Before sitting down at the machine, have a plan and understand your blueprint.

As if you are building a house, when knitting sweaters there are 2 important considerations, a plan and a blueprint.

Before you start knitting you need to identify what you want to knit (a plan) and have a blueprint (a pattern) to make it happen.

As you are reading the blueprint there may be symbols or terms that aren't quite clear to you. You wouldn't start cutting lumber and pounding nails before you understand exactly what you were building. The same holds true for knitting a sweater.

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Links mentioned in the Meeting

Download a printable checklist

Blog: Virtual Knitting

Yarn Estimator Tool

Blog:Armhole/Sleeve Choices

Video: Analyze Sweater Styles

www.knititnow.com/howmuchyarn: How much yarn?

Quick Links

00:01:44 - Make a plan

00:16:28 - Thank you for participating in our survey

00:19:11 - Make Construction Choices

00:29:10 - Your "blueprint" (pattern)

00:37:36 - Get knitting!
Pauline P
I made my first swatch in stocking stitch this week as well doing everything you suggested.. It was successful!
Addie S
Is that a shaper behind you bolted to your table??
Addie S
you are still here!!
Linda D
Great info! Thanx!
Diane B
Thank you!
Cherie S
Thank you Sue & Matt, as usual, I've learned a lot. Thanks for all the comments from those of you who checked in today!
Virginie D
thank you!
Doris H
Thank you very much Sue. Doris
Nancy M
Thanks Sue!!
Matthew F
Thank you everyone! and thank you for all supporting Knititnow.com
Addie S
bye everyone!!
Iryna P
Frankie D
Thank you SO MUCH, Sue!!!!
Leslie P
Thank you for a great session!!
Tina B
thanks for me, se you next time
Nancy M
using self striping and solid in a a slip stitch pattern or in a tuck st.
Addie S
cream colored
Addie S
what is the device behind you attached to your table??
Are there any machine knitting
not machine knitting yet. Where do I begin?
Shirajoy A
The knitting machine group in St. Cloud MN is great! Very active!
Are there any machine knitting
a oh thank you!
Iryna P
There are a few groups in facebook
Pauline P
Addie, you can punch your own cards which is easy and quick.
Marjorie M
Off topic question: anyone ever figure out how to do fishermen rim on an SK 155. One theory is that the liquor just is not physically dimension to lay in the tack row for the ribber.
Patricia H
Thank you!
Are there any machine knitting
a list of groups or people to get together with?
Jacqueline O
Thanks Sue. Nice to see you! Thanks Matt!!!
Matthew F
we have a link to the Machine Knitting Clubs - but that is not managed by knititnow.com
Addie S
ok good to know
Morag W
Thank you for all this lovely info
Are there any machine knitting
Any list off knitting groups available?
Addie S
can you also get updated punch cards as well?
Doreen F
My machine just arrived
Addie S
do you have a link for those?? and have you ever used them
Pauline P
One way of doing instant fairisle is to use a self patterning yarn.
Iryna P
I just got my machine delivered yesterday. Folks, where you get the yarn?
Geraldine B
wow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shirajoy A
What’s the best way to reach you offline?
Addie S
do you recommend any newer machines to help replace old ones
Joy G
Dorothy, yes definitely
Geraldine B
Where did you get that fabulous necklace ?
Doreen F
Just hearing you take time is a blessing
Nancy M
Or you forget to dress the swatch because you are so excited...😱
Nancy M
I have even hand written those portions of pattern that are hazy and it seems to help get the brain focused.
Dorothy R
If I want to wash the final product in the washing machine, I should machine wash the swatch before measuring?
Doreen F
