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The Secret Language of Machine Knitting

Don't be lost

March 2023

Machine knitting has its own terms and shorthand that can be hard to understand. You can easily translate with the detailed Knit it Now Glossary.
With all the abbreviations and different machine brand names and models, it's no wonder new knitters feel lost.

What about all of those machine-specific accessories?
A knitter recently asked "What is DAK? "

If you've been machine knitting for a while you may use these terms as second nature, but I'll bet you scratch your head now and then when running across new MK (machine kntiting) vocabulary

Click/tap the question mark symbol throughout Knit it Now (patterns, blog, home page etc) for links to the Glossary
New Course!

Silver Reed SK840

Learn all about this AMAZING top-of-the-line electronic machine.