Quick Wins .... The Easiest Machine Knitting Projects - Replay Live Archive
Newbie or experienced, sometimes all we want is a quick, practical SUCCESS!
Machine knitting doesn't have to involve days of planning. We do this to get done QUICK!
Let's talk about fun, easy and quick projects that any MKer can knit.
Machine knitting doesn't have to involve days of planning. We do this to get done QUICK!
Let's talk about fun, easy and quick projects that any MKer can knit.
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Links mentioned in the Show
Hilda Hopkins, Machine Knitting Serial Killer Entertaining mysteries with a Machine Knitting twist.Country Knitting of Maine Hat Contest
One Piece Cardigan Pattern
Ebook: Designer Pencil Skirts for Machine Knitters
00:05:01 - Knit it Now Quick Wins
00:10:30 - Practice Patterns
00:10:30 - Squirrel Sweater - fast knitting - fun quick win
00:17:53 - Ribber Quick Wins
00:23:33 - DIY Blankets
00:29:51 - MIle-a-Minute Hats