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What other Knitters are saying ....

10 stars
I have been lurking on this site for several years and recently took out a subscription. Already I am impressed with all the information you have collected and prepared for machine knitters. I have learned a number of new techniques which have awakened my interest in improving my knitting. I am looking forward to an interesting year.
Jill - 1.2014
10 stars
I love these live events! I usually watch them after they've aired but enjoy them immensely and learn so much. So excited for the changes coming to the Dynamic Patterns! Knit It Now keeps getting better and better! Thanks for helping me improve my skills.
Loretta - 5.2018
10 stars
Thank you for the Brother 930/940 Course. I've followed lessons in the past, but I never really understood the reasoning behind the buttons and levers and followed lists of press this and do that. I am still in the process of absorbing all the information, but a lot of things already came together!
Theo - 10.2022
10 stars
Knit It Now has been a good experience for me. All facets of conducting e-business have been most satisfacory!
Lois - 1.2009