Good idea I read then re read to understand
Geraldine B
I call it auditioning...not swatching.
Griselle L
Griselle from Mequon WI, Hi!
Tina B
I learned that if you dont understand a passage in the pattern, it may help to read it aloud.
Matthew F
Iryma lets connect later about patterns for machine knitters.
Addie S
never mind you said thanks
Nancy M
Thankfully, the 80's shoulder pads and balloon sleeves to mess with🤗
Iryna P
I could make patterns for knitters
Iryna P
Hmm, you gave me an idea: I am a professional pattern maker.
Addie S
do you have a link for that
Scott V
hi everyone
Joan K
Joan Kustan ==you helped me do my swatch the other day.
Cynthia Q
Ruth S
Olgalyn Jolly
Ruth S
Ogalyn - could be sp?
Addie S
ok thanks
Linda D
Linda D
When I use my server, I check the seaming first on a swatch
Morag W
Olgalyn jolly
Addie S
3 thread or 4 thread??
Morag W
Yes please for in-person classes
Addie S
do you use a certain machine, a specific setting?? thanks
Shirajoy A
Do you teach in-person classes?
Addie S
if you serge on a machine how do you handle that so the knitting will not distort?
Tina B
I try to plan ahead, but often i jump to an other idea, and there the plan goes to hell (sometimes)
Marjorie M
Hi! Marjorie currently from the Adirondacks of NY state.
Joan K
Joan k
Stan W
Stan from B.C.
Barbara G
Barbara from the PNW
Linda D
Linda- Southern MD
Ruth S
Interesting - the map can't find me - but I'm here!!
Sue from Guernsey, Channel Islands
Chris L
I use Ilene Levy's program and she gives the number of stitches in the project.
Doreen F
Doreen from New Jersey
Matthew F
its coming
Frankie D
28-30g has been my experience for the weight of an empty cone
Chris L
I use the number of stitches in my swatch. Weigh and compare to total stitches. Then I add 10%.
Tina B
the question also is, how much yarn do you have, I calculate 30 g for the kone the yarn is wind up to, hope that is right.
Frankie D
Hello from the piney woods of east Texas
Priscilla D
Priscilla from Vancouver, WA
Pauline P
Fine thanks Sue - loud and clear!
Dorothy R
Dorothy R from Orlando, Florida
Anne from England
Anne From England
Adriane W
In Olympia Washington - very fun to see so many knitters from all over the world!
Maryann B
Hello from the Oregon coast cool and sunny
Nancy M
It is a real surprise the difference in gauge or hand the yarn color makes!
Diane B
Diane from upstate New York
Jane L
Jane in New York
Nancy M
Nancy Mangeri in Kansas here ...
Beverly P
BP checking in from GA!
Hayley P
Hi from North Lincolnshire, England x
Tina B
Hei, Tina here from nothern Norway. Great to be her again.
Joan K
Joan Mustang Montgomery illinois
Patricia H
Hi from deep south Louisiana, wet!
Pauline P
It's nearly 6pm in the UK!
Juavue H
Hello from IL
Joan K
Joy G
Hi Sue from Derbyshire in the UK 😊
Debbie B
Hello from Minnesota!
Cherie S
Good morning everyone. Cherie from the pacific northwest.
Mary Ann B
Hi from Burnsville, MN
Jenny M B
Hello all from Wrexham, North Wales!
Cathy R
Good morning, from Tacoma Washington
Joan K
Joan mustang chicago
Matthew F
we can do the Map later
Shirajoy A
Hi, from Minneapolis
Doris H
Hi to all from Doris, Bantry Ireland
Leslie P
Hi from Fort Worth, Texas! I'm so anxious to learn more from you!
Ruth S
Ruth & Agadore here from southern Ontario.
Morag W
I only have to hand in jumpers to the knitting shop
Pauline P
Hello Sue and all, Pauline here from Godalming, Surrey UK. I hope you're all well and I'm looking forward to the session.
Morag W
I'm still knitting for Ukraine & special babies
Virginie D
Virginie from Belgium
Linda B
Linda Saginaw,mi
Addie S
Wooster, Ohio here
Shane D
Shane from Nashville
Morag W
yes we are fine thank you loud and clear best wishes from Dundee
Addie S
Sue Jalowiec
hello! Welcome! We'll be starting in a couple of minutes