Break out of the ribbing rut! Your cuffs and welts don't HAVE to be ribbed!
Machine Knitters have lots of alternatives to ribbing. Let's explore a few and expand your horizons

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Live Replays about Hems
#87 Cast on | Bind Off | Hems
#62 Curved Hems
#34 Hung Hems are Ugly .. NOT!

Classroom Mentioned:
Hems for all Occasions

Trims Books
Machine Knitting Trims and Edges - Single Bed
Machine Knitting Trims and Edges - Double Bed

"Knit the hem at the same time as the Body of the Soft Sideways Cardigan?"

Weekend Tee Pattern 00:02:24 - Hems
00:03:18 - Full Needle Rib Hem (Ribber only)
00:04:57 - Ribbon Facing Option (Thanks, Nancy!)
00:05:44 - Decorative Edges
00:09:16 - Cables in Rib
00:09:49 - Lace edges
00:11:19 - Picot Hem
00:12:36 - Scalloped Hems
00:17:55 - MK Terms Glossary in Different Languages
00:19:13 - Subscriber Knit-Along: Soft Sideways Cardigan
00:25:36 - Soft Sideways Cardigan: Perfect Fit
00:27:50 - Sawtooth Edges
00:28:35 - Picot Edges
00:28:35 - Weekend Tee
Phyllis K D
Nina and Lorraine, I was late too and I agree, those replays are great.
Lorraine B
Got back from an appointment to see last 15 minutes so am looking forward to seeing the replay.
Sue Jalowiec
Thanks for joining us today! See you next week!
Sue Jalowiec
OK - I"ll get started on the replay now ... adding links to things we talked about.
Nina L
Came late. Argh! Glad for replays. Thank you, thank you!!!

