Part 1: Sleeve Choices for knitters
Part 2: Update Progress
Part 3: Future Plans

Part 1: Set in, Square, Drop Shoulder, Raglan do you have a favorite? You might find a hand knitting pattern or a ready-to-wear design that you like, but the armhole style just isn't "you". Let's talk about the different options and explore the pros and cons of each.

Part 2: Back in September we asked you to wave your magic wand and tell us what you'd like to see at Knit it Now. One of the most asked for features included improvements to our pattern engine. This will be a year-long project, but we're making a great start with building our Dynamic Patterns. We're asking for your input on what we have so far.

Part 3: Coming up ... Universal sizing. we are standardizing our sizing charts, so patterns in each category, Misses, kids, plus etc will all be consistent. More instruction with patterns. Saving your custom sizes.

Bring your questions, opinions and suggestions ... let's talk about Knit it Now patterns.

Can't make it LIVE? The replay will be available. Your opinion matters, let us know what you think.
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Links mentioned in the Meeting

Set in sleeeves:
  • Classroom: Sleeves
  • Course: Sleeve Perfection
  • Practice Pattern:Practice Set in Sleeves

    Book Recommendation: Knitting Saddle Style - Susan Guagliumi

    If I missed your question or comment, or you'd like to give feedback
    Contact Us
    Edith L
    Think new sizing will be great for making sweaters for my great grand children. Thankyou!
    Nancy M
    thanks Sue looking forward to checking out the strawberry pattern
    Sandra T
    Maurie H
    Hayley P
    thank you
    Darlene S
    thank you
    Sue J J
    nothing to install or maintain
    Pamela S
    Thanks Sue!
    Sue J J
    we still have our dAK courses ... but Knit it Now isn't software ...
    Cherie S
    Thankyou Sue, I always learn so much.... it never stops!
    Griselle L
    Great meeting.
    Patricia H
    Thank you Sue
    Doris H
    Thank you I enjoyed it
    Matthew F
    Thank you everyone!
    Marjorie M
    Thank you.
    Juavue H
    Thank you. This was great. Learn a lot.
    Terri S
    Thank you Sue and Matt
    Cynthia Q
    The neckline shaping is a great Knit-Along.
    Cynthia Q
    Thank you. This was great.
    Joan W
    Hi - the new pattern system sounds a lot like DAK. Are you still supporting DAK
    Lara F
    thanks! I love these live times
    Dayana K
    I use your pattern generators for both machine and hand knitting! Love them
    Barbara N
    I totally enjoy these get togethers Thank you so much!
    Marjorie M
    Try again. Ok do you can not split a pattern into panels on a normal pattern. Look for a paneled pattern from the beginning instead.
    Barbara N
    Nancy M
    sounds like a good sizing change.
    Hanna M
    I couldn't knit without your patterns.
    Jacqueline O
    I love your patterns. They are getting better and better. Thank you.
    Nancy Z
    I've knit a separate strip for a wide sleeve
    Alessandra U
    Do we know if the patterns have been updated?
    Pam W
    Hello from Massachusetts
    Sandra T
    Does that finished size include ease?
    Cherie S
    Numbers on the schematics will make it easier to draw the diagram on a knitleader.
    Betty E J
    thanks for always thinking forward!
    Linda H
    Will they still include the rows and increases and decreases?
    Cynthia Q
    Cynthia Q
    Looked. great right now. The strawberry seemed easy enough.
    Marjorie M
    Scratch the above. Siri picked up extraneous noises. Restating my question. So, if you know you need more needles, can you build it into the pattern or do you have to fudge it once you have built the pattern?
    Marjorie M
    So if you know you need more needles, can you build it into the pattern on the image or do you have to budget once you have built the pattern?
    Shane D
    Shane In Nashville sorry I am late
    Cherie S
    Looks more flexible.
    Terri S
    Can I buy a lifetime membership lol ?
    Patricia H
    Cool, much more versatile
    Terri S
    Great! Actual size numbers being on a schematic of perfect fit
    Cynthia Q
    Now that I know about the numbers, 2,3,4,5 etc, I really like it.
    Cherie S
    I like how you began the neck shaping KAL by listing what you need to concentrate on as a beginner and later as an experienced knitter. It was easier for me to keep focused on what I needed to work on.
    Terri S
    Love the perfect fit being part of pattern
    Griselle L
    Love your bluse!
    Alessandra U
    Thank ou Lara
    Terri S
    Would you consider live streaming a knit along? People can see knitting live and ask questions live?
    Lara F
    @Alessandra U it was Knitting Saddle Style by Susan Guagliumi
    Betty E J
    just ordered book!
    Tina B
    Agree, but considder, style is a little dated, nevertheless it has cool ideas.
    Alessandra U
    please repeat the name of the book
    Mary K
    What about square armhole? How to put into the armhole, or add top down to armhole?
    Alessandra U
    I'm doing saddle shoulder now with a lace insert
    Robin M
    Never tried a saddle shoulder but I am looking forward to trying it.
    Dayana K
    100% agree
    Cynthia Q
    Not a question, I was just thinking you mentioned drop down being bulky.
    Cynthia Q
    Lace probably would not be that bulky with lace, right?
    Griselle L
    Grace L, Hello from WI.
