Maybe you're considering purchasing a ribber for your machine or maybe you have one and haven't used it.

Let's talk about how adding a ribber to your MK setup can expand your horizons.

Did you know you can do much more than plain 'ol 1x1 ribbing?
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Links mentioned in the Meeting

Previous Ribber LIVE meetings:
Ribber Possibilities
Dust off that Ribber

Ribber Classroom
Ribber Fabric
Ribber Part 2
Classroom: Ribbing without a ribber

Ribber Course
Ribber Bootcamp
Maurie H
Bye have a great week end all.
Cherie S
Bye, thank you!
Morag W
I didn't realise you had hassle with the live knitting but you will never get hassle from me. All knitter should share together
Linda H
Thank you!
Cherie S
They use their "claws!"
Maurie H
Mine do as well
Ruth S
Thanks again from Ruth and Agadore. "See" you next month.
Annie L
I mark with nail polish. Each machine has it's own color.
Nancy M
when swatching for both beds don't forget to check thetensions on your yarn antenna it DOES make a difference
Patricia H
Thank you Sue!
Ruth S
Beautiful top in the background - and can't forget the Santa hat!!
Patricia H
Hahaha, love the tags!
Nancy M
I recommend 2/24 type yarn for full needle ribbing
Maurie H
Right on Patricia H
Patricia H
One thing to be aware of - if you have several machines with ribbers as well as color changers, make sure you are using the correct sinker plate for what you are doing. Had a very frustrating time with a piece because was mix matched.
Mijung J
For the tension Ribber & main bed can be different? Or it has to be same?
Annie L
Use every other needle on ribber and main bed to lighten up the weight of knitting.
Annie L
Just learning by swatching in all of the different techniques.
Cherie S
And... that D-slider gizmo! It looks like it is fun too.
Nancy M
Going to dig out some old swatches to try cut sew
Annie L
What about a 40 - 100 swatch KAL?
Nancy M
Racking can be a fun technique...makes quick lace...without the hassle of hand manipulating.
Patricia H
Mijung J that's where I use cut and sew!
Mijung J
I find shaping like neck line is challenge
Maurie H
circular knitting does great socks.
Ruth S
Does this mean we'll be having a DBJ knit-a-long some time in the future?
Maurie H
I love double jacquard, will have to get back to it, I still have a bunch of card that i punched myself.
Cherie S
Following your video to determine the difference in the MB and Ribber tension dials, I found out the the wrong side is inside the tube. What is the best way to change colors to get a neat join? I could not find a way.
Jan B
Years ago I learned there are 8-9 different ways to do DBJ - do you have a course like that?
Marjorie M
Don't forget U-knitting.
Chris L
How do you get patterning on both the front and the back?
Cherie S
i've saved a picture of a skirt as my learning goal that starts with 1x1 rib, changes to flat rib then as you get up to the hips and waist, gradually change the ribbing to tighten up the fit. I think it will be easy, but will find out as I learn more.
Matthew F
sound is good here
Scott V
no sound
Nancy M
400 needles instead of 200 !! just gotta do a few extra gauge swatches.
Dawn W
A ribber will also facilitate adding an embossed design on your fabric.
Maurie H
Hi am finally here, have no sound but got it finally through my phone, so have the sound on phone and picture on lap top. I have four machines all with ribber and love them all
Nancy M
not any more..can't get back up...LOL!
Patricia H
And spend a lot of time ripping and starting over!
Patricia H
I know it's a great idea to know your main bed first - I'm just one of these people who jumps into it all at once!
Marjorie M
I see Fisherman Rib is on the agenda. When you get to it, how can you do Fisherman Rib on a Silver Reed. Particularly an SK155, of course with ribber.
Cherie S
Great idea Nancy! My husband has one of those mirrors! I'll have to give it a try.
Mijung J
Mijung J
Yes we do need but If you use it
Mijung J
I am glad that you can not see me… I looks so tired:)
Mijung J
Chris L
The ribbing on the G-Carriage is a beautiful rib, but it isn't as versatile as a ribber.
Nancy M
I've become rather adept at using a mechanic's inspection mirror to look at my knitting as I go.
Elaine H
Hi everyone from Elaine in rainy England
Linda H
Learn basics first and then add ribber. I love the ribber because I don't like pulling out needles on the LK 150.
Jan B
Matthew F
Jan I can work with you about this. - please communcate with me at matt@knititow.com
Eleanor L
Eleanor Leap Lansing Michigan
Jan B
I've been trying to sign up for the ribber class and it just keeps going back and back and back - it doesn't let me get down to where I can press to put it in my cart
Cherie S
I got mine out and attached last week. i'm already to learn new tricks of the trade.
Marjorie M
This is promising on the new homepage. I still hope you improve your "SEARCH". Trying to find something is "challenging". Most recent ex. was finding :"Multi color slip stitch".
Cherie S
The new format looks great!
Linda H
Hi from PA
Hello Sue~~~~ Good afternoon. Can you able to see me?
M Jay from NY
Ritta K
Hi from Central Florida
Marjorie M
Hi, from Michigan.
Nancy M
really like the new format for the homepage!!!
Dawn W
Good afternoon!
Mijung J
Do I need to do anything??
Monica M
Monica M Hello from New Windsor, NY
Joan W
Chris L
I wouldn't start with a ribber. Learn your basic machine first. Having said that, I love my ribber.
Nancy M
yes, BUT when you get used to your main bed
Patricia H
Yes, get one!
Matthew F
I hope you liked how we have updated the site... more things to come!
Matthew F
Hi everyone!
Nancy M
Nancy Mangeri in Kansas here!
Joan W
Hello from New Zealand
Juavue H
Got sound now.
Patricia H
Patricia from Louisiana
Ruth S
Hi from sunny southern Ontario.
Annie L
Got sound in Idaho.
Juavue H
I see the knitting machine and the red line for play is moving accross but no sound or other picture. Are you having trouble or has it just not started yet?
Sue Jalowiec
HI! We'll be starting in a few minutes