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Calling all Newbies!

We need your help, please

February 2023

Hi ,

We need your help, please. 😌

I recently had an ongoing discussion with a new knitter who offered some excellent, insightful feedback about Knit it Now from a new knitter’s perspective.

I have to admit that at first, I got really defensive.  (After almost 13 years of nurturing our “baby” it was painful to admit that the site is lacking.)

Today, I must admit that she made some very valid points (I haven’t gotten much sleep since she first wrote).

We need your HELP!

Will you please join me on Saturday, February 25  to discuss the future of Knit it Now from a new knitter’s point of view?

  • What is a beginner?  (this is harder to define than  you might think)

  • How can we make it easier for beginners (and other knitters) to find what they need?

  • How can we inspire all levels of knitters to use their machines and knit?  

Over the years, Matt and I have tried to quickly respond to your requests.  Look at how the site has grown in direct response to our members!

Please submit your thoughts in advance and join us live if you can. I’ll do my best to address your feedback during our live session and hopefully get feedback from others as well.

Based on your suggestions, Matt and I will put our heads together and work our magic to make the site better for all levels of knitters.

Respond to this email with your thoughts or answer this 3 question survey.

Thank you!
The Zoom LIVE will be held in The Knit Club Community under "events"
If you haven't joined the community yet, here's the link

If you’d rather not discuss this publicly, please set up a
one-on-one meeting and let me know your thoughts.  I’ll take calls all week and I look forward to talking with you.