. . Welcome, everybody.. . It is FebruaryKnit club here at Knit it. . Now, we're so glad that you joined. us here to talk about color today.. . And my goal is to encourage you to play. with color and not be afraid of color. . and maybe give you some. suggestions for getting started.. . If color's not your thing.. . I have to admit colors, not my thing.. . And we'll talk about that a little. bit more as we go along.. . But for now, are you afraid of color. . or do you absolutely love color. and include it with your knitting?. . Many, many people love color and are. afraid to play with it in their knitting.. . So that's our goal here today.. . So let me know in the chat if where you. stand as far as color is concerned.. . Welcome.. . Sherry from Victoria on Vancouver Island,. . welcome, Lynn from Texas,. Darlene from Toronto.. . Marjorie from Ann Arbor.. . Jacqueline from Switzerland.. Welcome.. . Thanks for being here.. . Graham, welcome.. . I think, Graham, it's. your first time of the live. . welcome.. Either way,. . Lynn could hear me clicking.. . Yeah, I was looking for that video.. . I couldn't find it more. a welcome from Ontario.. . It's called.. . Jeanne, in the southern part. of British Columbia, well, thank you,. . I will definitely look up where that is,. Don, from southwest Ohio.. . I think you got hit with snow, too.. . Julie from Parker, Colorado.. Oh, my gosh.. . We get so many people here.. . Maryanne says she has no confidence at all. with color, youth, blues and grays mostly.. . You're you're right there with me.. . A little black now. on that right for variety.. . Debra, welcome.. Oh, my gosh.. . New here.. Darlene, first time.. . Welcome.. We're so glad that you're here.. . Please use the chat.. . The more that you can chat with me,. the better we can make this thing.. . All right,. . so I have a little outline here of what. I'd like to talk about today, and again,. . my goal is to encourage. you to play with color.. . We're going to start out by just talking. about color itself, you know, as an adult,. . I had always worked with textiles and all. of us, you know,. . we work with yarn and we're limited. in the colors that we can use. . by the manufacturer or the the mill. makes specific colors.. . And I'm sure they have very, very. . intelligent genius people who research. what colors they should offer with their. . yarns and always limited. by what is offered to us.. . Right.. And as an adult,. . I started to play with paint,. watercolors, oils, not oils, acrylics.. . Right.. And the whole world opened up to me.. . I could make my own colors.. . How amazing.. . But what's interesting is I was still. . stuck in the same color. palettes that I always used.. . And I this year is my goal. to break out of that.. . The blues and grays and black right.. . To bring a pop of color to my knitting,. bring in pop culture to my home.. . Color is very subtle. in that it affects your mood.. . And I think we all can understand that,. you know, you when you're feeling really. . down and you're wearing. that dumpy gray sweatshirt.. . Right.. . Doesn't help your mood any,. but you put on some bright and colorful.. . It's going to help.. . And in these times, we need all the help. we can get to improve our moods.. . I don't know if you're. with me on that one.. . I always do crazy times.. . So paint play with paint.. . I'd like you to examine textiles.. . I'd like you to examine things in your. closet or things in your home.. . Maybe you have a throw pillow on your. . on your couch that that you love. takes some time to analyze.. . What is it that you love. about that throw pillow.. . Is it the contrast of the colors?. . Is it the mixture of the what is it. about that pillow that you like?. . What is you know, there was a time when we. . used to be able to walk. around fabric stores, No.. . One, that there were good. quality fabric stores.. . And number two, that we could. walk around those fabric stores.. . And I remember always gravitating to these. . bright, colorful, wonderful fabrics and. I'd be reaching out and touching them.. . But for some reason,. . when I left in the car, I always ended up. with the same blues and grays and pages.. . I don't know why we're going to change.. . I'm going to change that this year.. . That's my goal, is to change that.. . And I hope that you will. think about that, too.. . Another way to examine colors and to look. . at colors and see what really. tickles your fancy is photography.. . And, you know, we have the Internet