About Sleeves
Set in Sleeves
Modified Drop Shoulder (Square Armhole)
Dynamic Patterns: Choose YOUR Sleeve Style
Chart Your Own
Sleeve Adjustments
DesignaKnit and Sleeves
Set-in Sleeve Perfection
LIVE@KnititNow Replays

Analyzing Sweater Styles (including sleeves)

When choosing knitting patterns, the first thing to consider is the basic shape of the sweater, especially the sleeves

  • Ease of knitting:
    Drop shoulder, and square armholes are fast and easy to knit. Full fashioned armholes involved a little bit of shaping on both the armhole and sleeve. Raglan shaping is worked over both the armhole and sleeve. Set in sleeves involve shaping for the armholes and complicated shaping for the sleeve cap as well.

  • Wearer preference:
    For kids, knitters often create drop shoulder or modified drop shoulder sweaters. Often adults have definite preferences. Drop shoulder, modified drop shoulder and raglan shaping are popular because they fit a wide range of body shapes. For proper fit, set in sleeves should be sized to fit the width of the shoulder.

Understanding and being able to identify basic sweater shapes is key to making good choices when planning your next sweater project.

Are you pressed for time? Select a simpler shape. Figure challenges? Choose a shape that is best for you.

For a better understanding of your choices, watch this video to examine some sleeve styles.