Don't just follow knitting patterns and HOPE that the designer had YOUR body in mind when they did the math!
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NEW! Welcome to Knit it Now

Short rows in pattern Short rows with Lace Carriage
Nancy suggested if you are manually creating tuck and want to work short rows, take the short row needles out of work with ravel cord. This is similar to what you would do when using a lace carriage

Vertical Darts

Classroom: All about Short Rows
Bust Darts
Round Back (Dowager's Hump)

Complete Course
Don't just follow knitting patterns and HOPE that the designer had YOUR body in mind when they did the math!
  • Are you always happy with your knits?
  • Do you struggle with the same fit issues over and over?
  • Do you choose your knitting pattern size by your body measurement?
  • Discover how to make knits that fit YOU! Learn common fit issues and how to fix them.
  • Use DesignaKnit, Pencil and Paper, Charting Devices or Knit it Now patterns.
Apply what you learn to your next knitting project. You'll be delighted with the results!
Sue Jalowiec
See everyone on Friday! Please send any DAK comments/ suggestions/questions
Phyllis K D
We have to check on each other a bit more these days.
Marie-Jo C
See you soon, Sue !
Phyllis K D
Cynthia, I was glad to see you in the Zoom meeting yesterday.
Marjorie M
Enjoyed this
Cynthia P
thanks so much Sue and Matthew
Sue Jalowiec
Griselle L
Thank You, great video, see you Friday.
Sue Jalowiec
Linda C
We love you Sue
Melody L
this was my first time watching it live, it was great to enter act.
Nancy M
stay safe, keep swatching
Cynthia P
Phyllis D hi things are good here in canada
how to order directly?
Eebie C
thank you sue, this was fun, see you Friday. and yes we need to learn while we are house bound.
Thank you Sue
Sue Jalowiec
that's correct - no moreYeoman. You can order directly
Phyllis K D
Love the live Zoom meetings!
Are you going to carry Yeoman yarns anylonger?
Maurie H
thanks Tamara
Chris L
Thanks, Patricia.
Patricia J S
Yes, Chris. No problem
Tamara D
Maurie, there's graph paper you can print to your gauge. you may find that amazingly useful if doing complex patterning/cables. you can draft an entire garment with it and "paper fit" the pattern.
Patricia J S
Any Tutorial about 1 specific thing to do, with clear, step to step instructions
Scott V
where are these videos
Chris L
Nancy. Great suggestions. Thank you.
Chris L
Patricia, can I contact you through Sue. Don't want you to post info on this forum.
Nancy M
the wool, rayon, acrylic, cotton questions is a matter of gaining experience...so that means swatching (3 identical swatches) one as is, one dressed, one dressed and laundered...so you can see how a fabric reacts.
You are doing a fabulous job, Sue. this is an amazing website!
Mary K
It has wonderful video tutorials. Easy to understand
Maurie H
Yes I use pencil and paper
Maurie H
Thank you, and I guess I will need all the info available .
So Friday's Zoom meeting will be discussing what we want to learn in DAK?
Patricia J S
Maybe a little. It has been a while
Marjorie M
You can link it to some machines. Others you follow the row by row instructions. It will give directions for assoted machines and even tell you it won't fit on a machine. It also gives handknitting instructions.
Chris L
Patricia, can you help me with SilverKnit? I have an SK860.
AWESOME!! i'm going to ZOOM !
Mary K
Wonderful program, but there is a learning curve
Eebie C
glad im not alone! Dak is scary
Phyllis K D
Hi Cynthia, how are you?
Oh thanks Cynthia
Mary Ann B
Eebir C I'm in the same boat! I'm scared to hook it up to the machine.
Patricia J S
I have used Silver-Knit
Tamara D
Not a dummy question Maurie. it's a software for designing knits.
Marjorie M
Pretty much any machine, even hand knitting.
Chris L
Anybody else use Silver Knit?
Joann P
It's a great tool!!!! Open that box
Cynthia P
Marjorie M in sewing the dart is larger on the side and when the dart is made it decreases the amount of fabric on the side to make room for the girls. the excess fabric makes room for your bust and narrow because the dart made room for the bust with the excess fabric used at the place needed
Eebie C
I own design a knit and silver reed 840 and haven't opened the day box, so for me it will be getting me over the hump of starting!
Maurie H
okay here is my dummy question what is Designaknit can it be used with any knitting machine???????????
do we need to make a zoom account to attend friday's meeting? does it cost money?
Joann P
yahoo!!!! DAK!!! looking forward
Marjorie M
DAK 8 or 9?