now. . and there's so many things available to us. to examine colors.. . Look at the old masters, see what they've. done as far as color is concerned.. . Again, look at textiles,. look at retail clothing.. . What gets you excited. with retail clothing?. . Take all this information that you're. . gathering and just like digest it. and start applying it to your knitting.. . We'll talk a little bit more about that.. . As far as inspiration is. concerned, there is a book.. . Let me find it here and it is here.. . We have as machine knitter. as a brand new book.. . Well, it was published in Twenty Twenty.. . Can you believe that there was a hardcover. . book published in /. about Machine knitting.. . I mean, that one deserves. confetti, does it not?. . Alison is is a machine knitter obviously.. . And she published this book and it is just. amazing as far as inspiration for color.. . Now, all the colors that she chose may not. be your cup of tea,. . but going through it, she talks about. there's one section that she talks.. . She has a photo of a sunflower.. . And she took that photo as. inspiration for a garment.. . I think it was a garment that she made.. . So she analyzed the colors in that photo. and translated it to her knitting.. . So in this book,. it's it's an amazing book.. . There was a knitter who who actually. generously sent me this book.. . Her name is Kelly Peck.. Kelly, thank you.. . I have enjoyed this book thoroughly,. if nothing else.. . But the comparisons.. . Her designs are very simple,. . very straightforward as far as. Machine knitting is concerned.. . But it's the color that really. will catch your eye.. . Tzvia, to have an opportunity. to check out that book.. . Please do.. It's just amazing.. . Published in Twenty Twenty.. . Hurry, hurry, hurry.. . Let me say, not confident,. . all Margery's that I enjoy color,. but don't trust my color,. . since I tend to stick to the Crayola,. bold colors need to get into shades.. . Absolutely.. . And it's just a matter of training. your eye, don't you think?. . Marjorie says, training your eye to to see. that that Crayola red has like a million. . different variations that you can. mix and match with other colors?. . Josephine loves color.. . Josephine, you can come. and move in with me.. . Tell me what to knit, please.. . Joey brand new machine knitter.. . And now you have all these new friends.. Yes, you do.. . Thank you for being here.. . We appreciate your being here.. . Deborah says I love colors,. but I don't know how to match.. . We'll give you some some. little tips here today.. . But cash is like. everything else, isn't it?. . Just practice trying it.. . Joyce's a tension it playing colors,. maybe bands of different colors.. . Joyce probably the stripe girl.. . Me two stripes safe.. Right.. . Let's break out of that a little bit more.. . We know more that you love color you.. . We've seen some of the things. that you've done.. . Oh my gosh.. . Darlene is cautious with color. . felting in different colors.. . And one of them was gorgeous.. . There was an article in the paper today,. more Morag said and felting.. . Absolutely.. So, so many things.. . I love color, confetti,. moment, a book and /.. . Absolutely.. . Hello, I'm sorry I forgot. to turn that that book off,. . OK, so onwards, onwards, onwards.. . We talked about the book,. . so one of the things that we really. need to look at is the color wheel.. . When you go back to what you know,. like I don't know was junior high,. . that they introduce you to the color wheel. and, you know, we'd have a paper color. . wheel and you turn the colors and they. would talk about, you know,. . some of the terminology and some of the. theory behind colors in the color wheel.. . For some reason, that's. never stuck in my head.. . However, however,. now that we have technology,. . there are some things that you can. can do online that can kind of, you know,. . trigger some interest. in preparation for this.. . And actually, I did prepare.. . I don't know what's going. wrong today is just typical.. . Leive,. . I had asked a very dear friend of mine,. . Shelly Pedretti,. who lives here in the Phoenix area,. . to buy some yarn for me or tell. me what some yarns to buy.. . I asked her to choose a dozen colors.. . She has excellent color sense.. By the way.. . Shelly is an artist, a jewelry designer,. . a musician, just an all around. amazing, amazing woman.. . And I turned to her and asked her. to choose some colors for me.. . And I wanted to make. some samples for