Advice from your fellow knitters ...

What are 5 things that newbies should know?
What do you wish YOU knew when you first started Mking?
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Classroom: Swatching is NOT Optional!
Words of Wisdom from fellow machine knitters
Kids Squirrel Sweater - Easy, fast beginner project
Kids Chipmunk Sweater - Squirrel with shaped sleeves

Thank you to everyone who shared their "words of wisdom"!
Leo B
Great enjoyed it very much but don't do two things at the same time just burned dinner.
Sue Jalowiec
There are some technical consideratons .... needlebed limitations ... hmmm... putting on my thinking cap now :o)
Sue Jalowiec
Adult Squirrel or Chipmunk (shaped sleeves)
Sue Jalowiec
not yet ... I've been thinking about it ... it appears there is some interest
Lyn R
Great. Program, as always. Thoroughly enjoy the time spent.
Cindy D
Hi everybody. Is there an adult squirrel sweater?
Aly T
Thanks Sue
Elspa M
Lisa R
Bye, hope to see you next week.
Patricia H
Thank you Sue
Sue Jalowiec
Thanks to everyone who gave their 2 cents ... good stuff!
Nancy Z
Thnx Sue & Matt! Bravo!
Marie-Jo C
Thanks a lot !4
Jeanette M
I'm Ready to get knitting now!!! Thanks Sue!
Wilma T
Thanks for this session! Love to join each time if I can. Bye to everyone
Kate A
Thank you Sue!
Jean S
Thank you so much Sue great session today!
Sharon S
Carol D
Subbing next Tuesday, so will have to watch the rerun!
Cynthia P
Great program thanks Sue and Matt
Sharon S
love the hat
Kate A
Love the Swirl Top!
Jacqueline O
tha's beautiful
Wilma T
You could do lace on the shoulders on Squirrel
Use reversed seams on the adult squirrel, make those seams look intentional
Nancy M
very 1920's 30's
Wilma T
Very cute hat! Looks great on you
Cynthia P
i love your cloch
Jeanette M
That looks adorable on you!!
Jean S
You could make it a squirrel cardigan with 3/4 sleeves as well.
Sharon S
I like the adult version of the tiny one
Edith L
I agree about the4-H
Joy G
Yes an adult version would be great :)
Nancy M
learn to dress the swatches... make several identical swatches and treat them differently ...learn how to properly "kill" an acrylic
Jenny M B
Squirrel for adults? = great idea!
Edith L
looks like a fun sweater and for all sizes.
Cynthia P
it would look nice as a sweater for a woman or a teen ager.
Jean S
Yes! I would love an adult version of an adult Squirrel.
Jean S
because I was a hand knitter ...I wasn't afraid to wash, block and carry on. Blocking is so very important.
Jacqueline O
A mini pattern - your Squirrel
Jean S
My first knitting was scarves ....learned how to mock rib and cross cables...eventually I learned how to tuck etc etc.
Nancy Z
a new knitter, coming from a plastic bed, would be well-served to knit rectangles in different patterns, fairisle...... then sew them up into mitts!
Cynthia P
a baby sweater you can donate and learn all the main points of knitting
Jeanette M
scarfs and hats would be a good start
Carol D
YES the Bond teaches you a lot about tension, as well as weights and stitch formation and manipulation!
Jacqueline O
I benefited a lot from your advice, one machine, one yarn, one stitch pattern.... this has been GREAT advice
Jean S
I agree with Nancy M....and you end up with a properly wound ball.
Jeanette M
That is one of the most important things, when I mess up and have to tink... I try to remember, it only took an hour or so. If I would have done it by hand... would have taken me days to do! It helps keep me from being discouraged.
Cynthia P
I never thought of that Nancy what a great idea
Phyl in Raleigh, NC
If you are left-handed, you may need to adjust for that when watching videos.
Nancy M
I use my ball winder to frog it is therapeutic
Cynthia P
when a km knitter is relaxed you think better. that also goes for hand knitting
Edith L
Joy G
My husband already knows not to interrupt me when I'm knitting lol
Michelle E
My machine knows my moods If I expect trouble it will make sure I have troubles
Edith L
yes. I am great at frothing on machine now.
Wilma T
Yep, what you said is right Sue. They do have feelings
Nancy M
I think she is right on... solution is to organize it into units that are manageable and fit your time restrictions.
Jeanette M
I totally agree with Jacqueline! It is definitely higher maintenance than I first thought! But I am learning just how to take steps back to actually learn first and sweaters later!!
Patricia B
It also requires concentration. I can multi task with machine embroidery but not knitting
Edith L
too frustrat ing.
Wilma T
I totally agree. The more you knit the better things go.
Edith L
I finally put short rows aside. Maybe try again after a break.
Wilma T
I do talk to them but have no special names for them.
Kate A
I need to talk with my machines to encourage them to play along. I named them long ago.
Carol D
My Brother 830 -Kali, because she came to me from Kalispel, Montana!
Leo B
named mine Miss Piggy sometimes all hell breaks loose.
