Where can I find info on the Sat workshop? |
Morag W Thank you sue & Matt well done |
Nikki P Hi. I installed windows on my mac through boot camp. Itâs DAK or mac but works great. |
Linda J Will the Sat class be recorded? |
Patricia J S Thanks!! |
Pearl B Il get it right dak |
Catherine G @Richard B - think you're right on that one |
Matthew F |
Pearl B Dam sorry |
Pearl B what is the website on Dakotanâs |
Richard B Youâre welcome. Will cost you to get a Mac technician to do that for you but cheaper than buying a whole new Windows laptop |
Catherine G THANK YOU Richard B! |
Richard B Hi Catherine, I boot my MAC into windows from a separate second drive installed in my machine. Iâm no expert, it was done for me by experts, but it works a treat and more stable in my experience than using VM software like Parallels |
Donald K Weavers use cone yarn. Halycon, Harrisville, Webbs |
Heather C My dak and I are not friends at the moment so this course sounds like a good idea for me! |
Catherine G im trying to avoid buying a windows laptop just for this bit of software |
Catherine G has anyone run DAK on a mac using parallels? |
M M How much more detail in the Dak from what is included with the software |
Matthew F Focus on both |
Susan H Does it focus on DAK 9 or DAK 8 |
Julie L Fabulous site, Sue and Matt!!! Appreciate it so much :) |
Morag W Knitables are great for inspiration thank you |
Patricia H You'd have to use a garter bar and move stitches in sideways knit darts |
Nancy M now I'll be thinking about how to bust dart sideways! |
Marie-Jo C The difficulty with side knitting is to find a beautiful edge, isn't it ?.. |
Karen B Do you have video for bust darts in the sideways knit |
Matthew F The knitables are located from the main page you can also go here |
Catherine G the knit-ables are great! |
Karen B Love the Knit-ables. Keep them coming. |
Beverly H How can we see the machine knit ables. |
Nancy M bust darts are a must with this |
Julie L Susan about darts? Might help... |
Marietta Do I need to subscribe to get those patterns you just mentioned? |
Robin M Love it! Please show more. |
Patricia J S I like them!! |
Susan H Do you get smaller size then increase bust and waist? |
Pat V sounds good will check it all out. You are doing such a great joj |
Nancy M I learned with 2/24 acrylic...and it's characteri stics became 2nd nature |
Josephine D I dont understand how measuring side to side makes a will still be the same measurement for stitiches/rows per inch |
Susan H I am petite with small shoulders with a bigger bust I can't figure out pattern size |
Julie L Patricia...yes, LOVED Heirloom's yarns. |
Patricia J S I LOVED Heirloom!!! SO sad to see it go! |
Pat V I have a lo of 3 ply cone yarn. I want to get this used up. can you suggests good basic top pattern.. |
Nancy M Sue, I wholeheartedly agree that you need to learn how a yarn works by using one yarn for a lot of different projects. |
Mary H When measuring the swatch, remember that it is just the opposite from your usual procedure. Side to side measurement of the swatch will be the length!th |
Nancy M slip stitch is heavy but it will help stabilize the verticle stretch |
Patricia J S Tuck Lace?? Any lighter?? |
Chris P Hi, Just got home from work, I will enjoy. Thanks |
Susan H Does tuck or slip stitch make it worse since they seem to be wider that plain knitting |
Marietta Hello...first time participation! |
Rosemarie R How long should one hang their swatches? Rayon swatches? |
Catherine G Hello! joining a little late today |
Richard B Lol very true, Mary Ann! But theyâre in full space suits at that point ð ð |
Mary Ann B Richard. Except on takeoff. |
Nancy M plant based natural fibers tend to grow more that any others. |
Richard B How about only knit in heavy Yarns likes that for astronauts? No gravity... no problems! ð |
Jacki C Hi from Moose Jaw Learning a lot |
Pat V Pat in northern CA |
Ritta K Isn't this one of the reasons our parents "folded" their sweaters to store. |
Dot B I add a strand of man-made silky yarn to help the garment hold its shape and I've been lucky so far. |
Nancy M you gotta make much a wider swatch when sideways knitting at least 75 stitches |
Susan H So as a newbie, recommendations for yarns? |
D M Can you slip knit the pattern to use for sideways knitting? |
Cynthia P that is humid southern Ontario |