    Terri S
    Mary K
    Hang 1/2 at a time, latch tool off, then release the finished half then hang 2nd half. works good
    Juavue H
    Sewing on sewing machine looks so good.
    Scott V
    Sewing them I. Works great
    Nancy M
    do the mini practice set in sleeve
    Cherie S
    I have a Brother learning to knit garments that suggest your should place markers on your sleeves and garment body after you finish the armhole shaping to help match when sewing together, as well as a center mark for the sleeve cap to match the sweater should seam. I've been using that hint on the sweater I am currently making.
    Linda H
    I am knitting the body of the sweater using one of your patterns, Then I will pick up thestitches and knit the yoke.
    Juavue H
    If you don't know any better set in slevees teach you a lot on your first sweater. That is what I did and now I love set in slevees.t
    Matthew F
    The Knit It Now Dynamic set in Sleeve caps are prefect!
    Nancy M
    setin sleeve be sure to mark your center stitch of the cap be fore you b.o. or scrap off.
    Jenny M B
    My problem with set-in sleeves is attaching sleeve to body:-(
    Rachel P
    Is dak good for set in sleeves
    Rachel P
    I was taught you divide the cap into thirds
    Beverly J
    Do you do a circular yoke dynamic pattern?
    Mary K
    mary from north carolina
    Scott V
    Maurie H
    Hi I made it, had to get new glasses, now I can see
    Good morning from Canada
    I am knitting a drop shoulder because I have a tricky pattern.
    Tahja J
    I found this for raglan calculations a few weeks ago. https://colinrmitchell.com/knitting/raglan.php
    Barbara N
    Raglan help would be appreciated.
    Linda H
    Drop shoulder is easy and comfortable especially for kids sweaters
    Laila J
    God evening from Denmark
    Tahja J
    Thank you so much for this. What would the best sleeve be for a chunky bulky hand knit sweater?
    Rachel P
    I love round yokes too
    Eleonore G
    Hello from Yucca Valley, CA
    Karin R
    how about round yokes?not so easy to knit, but I just love them
    Nancy M
    love raglan...fancy. increases or decreases . but I use knit leader.
    Betty E J
    hello from sunny Alabama
    Cynthia Q
    Which ever is easiest to start with right now
    Jenny M B
    Raglan is my favourite for wearing, 2nd favourite for knitting.
    Linette R
    Hi Marjorie from Michigan
    Marjorie M
    Marjorie from Michigan
    Linette R
    Breads & Threads from Michigan just got a Passap
    Matthew F
    we can do the map
    Mary Ann B
    Mary Ann from Burnsville, MN
    Nancy Z
    Nancy Zazza from FL
    Elspa M
    Mildred G
    Sorry little late from Penniac, NB Canada
    Barbara N
    Hello from Blue Hill Maine
    Darlene S
    Darlene from ontario Canada
    Pia L
    Vi from Sweden
    Mary Anne R
    Hello from Colorado
    Esther R
    first time her, from switzerland
    Nancy M
    Nancy Mangeri in Kansas here
    Cynthia Q
    thank you
    Hanna M
    Dayana K
    Dropped shoulder is good if you want to make a big intarsia motif, the body acts like a canvas
    Maryann B
    Rainy Oregon Coast checking in from Waldport
    Pamela S
    Hi from Texas
    Judit Eszter K
    Good evening from Budapest, Hungary!
    Kathy B
    I am with you...sloppy! I usually knit raglan styles.
    Anne B
    Hi From England
    Rachel P
    Hello I’m from Derbyshire uk
    Hayley P
    Hello from uk North Lincolnshire
    Jenny M B
    I have a Taitexma too, Lara. It's great!
    Lara F
    But boy did I have an interesting conversation with my husband when it arrived.
    Lara F
    i love my Taitexma and am so glad you were able to sell them
    Pat Y
    Hi, from Nova Scotia
    Lyn R
    Good afternoon from Texas
    Julie L
    Hello, everyone! From Minnesota.
    Patricia H
    My knitting room is my haven from crazy
    Sandra T
    Good afternoon from Orlando
    Linda H
    Hi from PA
    Sheila G
    Sheila I am new
    Jenny M B
    Your hair looks great, Sue!!
    Alessandra U
    Hi Alessandra from Connecticut!
    Cynthia Q
    Linda D
    Hi from Linda, Maryland
    Tina B
    Hi from Tina back in Norway
    Matthew F
    timer is still showing
    Lara F
    Good morning from California
    Doris H
    Hi from Ireland
    Cynthia Q
    I thougt it was my pad. Thanks Joy
    Matthew F
    Cherie S
    Good morning everyone!
    Matthew F
    yep that is all good!
    Joy G
    Echo was back Sue when you went to different camera...
    Cynthia Q
    Thisnwillmbe good.
    Matthew F
    there is an mic issue with two cameras
    Matthew F
    Matthew F
    thinks consently change at Youtube
    Matthew F
    We have over 140 events!!!
    Cynthia Q
    Hi everyone. Thanks to all of you who have provided me with so much help. Be right back. Need to get a pad and pen.
    Joy G
    Perfect 👌
    Juavue H
    It is working now.
    Patricia H
    Hello from Louisiana!
    Sheila G
    Joan W
    Hello from New Zealand early morning Thursday
    Jenny M B
    Hello everyone, from cold and wet North Wales. Really looking forward to this one, think it will be particularly interesting.
    Maryann B
    Digital gremlins! Drat
    Sue J J
    sorry ... we are working onit
    Joy G
    Same here 😔
    Juavue H
    It keeps saying an error has occurred. I have never received that before.
    Joy G
    Good evening fom the UK 😊
    Juavue H
    Good morning from IL.