this.. . I wanted to put some things together,. . stretch my wings a little bit. and wouldn't you know it?. . A week later, she sent me. . a handful of swatches, beautiful,. wonderful things that she played with.. . She sat down and did what I'm. encouraging you to do, go to your stash.. . We've all got one and start putting some. . colors together and start playing. with techniques and the colors.. . Here's one that that just. makes my heart happy.. . It's so bright and cheerful. putting red and orange together.. . Yeah, OK.. . Even even the most plain, Jane of us. probably would would think of that.. . But how about a pop.. . A pink really.. . I would never have. thought of a pop of pink.. . How about you.. Beautiful.. . No.. . Marie-Jo says the difficulty for me. is to match more than two colors.. . Well, I'm going to give you a suggestion.. . If I can get back to that screen,. . I will give you a suggestion of some. ways to choose some other colors.. . Julie says, I like to find washcloths or. . fabrics that draw my attention. and then use those colors.. . I don't even have to think good thinking.. . Using a color wheel gene is si is. suggesting, absolutely, and you know,. . who has really good color. combinations as well.. . And this is just really silly. and completely off topic.. . But Kleenex boxes,. they have some of the prettiest color.. . And this is just pretty boring here.. . But take a look at some. of the Kleenex boxes.. . Really good place. for inspiration for color.. . I don't know where that one came from.. . OK, so back to Charlotte.. . So Shelley did like this pink and orange.. And this is great.. . This is just plain old Faryal.. . She got started and she was playing. . with some colors, pulled. some yarns from her stash.. . But then.. . She pulled some more colors from her. stash, some really cool colors.. . Let's take a look at the thought process. here and what I would like you to do.. . So she started with some colors she just. pulled from her stash is a pretty teal.. . And if you notice, this purple color is. . is textured.. . It's like a blue clay.. . So she doesn't need you don't have to get. the same yarns from the same. . whatever manufacturer,. so long as they're compatible with your. . machine mix and match and add. another dimension to your knitting.. . Other than just the colors,. she's now added some texture.. . OK, so let's move on.. . So she just did some stripes,. kind of got herself going and looks like. . she put in her cart or turned on her. electronics and knit some fair aisle.. . What's interesting about this is there's. . a foreground color which I'm calling. the foreground color, which is the Navy.. . And then there's the background color,. which she's striped.. . So alternating the background color,. . keeping the foreground color. the same really makes this. . and makes it uniform.. . Makes it, I don't know,. makes it go together.. . I don't know the word,. but it really instead of I probably would. . have sat down with two colors and I. probably would have been that teal. . in the Navy and that would. have been the end of it.. . But she added three colors. in that background.. . Leaving the foreground in the solid. color really makes a difference.. . Here's the same idea,. so she had pretty much the same colors,. . again, leaving that foreground color solid. was consistent.. . Guess that's the word.. . And using the yellow and the pink. . to think about it doesn't have. to be a geometric like this.. . But it many, many,. . many of our Ferriola patterns would have. the ability to to do something like this,. . choose one of the designs,. one of the motifs,. . and make that your foreground color. and then alternate the background color.. . Now you'll notice that Shelly didn't use. . any soft striping yarns. or variegated yarns.. . Think about that.. . Instead of switching out colors,. use a solid color for your foreground,. . a variegated or so striping. yarn for the background.. . Pretty dynamic.. . Chris, as I work in East Africa,. . everything is color. that breaks all the rules.. . Oh, my gosh, can you imagine growing up. . there, you wouldn't have these, like,. beige people like me?. . Space died in the background,. absolutely, Nancy.. . Yes.. . All right, so this one,. . she just went ahead and OK,. it doesn't have to be color.. . If your beige and black. person, that's fine.. . But again, notice that she used different. . yarns, this beige color is. looks shiny like like a rayon.. . So there's extra interest in