Chris L
Can you do a webinar discussing different fibers? Wool? Cotton? Rayon?
good tip
Mary K
Remember with darts & any short rowing, turn your row counter off a & on at appropriate times
So if I wanted to make a larger bust size on a misses dynamic Raglan pattern, I could add a bust dart?
Marie-Jo C
I'd like to watch to a sweaters knitted with darts and the same one without darts, to see the difference
Marjorie M
The dart diagraham confuses me. Dressmaking the side triangle is always wide ant the seam, and pointy at the point of the bust.
can you put bust darts in a raglan sleeve style sweater?
Mary K
cut & sew with one of your neckline opening tools would be a good way to go
Annie L
Do we need to measure the size of our big heads?
Nancy M
note that the foundation garments you wear when you fit your garments should bevthe same you wear with your finished garment
Maurie H
darts at the neck line should take care of extra stitches
Chris L
There is a guide in the bust dart adjustment tool. C cup = about 1"
Patricia J S
Matthew F
we just updated the dart tool and it is integrated into the interactive patterns. We have been having fun LOL
Mary K
i do short rowing after armhole shaping & from hem to armholes for a 2+ inch need in extra length in the back
Jacqueline O
Sue has a great bust dart tool ...it works very well
Melody L
Does the Knit it now perfect fit take in concentrations of the balance of the neck line if you make the front wider?
if you make the front wider than the back would it affect the arm hole opening?
Patricia J S
Is there an explanation of how much bust dart to add
Tamara D
Maurie, the change in tension also mean a shorter row gauge and a stiffer fabric. if you're doing a precise fit top you may need to take that into consideration
Nancy M
thanks Tamara! that is what I usually do...even with sewing pattern
Jacqueline O
Yes reducing the tension is so much easier and faster... I am taking the extra time for vertical darts With the Garter bar to get the lines that show
Tamara D
A suggestion Nancy is to measure your upper chest above the bust and use that measurement to select your pattern size. I sill have to fiddle some things, but it doesn't require as much math/adjustments
Hope R
Maurie H
could you just decrease your tension for about 10 to 15 rows at the waist, that should pull it in
which size pattern would Nancy M start with to fit a zise 10 shoulder with a size 18 bust?
Nancy M
yep so I make changes to the different segments
That is a fantastic option for waist shaping!!! thank you
Nancy M
i have to be careful because my shoulder measurements are a size 10 but my bust is a size 18!
Betty S
Great idea.
Jacqueline O
Betty S
Jacqueline, are you making a vertical dart?
Jacqueline O
I will post a photo
Fantastic! thank you, Sue. I didn't realize that was how you use magic formula
Wilma T
Hear, hear, for the tummy botton.
Jacqueline O
25% of stitches outside the decreases right and left ... with 50% of stitches in the middle
Annie L
The tummy may need it's own button also.
Jacqueline O
To taper in at the bodice I am trying to use a garter bar to pull in 1 stitch each 6 rows
Melody L
Macy's, Kohl's, JCP tell manufacturers what the grade of a garment should be. As a grading employee for a manufacturer sometimes what they want doesn't make sense..but we are forced to follow what they want.
How do you figure out how to take the waist in so that the sweater is fitted instead of boxy?
Nancy M
for sure! a great way to shop for that perfect sweater
thanks for the explaining about the Dowager n where to go!
Annie L
I shop Macy's with a tape measure. Sizes on garments are useless. Some store vanity size so much you may end up shopping in the girls department. Tape Measure shopping.
Joann P
thank you Betty
Down the back would be OK for plus size raglans, but how about a side insert?
Betty S
go back to Joanne's question about location of short row for humpy shoulders, pleas
Carol K
I always add 2" to my body measurement. I like a comfortable fit.
Hope R
Hi, I'm the one with sweaters that are too long using rayon yarn. Yesterday, you recommended 100 stitch x 100 row swatches. I have a mid-gauge machine. What size swatch do you recommend for mid-gauge?
Jacqueline O
I always do a swatch and more likely multiple swatches the I like to start with a sleeve and mark every 40th row the a contrasting sewing thread that way I see it I need to fudge a bit with the tension and blocking if I use a nice meino
Marie-Jo C
Thank you for your complete explanation, Sue !
Are you going to have plus sized dynamic raglan patterns?
Nancy M
remember to double check the FINISHED garment measurements...I've forgotten to do that and i added ease and end up to wide.
Chris L
Very interesting gauge check. Thank you.
Joann P
to lengthen the back due to Dowager's hump. Is it better to short row at the bottom of sweater or in the area of the dowager's hump?
Marjorie M
Sometimes instructions do not make sense reading them through. I need to have the real stitch configuration for it to make sense.. I note were the question is and approach that area with care. Probably should lifelines before getting there too.