Thank you!!!
Sue Jalowiec
@kari - the replay will be up in a few hours
Can I see the whole thing later? I got a phone call and missed this presentation.
Kari Elliott
happy for the replays~
Marie-Jo C
See you later, thank you Sue !!!
Kari Elliott
sad that I missed most of todays show.
Sue Jalowiec
zoom - you don't need to go get anything ... the link will take you directly to the meeting
Maryse D
Thank you so much.
Nancy M
another great meeting Sue.
Kari Elliott
I think it's been over 9 years of memebership for me!
Jennifer J
Great show today!
Wilma T
I agree with Sandy. :-)
Sue Jalowiec
an invite to the zoom meeting is coming to knit-alongers
Cynthia P
it is an app
Aly T
How do I get Zoom?
Jennifer J
Will we get an invite?
Jennifer J
Thanks Sue sorry for all of the questions everyone
Jean Schwan
So glad to be back...Thanks again Sue!
Subscription is soooo worth it. Am so glad I joined. (My 3rd year)
Phyllis K D
Yes, Friday at 10am Sue Standard Time!
Jennifer J
Thanks Maryann!
Judy P
thanks, from me too
Dawn W
Thank you, inspiring as always!
Magda C
Have all a nice week. :)
Mary Ann B
Jennifer it is the for the knit along.
Aly T
Thanks Sue!!!!!
Suzanne S
Great info today. Thanks!
Leo B
Thank you Sue
Jennifer J
What is a zoom session?
Jean Schwan
Friday's Zoom session at 10 AM?
Patricia H
Thank you Sue
Mary Ann B
Thanks for today. Looking forward to Friday!
Cynthia P
thank you so much for today's program
Magda C
It always a great pleasure to hear you Sue, xxx
Matthew F
Sue - do not just cut the stream at the end let it run for a couple of miutes for the people on delay
Phyllis K D
See you Friday for the Zoom session!
Leo B
Great patterns
Judy P
thanks, yes - have bulky and she is so complicated.
Nancy M
on the needles skipping several loops between needles
Nancy M
the yarn
Mary Ann B
Jennifer, the perfect fit is part of the yearly subscription.
Judy - Joyce Schneider
Nancy M
I did a shawl that I used the self ruffle novelty hand yarn as the cast on edge, just by hanging
Judy P
sandy - whose pattern ?
Jennifer J
Congratulations Sandy W!
Judy P
knit it on as you knit
Just finished my first yoke sweater. Just beautiful! Just don't give up - I restarted a few times and glad I hung in there
Phyllis K D
Ruffled cardigan: a sweater and scarf in one!
Jennifer J
Is perfect fit part of the subscription?
Catherine Z
I feel a challenge coming on about a yoke sweater!
Nancy M
then there's Bonnie's trim edging books!
Jennifer J
Jean Schwan
Love the sawtooth edges.
Annie L
Jennifer J
Annie L. On a machine?
Jean Schwan
If I put my fingers on the right keys its much better...soryy.
Annie L
Search Gini Knits for some great round yoke patterns.
Jean Schwan
Kive tge sawtiitg
Judy P
how to knit on a ruffle
Jennifer J
Magda C
ok Phyllis...
Jennifer J
After years of knitting on a machine
Judy P
Judy P
doing one now and so frunstrated
Jennifer J
Yes for the yoke!
Cynthia P
my yarn has slubs so i am only doing stockinette
Phyllis K D
Thanks, Magda, perhaps upload a picture of the result of the hanging the sleeve back on to lengthen it to the forum? I'm sure others would love to see the result.
Julia M
Can the sleeves be full length?
Jean Schwan
Jean Schwan
Magda C
thanks Phyllis, will show you the result. This time I will wash the rest of the wool before knitting. :)
Leo B
Yoke sweaters maybe a course???
Wilma T
Same here Marie-Jo, I know the English better too (than Dutch in my case)
Phyllis K D
Magda, I don't know how it might look, haven't done it for sleeves. I've done it in other things and it was good.
Jean Schwan
When we knit the sleeves is it possible to knit the cuff and bottom half in lace and the rest in full knit?
Marie-Jo C
I know better the knitting vocabulary in English than in French !!
Judy P
what a face ? priceless
Magda C
Phyllis, I thought to do that, undo and rehang and re-rib 1/1... it doesn't' look bad by rehanging ?
Jennifer J
Or at least a hand knit equivalent
Phyllis K D
If sleeves get too short, maybe open the seam and hang the edge on the machine and knit extra rows to extend it?
Jennifer J
Yes Jean!
Jean Schwan
it really is like learning a new language when you first start knitting....then when you lare learning to machine knit its like a secondary knitting language
Jennifer J
I would love to help you with a list of terms to help new machine knitters
Marie-Jo C
When knitting sideway garment, I'd like to knit the edge at the same time
Jennifer J
Oh no!
Magda C
I think my daughter washed it to hot....
Judy P
knit down, hold every 4th ndl,7 rows, i row plain bo.
Jennifer J
Magda C
thank you....
Jennifer J
Sounds like I just need to learn the names for the techniques. I have done the hung hem in hand stitching but it isn’t called ‘hung’
Judy P
pick up, knit down with fancy end
Karyn B
A classroom on these ribbing alternatives would be awesome
Mary Ann B
Add a trim to lengthen the too short sleeves?
Judy P
my signature finish is 8 row scallop
Magda C
Hello everybody. sleeves to short after washing, how can I do longer. ? thank you. Sue. :)
Sherrie B
That cabled rib treatment is so beautiful.
Phyllis K D
Raleigh NC, checking in late, hi there!
Nancy M
love those xabled cuffs!
Jennifer J
Love that sleeve cuff!
Jean Schwan
sorry....Love that cable cuff!! lol
Leo B
Cables as ribbing
Jean Schwan
Kive tgat cabke cyff!!!
Karyn B
LOVE this!
Cynthia from New York State
So, if we have no ribber, full needle rib is not needed
Jennifer J
Cynthia from New York State
I was wondering the same thing, Jennifer
Sherrie B
We are all machine knitters. No one understands technical difficulties more than us, Misss Sue!
Lola P
Hello from Milton Keynes in the UK
Jennifer J
Sorry, new machine knitter
Sherrie B
I love the edge on that green sweater.
Jennifer J
What exactly is a full needle rib?
Jean Schwan
would love to work with a lacey sleeve
Nancy M
the first one i did that way in '73, the ribbon just recently started falling apart.
Jennifer J
What exactly is a full needle rib?
Mary Ann B
I just finished a sweater that I used a lace pattern on the hem and sleeve hems. It's lovely.
Aly T
Leo B
Yes never thought of doing fnr as a hem
Jennifer J
What about a lace edge?
Betty B
Margaret W
Totally agree with you
Ken S
Ritta K
not sure what a full needle hem is
Mary C
Mary Clark SaddleBrooke Az.
Marie-Jo C
Hello from France and Marie-Jo
Nancy M
fastest is to face the edge with a sturdy fancy ribbon.
Nancy M
I have used non ribbed treatments.
Linda M Mcfarland Wisconsin new
Catherine Z
I have machine knitted socks with my handspun yarn for years!
Cynthia P
I am 75 and atarted knitting my hand knit socks on 2 needles at 11 and them graduated to knitting in the round now i love machine knit ones. ps i am 75
Matthew F
That would be a great new course!
Wilma T
everything about socks is great, I love to learn more
Mary Ann B
Swan sock would be good, I'm just not fond of having to sew seams in socks.
Deborah F
Debbie from Noble Ok
Pat A
Sedona has finally reached 70°
Jean Gillrie Schwan
I've got the Swan book as well, haven't had a chance to work from it yet.
Jennifer J
Love to see socks knit on a machine! I have knit 50+ by hand
Brenda H
Yes to the swan socks
Cynthia P
I have the swan book so i would love to see how to make them
Margaret W
Margaret from Malvern ready and waiting!
Betty B
Betty from Sunny Michigan
Karen P
Good morning!
Pat A
Pat from Sedona, back from vacation
Jennifer J
Anyone know where to get a table/stand for a brother machine and ribber?
Jean Gillrie Schwan
Good Morning (finally) from the West Kootenays
Dawn W
Good from sunny Ohio!
Marylynn B
Mary Lynn here from SC
Lyn R
Good morning from Texas
Gio R
Hi, from the Netherlands! :-)
Patricia H
Patricia from Louisiana here
Mary Ann B
I would love some info on doing the sock heels without gettin holes.
Wilma T
I owe my grey hair to it ;-)
Ritta K
Hello from the gulf coast of Florida Only 67 degrees. On vacation but I couldn't miss the show.
Lorrie B
Made an afghan in Fisherman rib with self-stripping yarn
Sherrie B
Sherrie from Seattle
Nancy M
Hi! Nancy Mangeri in Kansas here... lovely day today.
Jody A
Good morning from Alaska
Wilma T
Planning on joining the sideways cardi KAL and working on flat bed socks. Tried 2/1 mock ribbing. It look very nice.