this piece,. not only the stitch pattern.. . She chose not only the color combination. . she chose, but she's got. some extra texture in there.. . So, again, very, very inspirational.. . This one, wow, wow, would you put. these colors together? Not me.. . No way, but I love them and it's. a matter of being brave, right?. . I told you, Shelly has this beautiful. . color sense from her jewelry design,. and she was an interior designer as well.. . So she really knows textiles. and she really knows color.. . And I'm sure she understands. the impact of color.. . So I can here's another one. that makes you happy right now.. . Crayola colors here.. . But they really work together.. . Let's take a closer look.. . She started again with Stripe's.. . And then started working a fair. trial pattern, which, you know,. . if you probably looked at this punch card,. you could probably see it in black. . and white or or even teal. and yellow, whatever.. . But instead of doing that whole motif,. the whole thing and the two colors, she. . alternated them and varied it and made. a very, very, very interesting. . design.. . This one's very, very southwest to me,. . and when I talked about colors can affect. your mood, I think colors can also. . reflect,. you know, an environment I think we all. . are familiar with, let's say, you know,. a seashore or a beach cottage sort of.. . Look, we've got the blues and the bright. . white sand and it's reflecting. the ocean and the sunshine.. . This one is really reflecting. the desert as far as I'm concerned.. . She's incorporated a lot of different. . colors, started with just. plain old Farrell, two colors.. . But what's interesting here is. instead of stripes, this looks like a. . two color tuck.. . So if you're not familiar with to color. . talk or to to color slip,. you're working with one color on every. . row,. but you're tucking or slipping some. . stitches which then carry up to the next. row to give those peaks and valleys.. . So very interesting.. . We'll talk a little bit more about. multi-color tuck, multicolor slip.. . But you can see this progression here. . that as Shelly was playing,. she went to her as she pulled out some. . yarns that she thought she liked,. threw them at the machine.. . And, of course,. it just magically happened.. . Not really.. . But she also was able to play with some. stitch patterns so you could double. . the the practice here with. an exercise like this.. . And then back to fair trial and again,. . can you see the contrast between these. where she's used a Maclay yarn. . with a plain yarn, so she's. getting both texture and color?. . It's only a couple more here,. but I just had to share them.. . So this one's, again, pretty, you know,. . pretty plain vanilla,. started out with just a very simple stitch. . pattern and then move. to something a little bit bold.. . The stitch pattern itself is bold, right?. . Doesn't there are some places where there. . may be some floats of five or six. stitches, but, you know, not too bad.. . But what's interesting is part of the way. through is reverse the colors.. . Now, you could do one whole repeat. black and white or are purple and tan. . and then do another whole. repeat in the tan and purple.. . So just by switching out the yarns,. she made a really interesting piece.. . Talk about interesting pieces.. . This is the last one here.. . Again, started with some stripes,. . started with some really amazing,. bright, bright colors. . and then moved on to this looks. like multicolor slip stitch to me.. . I mean, seriously, you're working with one. . color per row here, so, yes,. a color changer comes in handy.. . Doesn't have to.. . Yes, automatic patterning comes in handy,. but you don't have to do a stitch pattern. . like this could be done. on a manual machine.. . It's just a matter of understanding.. Slip, stitch.. . If you look very closely,. this first section of the of the Navy.. . Right.. And there's three little stitches here.. . Those three little stitches are slipped. and then they're knit with the next pink. . row and the pink slipped. and then they yellow.. . I guess that is r slipped.. . So multicolor slipped.. . Something to really consider.. . All right,. . I see her, Julie says you can get. ambitious, purchase blank yards and dye. . your own colors, which goes back. to my whole thing with paint.. . Absolutely.. . That's a whole wonderful place that you. can go to as far as dyeing your own yards.. . So Maury's done it,. you know, I think I think you've