Do you have DAK and want to learn more?
The software is so powerful that it's easy to get overwhelmed with all the features.

Let's talk about some of the more common uses for DAK and how you can put it to use for your knitting.

We often get requests to "learn more about DAK" ... but what does that mean for you?
Please submit your specific questions and we'll do our best to be prepared to address them.
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Links mentioned in the Show

What is DesignaKnit

DAK and Brother 970

Classroom: Bite-Size DAK
Classroom: Original Pattern Drafting
Classroom: Standard Garment Styling
Classroom: Stitch Designer

Replay: DAK vs Garment Designer
00:01:58 Joy (UK) :): Hi Everyone, will be interesting to know about it, as I have no idea if it would help me or not lol :)
00:09:10 Dottie Richey: Forgetting Graphic Studio
00:09:39 Dottie Richey: It is CAD based not "old Fashioned" lol
00:09:49 Knit It Now: https://softbyte.co.uk/DK9UpgradeForms/DK9_upgrade_features_F.pdf
00:14:34 Dottie Richey: In DAK 9 Graphic studio has been really improved. I am in love!
00:20:52 Dottie Richey: With the new tracing feature you can copy any magazine design.
00:20:52 Joy (UK) :): Does it cost much? Thank you :)
00:21:40 Dottie Richey: DAK 9 costs a lot less than other software. Embroidey software for example.
00:23:06 Scott kb3alx: 1000-3000 for versions
00:23:15 Jenny: It's about £200 up to £300 in the UK.
00:23:23 Joy (UK) :): Thank you
00:23:44 Scott kb3alx: $1000-3000 dollars for home version
00:23:50 Scott kb3alx: embrodry softeare
00:25:35 patriciajschwab: How about a Class—Designed and Knit on DAK. Patty S
00:26:17 Jenny: I bought a very helpful instructional book from Eileen Montgomery in Canada.
00:26:36 patriciajschwab: Even just a Hat!!
00:26:47 Scott kb3alx: ashme there is no good classes to learn it
00:26:52 Scott kb3alx: that would be great
00:27:10 Carol T: How do you use it with a manual machine?
00:27:16 Dottie Richey: You just have to start at the beginning and add knowledge.
00:27:24 patriciajschwab: Jenny—What is the name of the Instruction Book for Eileen??
00:27:38 Joann: Here's a simple thing. Patterns? what can you do with them? Can they be used for tuck, slip or what?
00:28:03 patriciajschwab: Words, designs, shape—all of it drives me crazy!!
00:28:10 Scott kb3alx: can dak be used with intarsia
00:28:21 patriciajschwab: Single Motif, Fairisle
00:28:33 Dottie Richey: yes, scott
00:29:02 Jenny: Book is called DesignaKnit 8 Standard and Original Shaping. I Think I paid ABOUT £20 inc postage to UK. Got it very quickly.
00:29:07 Joann: Or you can Manually advance the interactive screen
00:30:15 Dottie Richey: Joann you can set up the tuck, slip etc in the stitch designer and then set up your machine
00:31:03 Dottie Richey: I have started helping with technical support on my own.
00:31:43 Scott kb3alx: usally classes like that have a disclaimer that says we wont support technical issues
00:33:13 Jenny: Does everyone realise you need to have your computer monitor within view of your knitting machine if doing interactive knitting?!
00:33:17 Dottie Richey: I am not yelling at you Sue. I have just taught a lot of DAK.
00:33:40 patriciajschwab: yes
00:34:36 Dottie Richey: Anyone who purchased the software from me or attends one of my classes get support.
00:34:52 Hope Ryan: What does DAK provide for manual machines that I can't get on the Knit-It-Now patterns?
00:35:43 Lenore's PC: A few of us have used interactive knitting on DAK for an easy way to follow an intarsia pattern and also to do a fair isle yoke on Lk 150 and Silver reed standard punchcard (280)
00:36:06 Dottie Richey: Sounds good!
00:40:14 Scott kb3alx: what I want to learn is the basics
00:40:30 Scott kb3alx: form the screen how to design a sweater
00:40:38 Scott kb3alx: make changes
00:40:57 Scott kb3alx: maybe interactive like the knit along.
00:42:14 Annie Lindsay: You can scan your punchcard and then use that on an electronic machine.
00:43:13 patriciajschwab: The Silver-Reed line of Electronic knitting machines, have to have some form of software to knit patterns. [Unless you want to pull needles manually]. A few older machines, have a built in Mylar for patterning. Brother machines, [a lot of them] knit electronically with built in stitch pattern or they have other software. silver-Reed has limited options for patterning.
00:44:26 Dottie Richey: Silver Reed does not have limited options for patterning its just different ways that are upgradable
00:44:49 Carol T: so do you use your stitch gauge and put them in?
00:46:19 Scott kb3alx: I can talk to you about it and detail and a plan for this privatly
00:46:26 Dottie Richey: Scott you need the full version of DAK you only bought the standard garment designer
00:47:15 Jenny: Yes, Carol - just like you do with KIN pattern.
00:47:54 Dottie Richey: But you don't have original pattern drafting it has nothing to do with electronics
00:49:29 patriciajschwab: I want to make gorgeous patterns
00:49:35 Joann: for me, to copy patterns
00:49:56 patriciajschwab: What do we say if it is sometimes
00:50:15 Joann: I should say copy pattern schematics not patterns
00:51:00 Annie Lindsay: Garment layout. Placing intarsia to match front a back so the side seams match.
00:53:24 erinh: you have a tutorial in the learning library lk 150 with the magnet you were talking about
00:53:34 Hope Ryan: Bye. I'm not ready for DAK, yet. Thanks for the topic because it was very interesting.
00:53:56 Janet: Eileen Montgomery's book is called Designaknit 8 and its $28.95 cd on eileenmontgomery.com includes shipping within North America
00:54:26 patriciajschwab: Thank-you, Janet!! Patty S
00:55:45 Scott kb3alx: maybe with my stimmulas check ill upgrade from 8 to9
00:56:45 patriciajschwab: GREAT job!! Thanks!!
00:56:53 Scott kb3alx: thanks
00:57:20 patriciajschwab: I used it a lot in the 1980’s
00:57:37 Scott kb3alx: i am going to start that hopfully soon
00:59:22 Janet: can you point it out on the machine behind you?
01:02:33 Joann: thank you very much fun!
01:02:43 Jenny: Keep safe, everyone!
01:02:54 Janet: bye