Nancy M the linen/rayon blend Zephyr out fit is tricky to store..I neatly fold the top and hang it across the bustline over a hanger so it doesn't grow so while I wear it |
Richard B Would knitting at a tighter tension, weight the swatch and leave for a couple days, would that help? |
Julie L A friend once told me when using yarn like this to knit the upper portions at a tighter tension and looser as you go down. I've never tried it, though. |
Cynthia P hello from hubid southern Ontario |
Mary Anne R Hello, I'm Mary Anne from Colorado. I'm new and so excited to be here! |
Arlene T Good morning from my summer place, Shelton, WA |
Lara F I handknit a tank top once with this heavy tape yarn and by the time I was done, it was hanging out about 6" lower than it should. So yeah, be aware of the heavy yarn :-) (Lara in Los Gatos, California) |
Patricia J S No problem!! I did hang wet and weight with claw weights |
Leslie L Good afternoon from Leslie from Shelbyville IL |
Narayana Fritch Hey good evening... from a damp but sunny Ireland. |
Ebba R Hallo Ebba in Sweden |
Patricia J S Hello from Patty in Tennessee!! The one that knit the "GROWING" Sweater!! |
Mary K Mary in NC, Hi |
Nancy M you have to hang the swatched in the same direction that gravity will sffect the finished garment. |
D M Thanks Matthew! I will check it out ( DAK website) |
Patricia H on side to side, should the swatch be hung up to rest sideways? and maybe a bigger one? because it may stretch |
Ritta K Hi from central Florida |
Matthew F its something on your end |
Matthew F there is sound - so try that first |
Susan H Still no sound should I log out then back in again? |
Dawn W Hello from SW Ohio. |
Cindy DeLong Hi there, Cindy from Joshua Tree, CA |
Ellen F Ellen from Annapolis, MD |
Patricia H Love using tags! I can put all kinds of info on swatches and then go back latter without having to guess what I did or what I thought I was going to make with it |
Jean S Welcome Brenda! |
Scott V hi everyone |
Susan H Do you subscribe to both sites or if I fully join Knititnow does it give me access to both sites. (I'm new ...) |
Lucretia S Lucretia in sunny AZ |
Jean S Hi there, Jean (finally) from West Kootenays, BC |
Eleanor L Welcome to Michigan |
Joan W Hi from New Zealand early Thursday |
Pearl B Pearl here from uk |
Beth B newbie Beth from Seattle -- I have sound! Glad to be here! |
Mary Ann B Re: DAK. I have version 8 do I need to upgrade to 9 to make the workshop worth while? |
Matthew F we have a new site that has new DAK course |
Susan H Oh no just lost sound. |
D M Hi there Debbie from DC! Where are DAK Lessons? |
Silvia O Hello from the Negev in Israel |
Marie-Jo C Sound perfectly all right! |
Patricia H Have sound, thanks |
Rhonda M I have sound. Thank you |
Patricia H Love them Matthew! |
Lyn R Got sound |
Richard B Can hear you loud and clear |
Nancy M Nancy Mangeri in Kansas here...73°and a light rain. |
Matthew F Sound is great! |
Matthew F we worked hard on that new format |
Susan H Hello from NO VA to everyone. |
Matthew F The DAK classes are cool Right? |
Richard B Hello from Telford, England. Hope everyone is well ð |
Patricia H hi, Patricia from Louisiana - also am enjoying the DAK lessons! |
Matthew F Sould will come back once sue goes live |
Sue J J no sound yet ... |
Rhonda M Hello to all. Sue I have no sound |
Lyn R Lyn from Texas here. Welcome Brenda. |
Cniotala Jenny we have just sent you some rain from Dublin..we have had enough! |
Jenny M B Hello all, from a cool and soggy North Wales |
Beverly H Good morning sue Im here inSo Calif nice weather today |
Julie L Hello from Minnesota! |
Marie-Jo C Welcome Brenda !! |
Marie-Jo C Welcomme, |
Mary Ann B Hi Brenda, I'm sure you will enjoy the meeting. |
Mary Ann B HI from Minnesota. Beautiful sunny day. |
Brenda W hi from MI - first time here |
Joy G Hi from Norfolk UK :) |
Dot B hi from manchester |
Josephine D yes |
Matthew F All great!!!! |
Marie-Jo C Hi Sue and Matt ! Marie-Jo here. A sunny afternoon in France... |
Carole M HI from VA - long time since I've been with you. Want to get back to knitting! |
Morag W Hi Sue I'm here in Dundee east coast of Scotland |
Patsey G Patsey G Colorado |
Matthew F All good! |
Rosemarie R yes, I can hear you |
Uchenna A I can hear you! |
Carole M yes |
Josephine D hi Sue, Live from Dublin. Hopefully I will be able to stay for the hour. |
Sue J J going live in a minute |