all. . gotten we've got some eye. candy going here today.. . Thank you, Shelly, because it. was very, very inspirational.. . Marjorie Stitch Designer,. . interesting things that flipped. the colors,. . solid background and variations, all from. variegated for and in the background.. . Variables that very both the background. and the foreground dazzle me.. . Beyond me now, you know, maybe not.. . I think we all need to kind of take. the plunge with color a little bit.. . Patricia from Louisiana, welcome. . purple and gold all the time here. . in Louisiana because of the Mardi Gras,. the Kleenex box.. . Yeah, I've seen more wonderful. combinations in the Kleenex boxes.. . Brenda, hi.. From Detroit.. . Welcome, Brenda.. . All righty.. . So what I have there up on the screen is. a blog post that I did quite a while ago.. . And it talks about how. can you choose colors.. . And so, you know, we so many. of us are like that color.. . What do I do?. . You know, how do I choose what do I. and what goes together, what doesn't?. . You know, here's a suggestion.. . So I had a bunch of colors. and these this is a yeomen to bet. . yarn.. It's it's a thin yarn.. . It's a silk.. Very, very pretty yarn from yeomen yarns.. . And and again, this is I will put the link. . to this up in the show notes when. this is done so you can take a look.. . So one of the suggestions that I learned. many years ago was to take a cone or even. . a ball of yarn and wrap. the other yarn around it.. . So we started with this dynamic color and,. . you know, played it really safe and took. the off-White and kind of wrapped it. . around and then took the lighter. colored denim and wrapped it around.. . So, you know, say if it was OK,. it was kind of boring.. . So I added the rust color and it really,. . really made it pop, right,. that rust really looked good.. . When I took the purple and it was like,. oh, yeah, yeah, that's a good purple,. . didn't work, was like kind of a pink. color, that one didn't work.. . But when I wrapped the gold color around,. . all five of those yarns together. ended up really, really gorgeous.. . So I was able to get a little bit. of a preview of what those five yarns were. . going to look like together and actually. made a couple of pillows out of it.. . So that was really helpful to take. the yarn, wrap it around the comb.. . And if you're going to be doing. . if you're stitch pattern is. it's not even it's not .. . Let's say there are more black squares. . than white squares, whatever,. you know, wrap even more around.. . Another way is to use just. a little nest of yarn.. . Just wrap some yarn together.. Right.. . And see how it looks together. before you even start knitting.. . And you'll probably be able to see. . immediately let you you know,. that Pale Pink just didn't work.. . Right.. And in this. . little nest I have here is like a lighter. gray and it gets completely lost.. . So it's just another way.. . Wrapping the yarn around a ball. or a cone, making a little nest.. . Both of those ways are a good way to get. a preview of what your yarn is going. . to look like, what your colors. are going to look like,. . wrapping, wrapping the yarns.. . Yeah, and I believe I learned that one. from Michael Bekker from Distinctiveness.. . I'll give him credit because I've used it. . many, many times and it'll. look good together.. . Well, yeah, I think it will.. . Oh, let me see.. . Oh, another source of inspiration,. . you know, I said we have. a new book from .. . He got all excited about that,. but we have a wealth of information that's. . available to us and some. of the old published magazines.. . And these are knitting specific.. . Now, I could tell you to go out and look. . at some interior design sites and get. some inspiration for color there.. . But I really think that seeing knitting. . through retail, that's one way to look. look at things that are already made.. . I mean,. designers who were schooled in this kind. . of stuff, choosing colors that are. designed to sell their product.. . Right.. . So what better inspiration. than that, but using our old. . books and magazines.. . This is an old Zasa magazine.. . If you can ever get your hands on any. of these magazines, they're amazing.. . They are so good.. . I wish they were still published,. but often they would have entire pages. . devoted to stitch patterns. and interesting colorways.. . Now, we can't get those yarns anymore,. . but yeah, we can still be inspired by some. of the stuff in some of these old