You don't need an automatic patterning machine to create these transitions.
Just 2 rows can make a softer transition for stripes. Blend the colors without a punchcard or programming.
Cast on and knit first stripe in Main Color (dark grey)
- Pull out every other needle
- Set your carriage to slip Slip on your machine
- Brother part buttons
- Silver Singer - Slip cam setting
- Knit 1 row (every other needle knits with Main Color/dark grey)
- Carriage continues to slip
- Thread carriage with Contrasting Color (White)
- Pull alternating needles out (needles that just knit will slip)
- Knit 1 row (every other needle will knit with Contrasting Color (White)
repeat 1 and 2 alternating the colors
Continue knitting the next stripe in the Contrasting Color (White)
Repeat this sequence between stripes as desired.
No extra settings, punchard or programming is needed.
Soften the transition between stripes