Of course machine knitters can use (many) hand knitting patterns successfully! Using both a simple example and L'Enveloppe (a challenge), let's explore the steps

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Links mentioned in the Show

How to knit Entrelac on the machine
Courses: HK patterns on the Machine


00:01:53 - Outline of today's topics
00:02:11 - Is it Possible?
00:03:28 - Example 1
00:06:07 - Example 2
00:08:33 - Example 3
00:32:24 - L'Enveloppe ... my first version
00:17:54 - Learn more with our Courses: HK to MK
00:39:39 - Upcoming course: Master LK150 Patterning

More info about L'Enveloppe

Sue Jalowiec
Bye everybody ... replay will be up in a bit .. see you next week!
Sue Jalowiec
Great! stay tuned ... :-)
Cynthia M
I'm in , thank you!
Sue Jalowiec
@cynthia .. no, you don't have to be a subscriber. The cost will be $35 and will include the pattern, recorded videos and 3 live (and rcorded) shows
Cynthia M
Do you have to be a subscriber to participate in the kal?
Nancy M
just realized that my midgauge is not an lk150 but is a brother plastic bed... duh... loosing what's left of my mind s
Sue Jalowiec
@nancy M - thank you!
Sue Jalowiec
@nancy H - so glad you joined us!
Nancy M
great event as usual... am excited about the knit along.. have a wool silk ready to dye yarn to swatch for lenvelope..
Nancy H
Loved this chat!!! first time participating. Have a great day Sue.
Sue Jalowiec
thanks everyone! see you next week!
Jane W
thank you Sue. Will chat through email. Have a great day
Patricia H
thank you
Jackie O
Thank you!
Jean S
Thank you so much Sue. Always look forward to Tuesdays with Sue....

Oh, yes, thanks so much!
Have been following you, but have only just been able to find chat.
Sherrie B
Thank you so much!
Jean S
I have problems starting the punch card patterns after working in stockinette
Lorraine L
I'm waiting for more than basic DBJ is great
Nancy H
punch card info please!!!
Jean S
basics on punch cards and how to make the patterns work for you.
Karyn B
I'd love punchcard info, etc!
Patricia H
stitch patterns is a great idea
Sherrie B
Would love a future class about machine settings for double bed Jacquard.
Jane W
does it need to be dragged over wax?
Jane W
tricks for using hand yarn on machine?
Mary Ann B
One of the enticing things in favor of the LK150 is the price point. Much cheaper than metal bed machines.
Nancy M
what yarn did you use for the lenvelope?
Marie-Jo C
Good idea, Elspa ! The result can't be desappointing !

double bed Tuck on passap is really drapey.
Nancy M
great idea... color can be distracting... also a pouty disgruntled looking model has turrned me off of more than one pattern
Jane W
would want to make it jacquard perhaps on the passap to get thick enough?
Sherrie B
Love that.
Jane W
almost done the pattern hand knit garter bulky
Jackie O
Assymetry is big right now in all fashion pieces from tops to skirts.
Elspa M
I look at handknitting patterns as a “form” and focus on the model and colours and not the teknic. Then almost everythin is possible

Lynda M I do sometimes knit the rib then proceed with the rest on the machine from a hand knitting pattern.
Nancy M
love working with a schematic... opens a lot of room for imagination
Phyllis K D
Knowing how to hand knit helps to understand what the machine is doing and what it can do.
Betty E J
for smaller details
Betty E J
hand knitting or crocheting is much more portable
Sherrie B
I love to finish a garment and then in the evenings I just keep adding crochet touches and I love the way it turns out.
Nancy M
i suppose the intralac could be done if you have absolutely nothing else to do.
Marie-Jo C
That's what I don't like with hand knitting too long : it's not quick enough for me !!
Nancy M
LOL TOO much trouble!
Sherrie B
Jean S. Me too!
Jean S
Sherrie B. - love the idea of a lacy poncho.
Kelly C
why not tuck
Sherrie B
The poncho would be beautiful in lace too. Or done on the bulky with tuck stitch and a thinner yard to mimic lace.
Nancy M
same for crochet learn enough to finish and to add trim
Kelly C
Hi Sue Kelly I hate to hand knit
Matthew F
Joan - is there a play button on the video you might have to hit that to start the show
Nancy M
did a raglan cardigan sideways for a client a few years ago... was a fun challenge
Jean S
For texture you could use a tuck stitch as well. My favorite shawl was a full tuck stitch piece.. Airy and comfortable at the same time

From Bridgnorth in England

I have knitted from a hand knitting pattern on my Brother knitting machine.
Nancy M
would 1x1 tuck to make mock seed st
Nancy M
i would try sideways knitted but without stripes
Joan W
Got it now thx
Nancy H
Good idea Betty
Annie L
I use hand knitting to enhance my machine knitting and use my machine to speed up parts of my hand knitting. My favorite garments contain hand and machine knitting and crochet.
Betty E J
use a punchcard for the insert
Nancy H
Yes Joan it has
Gio R
Refresh the page Joan
Joan W
Has the live show started? I can’t see or hear Sue
Nancy M
Possible sideways adaptation
Mary Ann B
Jane W
with some fiddling
Nancy H
knit the inset separately
Nancy M
I would do it in sections and seam
Sherrie B
Carole M
Pam K
Terry Z
Nancy H
agree no to that one
Jane W
agree. what is that pattern? it's beautiful
Nancy M
Karyn B
Are patterns written for circular needles reasonably translated to a flat bed?
Nancy M
my very first mk garment (sweater) was translated from hand knit
Matthew F
Jane you are!
Jane W
Hi Sue. On the right chat now
Betty E J
Harry is here with me in my lap, my 18lb maine coon cat lol
Sherrie B
Hi Sue!!
Karyn B
What is the gauge difference between the LK 150 and a Brother 910?
Phyllis K D
Hi from Raleigh, NC. Sunny and cool.
Terry Z
don't know it.Have Brothers 930 and 260.
Pam K
MK70 similar machine- yes zippy 90 is lk
Mary Ann B
Love it for transporting to knit-ins and classes.
Nancy M
have machine just haven't used it yet...gotta get at it.
Karyn B
I've wondered about adding an LK to my others...undecided so far.
Mary Ann B
I have the LK 150 as well as the KX 350.

Yes, my grandkids and I use the 150, Judy Anderson
Rosalyn K
Kx 350
Jean S
Saving up to add it to my "collection" of machines but very hard to find one in Canada./////
Rosalyn K
Rosalyn K
I have a KP 350
Gio R
Hi everybody! Goodmorning/goodevening ;-)
Ruth S
Was my first machine.

Hi from Littleton, CO 80125
Karyn B
Hi from the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia :)
Betty E J
i have one
Mia F
I just got one. LOVE i
Jean S
Always exciting to see so many different places that people are from.
Pam K
UK, Scotland
Terry Z
this is the same chatroom as ever.....
Marie-Jo C
Good evening from France (I mean good morning, of course) !!!
Carole M
Hello - from Carole in Virginia
Carol W
I had to refresh my live button last week and had missed the first part due to being "too early" then caught up on the lesson by reviewing later that afternoon.
Mia F
Hi from Ireland
Nancy M
Good morning... Nancy Mangeri in Kansas here
Betty E J
Pam K
new to seeing video live
Mary Ann B
Good Morning everyone! I'm excited about this presentation!
Patricia H
Hi everybody
Jean S
Good Morning sue!
Terry Z
Hi Sue