Hi from Sycamore, IL

Hearing alot of static, does anybody else hear it
Patricia C
Hi from So. California. New to machine knitting.
Mary Ann B
Planing a sweater for a friend and socks for a grandson.
June H
Hi Sue! Hello from Shelton, Washington.
Jenny M B
Hello from North Wales, everyone!
Matthew F
I love that Yarn tree!
Maryse D
Hello Sue, I’m so happy to be with you today, I have a cold so I’m staying home. From Sherbrooke Québec Canada
Aly T
HI SUE..Aly from Dublin
Betty E J
its short weather here in Alabama
Leo B
A cotton sweater for my grandson
Terri S
Hello from Vancouver, Canada!

Hello from Alberta Canada
Marianne P
Hello from Tromsoe, Norway.
Leo B
Hi from a very sunny Portugal

Hello from Bradford England
Joan W
Good morning from New Zealand
Wilma T
Hi from the Netherlands
Cynthia P
hi matthew
Mary Ann B
Sound and video coming in fine.

Sandra from Montana
Cynthia P
hello from Oshawa, Ontario Canada,
Machteld V
Hi from Belgium
Brenda H
Hello from Alberta Canada
Catherine Z
Hi from Salt Lake City!
Jennifer J
Hi! Jennifer from Maryland
Karyn B
Hi from VA :)
Mary Ann B
HI! From Sunny Minnesota.
Matthew F
Hello everyone we are starting the live event