glossy. . magazines, they're out there,. they're available, and it's another place. . for some good inspiration, like,. hmm, yeah, I could do that.. . Getting yarn is always a key, right,. where you're going to get yarn and you. . find something new that you like it,. you know, ABC Yarn Company and they offer. . three or four different colors or even. a dozen colors,. . maybe those that doesn't. isn't exactly what you need.. . Don't be afraid to mix and match yarns.. . As you saw Shelly, did she put. bouquets with some solids?. . She put some raisins with some solids. and added extra texture to her knitting.. . So it doesn't mean that you have to go out. . and buy X, Y, Z yarn in four. colors and hope that they match.. . And and seeing the colors online. is always a challenge as well.. . So, you know, we've got some challenges as. . far as colors are concerned. and being knitters.. . One of the suggestions. that I may like to make is. . and one of the reasons it's one. of my favorite sources is they're very,. . very color aware and they'll do things. like this just even in their advertising,. . even if you don't like their yarn or it. isn't available to you where you live.. . But just going to their site.. . And again, just look at that.. . I have a hard time picking those out. . and saying they all went. together, but they do now.. . They have a line of yarns and yes,. . we're a nitpicks affiliate and this. isn't meant to be advertising.. . I really, really,. really want to share this with you,. . is they have one hundred and fifty. colors of this palette yarn.. . Amazing, absolutely amazing.. . So if you are.. . Looking for to do something interesting. . and different, the color you want. is probably going to be here.. . So let me see, I had another. picture of that, let me show you.. . This is their wall of yards.. Pretty amazing.. . No.. . So that's just one suggestion, but go to a. . any yarn vendor and maybe find a yarn. that's got a nice wide range of colors if. . you're going to be playing and things. that you can mix with your stash.. . Let's go out and buy all new yarn.. . But maybe you need maybe what your stash. . needs is just a little mix of some. other colors that go together.. . Pencil and crayons and graph paper.. . Absolutely, Patricia.. . Colored pencils, right?. . We talked about winding yarn around. . the comb, but also. envisioning a stitch pattern.. . Just take a photocopy of a punch. card and color over it.. . Right.. . Or using graph paper,. something to just get you visually. . visualizing those yarns,. making the little nest that works.. . Marjorie says Amazon has a Zazzle magazine. . for a mere eight hundred and two. dollars and seventy two cents.. . Oh my gosh, I had a whole collection. of them and I gave them away.. . And I'm sorry that I did.. . Oh, well,. . Chris, you know what?. . The zine wall with nitpickers yarn.. . I'm thinking that I need that back.. . Need that back there.. . I just need to talk to the powers that be. to see if we can make that happen. . now.. Nancy says, don't be afraid of purchasing. . yarn color cards that are the real yarn,. not pictures with the sheets, you know.. . Nancy, those are getting further. and further most of your handwriting.. . People don't even offer those. . the the Konya and people in the past did,. but they aren't doing it anymore either.. . Jagga SP1 isn't offering color. cards with yarn on them.. . It's pictures.. . Yeomen, I think is still offering their. little color cards with the yarn on them.. . But most of the manufacturers just time. . consuming more ribber. brought up Caffe Kaif.. . Is it Kaif Fassett Confessor K. ffe fassett for color.. . You want inspiration.. . Any of his publications for color?. . Absolutely.. . All right.. . OK, so what else did I have here. . on my list, choosing colors,. color and stitch patterns.. . So one of the things that I wanted. to show you earlier was the color wheel.. . And I didn't get there,. Heidi, to close this.. . There we go.. Color wheel.. . This is a site from Adobe and its color. . dot adobe dot com and has. amazing color wheel on it.. . This is all online.. . It's all free.. . And we talked about some. of the color rules.. . And I for some reason,. my brain doesn't work this way.. . But they talk about, for example,. . this is analogous, I think I'm saying. that correctly analogous colorways.. . So here we've got five colors that look. beautiful together, don't they?. . They are close to each. other on the color wheel.. . So we can bring