Maurie H
yes Patricia you can
Marie-Jo C
My sweater are often too wide, never too long ! I don't know why...
Jane N
this is about fit!
Patricia J S
Do I understand that you can knit a short-rowed Circular Blanket in Tuck Stitch?
Nancy M
Chris L
Can you talk a little more about knitting with rayon and wool.
Nancy M
work instead of hold
Nancy M
you may have to use a ravel cord to but your short rows to out of eork instead of hild.
Chris L
I understand about darts in tuck. Thank you
Dawn W
woven garment...
Dawn W
Should we use a woven, so stretch is not an issue?
Chris L
I like bust darts. I have no problem adding them in stockinette, but is there some special consideration when knitting in tuck?
Danielle B
Not knowing your size...
Hope R
yes i hear you
Chris L
Relax. We love you. It's all good.
Maurie H
it is April 1,2020
Danielle B
getting sweaters to fit
Hope R
i heard intro
Chris L
It's all good!
Morag W
Still not getting anything.
Matthew F
Sarah Cann
Heard all the intro
Danielle B
yes you have sound
Annie L
My sound only stopped 3 min. ago.
I can hear you!!!!
Danielle B
I'm trying to do lives with my business and everyone is on.
Marie-Jo C
Better now !!
Danielle B
You are awesome....
Marie-Jo C
There is an echo here...
Jean G
Could hear you until you changed screens. I can hear
jeri r
yes, but you keep smiling so its ok
Marjorie M
Chris L
Don't need to start over. We were good until you shared the screen. SMILE!
Maurie H
yes you do
Phyllis K D
Yes, sound is goood!
Dawn W
yes, fine
Jacqueline O
You sound great. This is a great topic. ❤️
Edith L
Carol K
Beverly J
Mary Ann B
Sound is better
I heard you a while ago
Phyllis K D
Sounds good!
Yvonne W
Griselle L
Joy G
That's better :)
jeri r
i have sound now, but it went off when you switched to the computer screen
Mary Ann B
Still echos
Mary K
But it is an echo, now better
much better
Carol K
Lena M
I can hear you now
Nancy M
no ..heard you unril you switch to computer
Cathy R
We had sound until you changed to the page
Maurie H
yes there is
Griselle L
I could here you and I hear you now.
Patricia J S
Phyllis K D
It just stopped when you went to your screen share.
Yvonne W
when you changed pages the sound whet out
Dawn W
Carol K
Maurie H
Marjorie M
It went off when you went to the tool.
Chris L
We just lost the sound. Heard up to the point where you went to the knititnow screen.
Matthew F
Carol K
Keep talking just went off when you changed pic
Phyllis K D
No we heard you.
Lena M
The sound is vack. It only went off when it went to the computer screen
Matthew F
to show the video
Mary K
Ive heard you all along
Matthew F
up to the time you move ot the computer
Lucille B
Now ok
Matthew F
No all was great
Joy G
You're echoing now
Phyllis K D
The sound worked until you shared your screen.
Dawn W
yes, echo though
Maurie H
Joann P
I've had sound all along
echo yes
jeri r
now your back with echo
Nancy M
Yvonne W
theres an echo
Carol K
Matthew F
You have an echo
video back
Matthew F
We have audio now
Lucille B
Hi , first timer
Yvonne W
I lost sound
Maurie H
no audio here either
Marjorie M
lost audio!
Sandra B
No sound
Lena M
Sound just disappeared
Carol K
Where did the audio go?
jeri r
just lost audio
Chris L
Lost the sound.
Joy G
Sound has gone off sue
Deb K
super long square shoulders here. can you include some ideas for that?
ohoh lost you no voice
Matthew F
No audio when you switched to the computer
Nancy M
lost your sound!!
Joann P
Hi, Happy to be here
Mary K
New hair do? Like it
Matthew F
Morag... what you not getting anything of?
Mary Ann B
Right Nancy. We don't wear the underpinnings either/
Morag W
It says online users I am one but still not getting anything
Mary K
Im in
Shirley W
I can see you Sue
Great I'm in
Nancy M
standard sizing for sewing patterns was dine in the 1930's...we are not those sizes anymore!
Naomi S
Hello from Brussels!
Mary Ann B
Nothing to get our heart rate up except exercise.
Patricia J S
Patty Schwab--HI!!
Maurie H
we would get bored Mary Ann
Beverly J
Lena M - I'm in hamilton!
Mary Ann B
What would we do if technology worked perfectly every time?
Deb K
morag refresh
Lena M
Hi everyone from Ontario!
Betty E J
been working on my craft room..yea finally getting everything set up yea!
