Cynthia Quill

3 years ago
Has anyone seen this? It is a Needle Beetle.


It works on LK Plastic bed machines. It does not fit the Brother KX-350. I asked them.

There are other videos of it being used. Diana Sullivan has one and there are others. Sue, have you ever used this?
Sue Jalowiec

3 years ago
I  have not used it, but the LK-150 is a 6.5mm machine and I believe the KX-350 is 7mm???? (someone please correct me if I'm wrong)
I suspect that this difference will prevent you from using the on the Brother machine.

You might want to contact Kris Krafter to find out for sure
Cynthia Quill

3 years ago
No, it does not work with the Brother machines. It won't fit. It is kind of neat. I was now wondering, if this was somewhat, not exactly, what a lace carriage does? Not exactly. But it runs across the bed and does not actually knit? I have the Brother that came with the lace carriage. I remember just trying it a couple times a couple years ago, before I had to have my husband put it away because I needed the spot it was in. It is too heavy for me to lift, so I never asked him to get it put again.

We don't have a place fixed up yet that I can have my heavy machines out, at the moment (but we have figured out where I can do it ðŸ‘?ðŸ‘?). They are too heavy for me to get out and then put away when I need the place I set them out. So I got out my plastic bed the other day to figure out machine knitting, again before I receive my new-to-me machines. The new-to-me ones won't be nearly the same, but the reading of the actual patterns and understanding what to do, cast on and cast off will be similar.  I was searching for a tuck on a kx-350 video when I came across the Needle Beetle.

I think the Needle Beetle is a tad expensive, but for what it does, I thought for some it might make it possible for someone wit joint issues to do more with a plastic bed machine.
Jenny M Benson

3 years ago
Slightly similar to the Brother Lace Carriage in that one pass of the lace carriage selects needles according to the punchcard or electronic pattern with one pass of the LC.  (It transfers stitches on the second pass.)  The LC does not require the manual selection of a few needles to tell it what to do.

I was delighted to discover the existence of this tool, thinking it would encourage me to make more use of my Option 4 (which is the same as an LK-150) but I was rather horrified by the price.  Postage to the UK was not unreasonable but i rather decided the actual cost of the tool made it just not worth having.  I'd be very tempted if I ever came across a second-hand one.

Lyn Collins

3 years ago
The needle beetle is a great tool.  I've used it mostly for fair isle it will work on the LK150 6.5 mm and the LK 100 9mm machines.  There was a needle selector that was manufactured for Brother machines that would work on  KX350 you might be able to find one.  
Julie Lyons

3 years ago
Lyn Collins mentions there was a needle selector for the Brother KX350.  You might contact Knit & Sew World in Saint Peter, Minnesota.  The owner, Shawn Dolan, has been in the machine knitting world for a VERY long time and is an excellent repair person.  He has quite the shop and may be able to help you.   contactus@knitsewworld.com   507-934-3741
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