Kate A
Knubby and Finely
Nancy M
when I got my machine I had to have hubby read the manual to me as I followed his directions
Jacqueline O
Don't let anyone bring any negative energy into 'Your Space'. Critical comments are not welcome :D (I have to remind my husband ever so kindly his comments can only be 100% supportive/encouraging/happy) The point is to machine knit as a source of happiness .... of course he would want that happiness too in his space :)
Nancy M
i 2as surprised she set her deadline so far in advance
Jean S
Figured out a long time ago to plan ahead....like at least a month....lol
Nancy M
been there done that!! not enough yarn!
Annie L
Deadlines make me smart fast. The pressure is useful for me.
Jeanette M
Kate A
Wilma T
A deadline is deadly for me
Jeanette M
When I first tried sewing, I bought a jean pattern and material!!! Woah! Never again!
Joy G
Yes I saw that... Must do simple things first:)
Wilma T
LOL I’ll repeat it
Diane M
Hi from Sycamore, IL
Eleanor L
eleanor Leap from Michigan
Wilma T
Ravelry has some very helpful groups too!
Jeanette M
hello from Ohio!!
Eleanor L
Leo B
In facebook there are generous knitters who are always willing to help when you are a sole knitter
Carol D
Hello from the showery Catskill Mountains of NY state!
Nancy M
an added thing. learn to keep your machine clean and in workong order...read the maintenance section of your manual
Marilyn R
Hello from Michigan
Lyn R
Hi Elpsa and Sharon
Sharon S
Hi! finally back from Israel and able to watch on line.
Leo B
Hi Elpsa
Cynthia P
welcome elspa
Elspa M
Hi from Aarhus Denmark
Jean S
Good Morning!
Cynthia P
when i learned how to knit by hand they didn't need gauge swatches so i didn't realize how important they were.
Marie-Jo C
I knit a pair of mittens for me.. and my husband says he needs a pair, too !
Jenny M B
Hi all! Just arrived from North Wales!
Dawn W
Good afternoon from sunny SW Ohio.
Lyn R
Welcome Leo
Kate A
You Go Sue!!!
Wilma T
My DD is turning 32 tomorrow!! How time flies.
Lyn R
I'm onto great grands now, have 3
Cynthia P
welcome from Leo from Portugal
Nancy M
Thanks, will check them out.
Leo B
Hi from Portugal
Joy G
Thank you :)
Phyl in Raleigh, NC
Glad to have you here, Joy!
Lyn R
I'm not, but he is. I started early
Cynthia P
welcom joy
Nancy M
need to find mid gauge extra transfer tools and garter bar.
Lyn R
Welcome Joy
Joy G
Hi Sue, I'm new :)
Lyn R
He's 54
Cynthia P
i am also knitting a hat by hand and a scarf on the km mid gauge
Lisa R
Mittens still.
Matthew F
Make sure you are view the video at the live point - there is the ablity to view the start of the video
Lisa R
Ooops, my error.
Wilma T
Last sleeve of a sweater. Garter carriage is buzzing right now
Lyn R
Going to knit Afghan for my son, his request.
Cynthia P
Made 2 pair of mitts on for my gd Autum and one for her friend
Lisa R
don't hear anything yet
Aly T
good now
Marie-Jo C
Sound is perfect !
Kate A
Aly T
No its gone off
Wilma T
I can here you now
Nancy M
just lost audio
Patricia H
Patricia from Louisiana
Lyn R
Hear you just fine
Pat B
Good afternoon from Prince Edward Island Canada
Cynthia P
sound is on
Matthew F
Its on now
Matthew F
Sound is off
Lisa R
Hi again! Looking forward to today's program.
Nancy M
good morning everyone! Nancy Mangeri in Kansas here.
Lyn R
My Tuesday wouldn't be complete without our little get together. When we don't have one, i feel like someghing is missing.
Cynthia P
thanks matthew
Aly T
All good
Matthew F
please tell me that you can see sue!
Matthew F
Guys if you see the button to refresh your screen - click it we are live
Marelda C
Hello from sunny South San Francisco
Cynthia P
Wilma it is addictive so you will be here often as well. lol
Patricia B
Good morning from California
Wilma T
So good to see lots of familiar ,faces’ again.
Cynthia P
hello all my mk friends
Aly T
Hi all from sunny Dublin
Lyn R
Hi Cynthia, Phyl, Mary Jo, Matthew and Jody. It's in the 90s in Texas
Cynthia P
hi Wilma
Wilma T
Hi to everyone from a rainy Netherlands!!
Cynthia P
Phyl i am a rebel i don't do metric or Celsius. lol I decided no to learn when they first inroduced it in Caanda LOL
Cathy R
Good morning from Tacoma
Cynthia P
Hi Jody i hear your winter will be warner than ours this year.
Phyl in Raleigh, NC
It is hot again today - 90f, 32c degress and sunny. We haven't had rain either and we need it.
Jody A
Good morning from Alaska
Cynthia P
hi lyn
Lyn R
Good morning everyone from Crandall, TX
Cynthia P
Hi Marie Jo
Cynthia P
Hi Phyl it is cool up here how is it in Raleigh
Marie-Jo C
Hello Cynthia, Matt and Phyl ! Marie-Jo from France here
Phyl in Raleigh, NC
Cynthia, I hope you are feeling better. We missed you at last Wednesday's knit along.
Phyl in Raleigh, NC
Hi Cynthia, Matt.
Matthew F
Hello everyone
Cynthia P
Good afternoon everyone.