them in.. . We can bring them out,. we can play with them here online.. . We can take the whole thing around. . and say, well, what are some. analagous green colors color?. . Donna Dobe Dotcom, if you want to be some. . time doing something other than. watch cat videos on YouTube.. . This is a great place to come and play.. . Another color theory has. to do with monochromatic.. . So shades of green.. . I mean that one's pretty easy mono,. . anything that just is straight. out on that color wheel.. . And you can again, you can play.. . Triad's, very interesting,. . and I think Triad may be where some. of us get really hung up because.. . Personally, I don't like. this triad combination. . and maybe because I'm just not adventurous. enough, but triad, so each of the colors. . is, what, degrees away from the other. on the color wheel?. . I think that's what it is,. so you can make some modifications here,. . let's just do it, do one. more complimentary colors.. . Complementary colors are exactly away. . from each other, across from each. other on the color wheel.. . So this one we might all be familiar. with Christmas red and green.. . Yes.. So it's very commonly used.. . It's very pleasing because the colors are. opposite each other on the color wheel.. . Someone said earlier she didn't. particularly like yellow and. . putting it with the right. shade of green might be green.. . Excuse me.. . Putting with the right shade of blue. might be just what you like.. . So color dot adobe dot com. is an interesting site.. . There are a number of you can Google. . color palette creator. that'll get you to a number of different. . places and you can just play. with the colors and train your eye,. . get yourself thinking in terms. of using some different colors.. . Paint stores, color. chips and paint stores.. . Thank you.. . Yes, Priscila absolutely. live with it a little bit.. . Hold those paint chips up to your yarn. stash and maybe determine what you might. . need to add to your stash. for your next project.. . Griselle, hello, from Wisconsin, welcome.. . If I haven't gotten to say hello to you,. . my apologies, but thank you. everybody for being here.. . All righty.. So we're going to. . color and stitch patterns.. . The last thing I want to talk to you. about is, OK, so we've we've we've. . convinced ourselves we're going to start. incorporating some color in our knitting.. . So how to go about it?. Yeah, of course.. . We got stripes, right. wing and his stripes.. . Let's go to.. . Knit it Now.. . We've got some eye candy for you here. on the site, just it's just here basically. . to give you a reminder of some. of the things that we can do with our. . knitting machines if you go. to knit and stitch library.. . We have a collection of some stitches. . and some samples that are. done in different techniques.. . There's just a whole gallery of things. . here sometimes about stripes. and talk about Fair Isle.. . And what's really interesting is I was. looking through this this morning.. . Can you see my colors. are all pretty boring.. . I mean, I did, you know,. two colors right now.. . This one's got a few more colors.. . I had this whole amazing, amazing. Stasha yarn that I could choose from.. . And what did I do?. I picked some pretty boring colors.. . Twenty twenty one is going. to be my year for colors. . anyway.. . So we've got some variety. on stitch patterns here.. . Again, just to get you. thinking about color.. . The other ones that I really want you. to consider, how about net weave when we. . don't often think of knit,. weave and color,. . but we certainly can it'll bring. a pop of color to your knitting.. . This particular section. I did a lot of pick up.. . The whole idea was to do knit,. weave and then pick those.. . Let me find it here.. . Pick those floats up.. . And create some texture on that,. and you're not seeing it.. . I apologize,. . Matt, I need a producer.. . There we go.. . NetWeaver works well.. . Pick up those stitches, add some texture,. add some color to your netting.. . Do you need a special attachment, a. knitting machine, didn't it, with color?. . No, not at all.. Not at all.. . What machine do you have?. . So Jacqueline said with this Adobe site,. you can photograph your cones, oh,. . to get the color number. and then choose the color specifically.. . Jacqueline, thank you.. . We'll have to play with that.. . All right, so back to. back to stitch patterns.. . OK, so one way stripe's. sterile knit weave.. . If you haven't tried.. . Multicolor