If choosing colors scares you, the best solution is to observe what others are doing, study what you like and take some chances.
Let's explore how stitch patterns impact colorways and examine how knitters play with color.
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Links mentioned in the Meeting

Color Play - wrap cones to visualize colors
Adobe color wheel
Knit Picks Palette yarn affiliate link
Knit it Now Stitch Library

Quick LInks:
00:02:19 - Color Inspiration

00:05:49 - Hard Cover Machine Knitting book published in 2020!!!

00:09:45 - Knitted Samples for Inspiration

00:22:26 - Color Play from the blog

00:27:38 - Knit Picks Palette - 150 colors!

00:31:23 - Amazing color wheel tool - online

00:34:56 - Color and Stitch patterns
Lyn R
Thanks Sue and Matt for great presentation. Enjoyed it, as usual.
Jean S
See everyone next month! Happy February.
Jean S
This has been great! Thank you Sue and Matt. I feel like I've got the MK bug again.
Sue J J
Bye .. see you next tmie!
Darlene S
this has been great!!!!!!
Marie-Jo C
Thank you Sue JJ !
Juavue H
Thanks Sue very interesting. My girls say no colors but this may change there mine.
Graeme B
thank you sue!
Joy G
Thanks Sue, really must try some different colours lol...
Sue J J
yes! @marie-Jo - marled knitting! beautiful
Patricia J S
Gwenda N
bye all x
Cherie S
Thank you sue!
Marjorie M
Hppy knitting
Marie-Jo C
What about twisting 2 or 3 yarns together and knit stockinette ?
Gwenda N
Thank you Sue will definitely be doing more lives x
Great presentation
Jacqueline O
Thank you so much 🌸
Patricia H
Thank you Sue!
Mary Ann B
Thank you again for a great presentation!
Marjorie M
S-R #3 card which is 1needle tuck, 3 knit, for 3 rows, then plain knit. Then the next block is off set. Do this in color, with a contrast on the plain row makes a neat block effect very easily.
Jacqueline O
Plaiting with tuck?
Matthew F
Success Path!
Morag W
Thank you to you & Matt
what are yarn changes? Are they a special attachment?
Nancy M
great practice for color is a Dr Who scarf. no rules. all sripes are differnt widths
Morag W
I could be here quite some time!!
Jacqueline O
Thank you for showing this view in the swatch library. You have so much great info there to browse.
Annie L
Yarn changers are great!
Jacqueline O
Sue that knit weave sample is great!
silvereed 860 electronic
Do you need a special attachment on knitting machine to knit with color?
Darlene S
how do you know that I watch cat videos on you tube. hahahahahaha
Am loving this color patterns,awesome
Jacqueline O
With this adobe site you can photograph your cones to get the color number RGB, CMYK, Pantone, etc
Griselle L
Hello from Wisconsin.
Joy G
Yeoman still does colour cards :), and Woolyknit in the UK does too
Jean S
Kaffee Fassett was very big in the quilting field several years ago. The man is amazing with his color concepts.
Juavue H
I got them from Halycon Yarns
Priscilla D
Paint stores have color chips
Gwenda N
I got some yeoman yarn cards not too long ago
Juavue H
Yes Jagger is I just bought some.
Chris L
Thank you.
Jean S
What happened? Are we at the beginning again?
Maurie H
Kaffee Fassett is a genius at putting colour together I have a hand knit book by him
Nancy M
don'tbe afraid of purchasingyarn color cards that have real yarn not pictures on the sheets.
Morag W
Have a look in your own stash mix n match!!
Chris L
Can you do a design wall with KnitPic's yarn?
Marjorie M
Amazon has ZaZa Magazine - 1989 Special Edition spring/Summer FOR MACINE KNITTING ONLY listed for a "mere" $802.72 (Cough, Cough!)
Jacqueline O
Thank you I did not know they had so many colors
Patricia H
What about using pencil or crayons and a graph sheet?
Morag W
I'm always doing that going round shops & just looking at what they have
Nancy M
be carefulwhat decade you look at...70's 80's had some wayout combos
Joy G
that's really pretty :)
Marie-Jo C
Thanks for the map, Matthew !
Julie S
That is a great idea
Patricia H
wrapping colors! what a great idea!
Maurie H
Been to Castlegar a few times when I I lived in Abbotsford B.C.
Matthew F
ok putting the map way.....
Julie S
That is beautiful!
Joy G
I can see the map :)
Ebba R
Hi from Sweden
Jean S
The red "W" on the map is approximately where I live here in Castlegar...it takes about 8 hours to drive to Vancouver, BC from my house.
Julie S
Hey, I see someone from Cheyenne. That's where I grew up!
Josephine D
OK thanks. Bye for now
Matthew F
there will alwasy be a replay
Josephine D
I seem to have lost you...can I stream this later?
Matthew F
Yes the map is live
Jacqueline O
Thank you Shelly!
Patricia J S
Patty here. Late!! Lovely swatches
Brenda W
Hi all from Detoit!
Jean S
Loving the yellow/black combination!
Jean S
Wow! That actually matches a kleenex box on my desk..lol
Patricia H
green purple and gold time here in Louisiana! (Mardi Gras)
Nancy M