Morag W
Now it says on the screen video not available
Deb K
actually it was funny
Nancy M
warm and windy here...we are well and staying busy
Marie-Jo C
Everything's all right, hello Sue !!!
Donald K
Hi everyonr
Maurie H
okay got it
Hope R
Sharon S
now working, good to see you
Betty E J
hit the live button
Mary Ann B
Love the glitter!!
Joy G
Hi Sue and everyone :)
Maryann B
finally yea!
Cathy R
it's good!
Marjorie M
HI, from Ann Arbor. I can see and hear you.
Linda W
see and hear now
Marie-Jo C
I got the image, I don't know if the sound is OK..
Matthew F
Matthew F
so if you are NOT SEEING SUE
Sarah Cann
Refreshed page and now it’s working
Maurie H
I still do not
Matthew F
Yeah!!!! I think we solve this... Try reloading the screan and we are all ste
Hope R
Rez R
Hihih! yes ! April fish!!
Mary Ann B
Right Sharon S.
Morag W
I clicked on the small screen and it send me to YuTube
Nancy M
hear and see you
Tsetsilia T
video is not playing!
Betty E J
see and hear you
Julie L
I see and hear you.
Dawn W
Yea, good afrernoon!
Eebie C
Shari M
Sharon S
This must be an april fools joke
Deb K
i see you sue!
Beverly J
YES! I see you!
Julie L
Hi, Sue!
yay!! see sue
Deb K
you are brilliant you guys!
Mary Ann B
Matthew F
Matthew F
the page
Rez R
Chris L
Matthew F
Matthew F
Ok everyone let try this again
Betty E J
see sue
Sue Jalowiec
I changed teh setting
Maryann B
Dark here as well.
Beverly J
There is NO yellow button at the bottom - black screen only
Maurie H
nothing here and I reloaded twice
live button has red dot, but screen is blank
Sue Jalowiec
plese try again
Phyl in Raleigh, NC USA
Hi Cynthia! How's it going in Canada?
Rhona M
Black screen only
Shirley W
Now mine is working
Scott V
im here waiting for it
Rez R
same! black screen!
Still have “null”black screen
Eebie C
same here, but the live button is red
Marie-Jo C
No sound, no image ...
Shirley W
There is a red dot at the top of the page next to LIVE
Edith L
It says this is private
Deb K
Sue, are you throwing yourself under the bus?
Yvonne W.
Cynthia P
It sends me to youtube
Sandra B
me either video unavailable
Edith L
No picture
Sue Jalowiec
Matt will you double check my settings in admin?
Chris L
Says Video Unavailable. This video is private.
Sharon S
not showing for me either
Beverly J
If I cflick the arrow at bottom right, it goes to YouTube
Cynthia P
I can't see it.
Marie-Jo C
Marie-Jo from France, "video unavailable" too !:
Dawn W
Still black.
Shirley W
I don’t know zoom.
Matthew F
I am seeing you also
Deb K
zoom us up matthew
Ritta K
reloaded and still not showing.
Matthew F
we can do this as azoom
Deb K
i reloaded and it did not come on
Maurie H
not at the moment
Mary Ann B
no go
Matthew F
Reload your page we are live
Ritta K
no, all I see is Video unavailable
Rez R
it's begin at 7!
Eebie C
Deb K
not me
Dawn W
Beverly J
Not me!
Sue Jalowiec
anyone seeing me?
Deb K
opened new browser and still black screen
Matthew F
Try reload the page
Beverly J
Mine says video unavailable
Matthew F
Not sure what to tell you... is anyone else sees sue -
Jane N
Black screen = video unavailable
Mary Ann B
Video unavailable. I've refreshed several times.
Hope R
black screen, too
Betty E J
refreshed but just black screen
Linda W
black screen, too
my screen says video unavailable. This video is private
Sue Jalowiec
I'm seeing myself at Knit it Now
Eebie C
my screen says null, sorry this is my first time
Matthew F
no you should see the video - but please tell me if anyone eles is seeing sue
Shirley W
I am using an iPad. Do I have to use a different link?
Deb K
black screen
Matthew F
ore reload the page
Matthew F
if not refresh
Matthew F
are you seeing sue?
Betty E J
Matthew F
Live is live
Deb K
Shirley W
I am unable to see the video
Sue Jalowiec
@deb, please refresh ... you should be seeing a knitting machine
Matthew F
we hae not started the show if you are not seeing a timer then reload the page or click that yellow button at the bottom
Eebie C
hello from Alabama
Hello From Westminster, Maryland!
Matthew F
we already have a lot of people hear!!!
Deb K
mine says video unavailable?
Matthew F
Hi everyone!!
Shirley W
Hello from SC
Betty E J
Sue J J
Hello! We'll be starting soon