slip, I really, really,. really encourage you to try it,. . you can get some amazing,. amazing, amazing things,. . texture,. . more color than texture,. . but you can get some texture with slip,. but you can see if you look really close.. . We slipped some stitches,. they got elongated.. . Can you see that's kind of elongated. there and carried up into the next color?. . That's the idea behind multicolor slip.. . All of our manuals,. . all of our machine manuals show. you how to do multicolor slip.. . And if you don't have automatic patterning. machine, you can still do this.. . You have to pull your own needles.. . You have to select your needles,. but you can still do multicolor slip.. . You're only knitting. with one color at a time.. . Slipping some stitches,. . carrying those little elongated. stitches up to the next row,. . another one I want you want you. want you to try is multicolor talk.. . Now, it looked like I don't have. . specifically multicolored tuck in here,. but within the tuck section. . on.. . I have a better one than that.. . I have a better one than that, this one.. . All right, so we can see can you see up. . close and if you go to this page,. you can see it talking,. . so will be tucking some. Stitch Designer remember what Tuck is?. . Tuck Heavy's as you're knitting,. certain needles are selected,. . the yard travels over the needle. tucks up over that needle.. . The stitch doesn't knit.. . You've got some yarn. hanging on that needle.. . When it's time to knit that stitch,. that yarn, those strands get knit.. . But those strands will also distort. the fabric somewhat and mix up the colors. . and give you texture and interesting. color variations in your knitting.. . So multicolor slit multicolor talk.. . Fairvale Jaccard.. . Right, same thing.. . The double bed Jaka that just. throw in the ribber in their. . beautiful colors.. . Lots of ways you can use them. with your knitting machine.. . So let me see.. . I think we got everything here. that I wanted to talk about.. . Anything else.. . So do you need a special you she. has a silver electronic.. . No, absolutely not.. . You do not need anything special. if you can do stitch patterns.. . Incorporate colors, start out by spy,. . by a stripes,. just do strong, I'm not talking, you know,. . knit for rose and blue and that for rose. and pink and for rose and green.. . I'm talking about knit, too,. rose and blue and for rose and green. . and seven rose and orange in one row. of each color and play with stripes.. . Simple, easy to start with,. and then from there start incorporating. . some multi colors when you're. working with stitch pattern.. . Really, really surprised. at what you can accomplish.. . Yarn changers are great,. absolutely they are.. . I have a brand new one and I'm going to be. playing with here soon, so stay tuned.. . I can't wait.. . It's going to fit in with a whole. theme this year of color.. . We need more color in our life.. . It's too drab and too depressing.. . We need color.. . OK,. I think that's what I all I had for color. . today, if anybody else has anything else,. please let me know.. . You can always reach me,. . Sue at Knit it Now dot com. in the subscriber forum if you're. . a subscriber, we've got lots of good. conversation going on there.. . What else?. . Some new things come and Matt and I have. . been hard at work on a. couple of new things.. . I can't really tell you about them yet,. . but it's it's come in some ways of making. the site a little bit easier to use. . and making it easier to find things so you. never get lost or, you know,. . think there should be something. in the site and you can't find it.. . Let me know.. . Your feedback helps us get better.. . We've been doing this for going on . . years now, and it's because of comments,. feedbacks, even criticisms.. . You know, it helps us get better. and it helps us serve you.. . And it's not just a tagline.. . We sincerely want to help you. be a better machine knitter.. . So until next month will be into March,. . maybe the crocuses will be blooming. and we can look at the colors.. . As far as some spring flowers.. . Yes.. . Plaiting, plaiting with plaiting is. another way of using color, absolutely.. . Some suggestions here. about some specific ones.. . OK, so until next time in March,. . we'll have some flowers behind me. and maybe we'll have a ball of yarn.. . And that's some good, yummy, yummy.. . You can go pet at any time.. . I wantto be Knit it Now.. . Everybody will see you next time by..