multi color tuck,slip. is a great way to sneak up on color changes plus it lookslike you did super fancy but was straightforward.
Patricia H
hi! Patricia from Louisiana here
Marjorie M
I've seen interesting things that flip the colors. Solid background and variations often variegated fore the foreground. Both systems can be striking. The Fair Isles that vary both the background and foreground shads dazzle me.. Beyond me now, except on sticks from kits.
Jacqueline O
Gorgeous. yes it’s so Southwest and beautiful
Morag W
That's gorgeous
Maurie H
I have done it about 10 years ago for my daughter
Jean S
Julie L..great idea!
Darlene S
kleenex boxes, you are so right
Morag W
I don't usually like yellow but this is lovely
Jacqueline O
I would love to see your favorite East African color combos Chris ( in the KIN forum posts maybe)
Julie L
You can get ambitious and purchase blanc yarns and dye your own colors.
Nancy M
have you tried using a foreground volor and a painted ao space dyed
Marie-Jo C
Yes, Jean S, you're right ; that's what I should do !!
Chris L
I work in East Africa. Everything is color that breaks all the rules. Beautiful.
Jean S
Look at Black and yellow etc.
Jean S
Your colours tend to match if you use a c olour wheel. Any color that is oppositie the colour you are looking at is usually a "companion" colour.
Julie S
I like to find washcloths or fabrics that draw my attention, then use those colors. I don't even have to think.
Marie-Jo C
For me the difficulty is to match more than 2 colours, I never find the third one !
Annie L
Can we see you speak?
Nancy M
i agree with cheering up with color...have ratty old sweater (first machine.knit) that sunflower yellow. it is my thinking sweater...I tryout new thinks on it...esp mending techniques...also stenciled a stylized alpaca on the back.
Julie L
I have a color card (looks like the paint sample cards you get at a paint store). It has "autumn" colors, which look the best on me. My sister is "winter," and I have her color card, too.
Jacqueline O
Yes I agree this is a confetti moment
Juavue H
I love the colors you have on it has inspired me
Morag W
There was an article in the paper today about a lady who was doing felting in different colours one of them was gorgeous!!
Darlene S
love it, but cautious
Maurie H
I love colour espcially now
Joy G
I tend to knit plain colours, maybe bands of different colours
Morag W
Yes we are all friends here welcome
Dorah P
Love colours but don't know how to match
Julie S
I'm so excited for this. Brand new machine knitter and now I have all these new friends 😁
Josephine D
Love colour
Marjorie M
I enjoy color, but don't trust my "color sense". I tend to stick to Crayola bold colors. Need to get into shades.
Gwenda N
not confident at all with colour but would like to be
Priscilla D
Priscilla from vancouver, WA
Jenny M B
The more colour the better, as long as it's not purple!
Dorah P
Dorah from ugwnda
Darlene S
New here, first time on this event
Mary Ann B
No confidence at all with color. Use Blues and grays mostly.
Jacqueline O
Not 100% confident with color but love the topic
Julie S
Julie from Parker, Colorado
Dawn W
hello from SW Ohio
Jean S
It is in the southern part of British Columbia...it has been several months since I could do this!
Maurie H
I am here, from Mississauga Ontario it is plus 4. Et bienvenu de nouveau Marie-Jo
Lyn R
Can hear you clicking
Graeme B
Graeme from Pittsburgh PA here
Jacqueline O
Hi from Switzerland, a week of ski holiday in Saas Fee, Wallis
Cherie S
Cherie from Victoria on Vancouver Island
Lyn R
Good morning from Texas
Darlene S
Hello from Toronto, Canada
Marjorie M
Hello from Ann Arbor, MI
Jean S
Hello from Castlegar in the West Kootenays!
Nancy M
50+ today....rollercoaster next week
Morag W
I missed you too. The wee icon came up on my screen this morning saying you were to be on in 30 mins but I didn't believe it. I clicked on it and it said 7 hours!! Hello everyone in UK. I'm in Dundee on the east coastt.
Jenny M B
Hello all, from Wales!
Gwenda N
I'm new first live
Nancy M
Nancy Mangeri in Kansas
Julie L
Hi, everyone!!
Joy G
Hello from Norfolk in the UK :)
Gwenda N
hello from Scotland, very cold here today
Josephine D
Josephine Donohoe from Dublin...Hello everyone
Marie-Jo C
Hello, everybody, It's nice to see you again.. Marie-Jo, from France !
Mary Ann B
I've missed you too!
Annie L
Matthew F
Jacqueline O
All good
Matthew F
I everyone!!!!
Gwenda N
I can x
Sue J J
can everyone hear me?
Annie L
It is 9:50 PST.
Matthew F
No audio sue
Matthew F
Hi everyone we are live! so if you do not see the video click that orange button!
Juavue H
I am having trouble signing in. There isn't and event icon or zoom and it says on your site it starts in 15 mins.
Patricia H
I think so, 11 pacific is 1:00 central
Joy G
is this an hour later than normal?
Sue Jalowiec
We'll be starting at 11AM US Pacific time.