Scarf Inspiration on any machine
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00:24:20 - Using your ribber to knit scarves

Links mentioned in the Show

Scarves Classroom
Ribber Pompom Scarf that Sue was wearing
The BEST MK table EVER!
Tuck vs Slip - Anatomy of Pattern Stitches
Ribber Basic Bootcamp
Video: Taming the Curl
Ramona Phoenix Cowl Kit - Fairisle beauty on the machine
Matthew F
thanks everyone. Shuting this down
Marie-Jo C
Interesting project for next tuesday ! Thank you Sue
Cindy M
Sounds like a good topic for next week, too. Thanks for your time and energy!
Deborah D
Thanks Sue
Phyllis K D
Happy knitting Sue! Looking forward to next week.
Jean S
Thank you Sue and Matt both....you have such patience. Have a great week everyone!
Carol W
Thanks Sue.
Jacqueline O
Thank you. Looking forward to next week.
Mary Ann B
I add my Thanks! See you next week.
Cynthia P
thank you very much

Not sure why my name's not showing up..
Wilma T
Thanks Sue and Matt!

See you next week!
Karyn B
Next week's topic sounds really helpful

Thanks Sue!

This was fun! Thank you so much!
Carol D
Thanks for another great show!
Diane C.
Thank you! Learned a lot in my first live video experience!
Nancy H
Great job today Sue and Matt. Have a great week.
Sue S
Thanks so much!

Thank you. Next time I expect to be on time.

Looks like you could sit or stand by raising and lowering them?
Thank you.. artisan lady. I will email you. Is there a comparison chart where the hold and slip ans all these words you use comparing brother atudio or other machines
Karyn B
They look so solid.
Karyn B
Yes! What kind of tables are they? LOVE them.

I love your machine tables. What kind are they?
Diane C.
Will you have some basic patterns to utilize the different approaches you’ve discussed today, or should I just jumpstart my brain?
I always do 1

newbie here. Is a tuck like a slipping a stitch?
Emily S
I have to start from the beginning by cleaning and changing the sponge bar...new to me machines -and I haven’t Even started on the rubbers!!!
Mary C
Wilma T
Wilma T
No, no robber for the LK 150. Lovely machine though, have one too
Mary C
I’m new to machine knitting...I have an LK150. Is there a ribber for this machine
Wilma T
I think it was in the 2x2 ribbed course. Cheat sheet for starting the rib
Matthew F
we have the 2x2 ribber course also
Nancy H
Ha Love a ribber intervention!!
Marie-Jo C
Bulky machine with a thin yarn ?

I wish I had a ribber...
I have an artisan 70d. I can’t find help anywhere. I don’t understand the buttons

I've done a few of the courses even though I've been using a ribber for about 30 years. They are really helpful, and fun to do.
Wilma T
You also have a cheat sheet for DB ribbing, if I recall correctly
Nancy H
Jane W I could never figure out brioche in hand knitting

As I see the live I am sewing a 2x2 rib sweater, amazing, turqouis, white and blue stripes.
Lynn I
thats the one i meant
Jane W
fisherman rib is like brioche
Karyn B
Swatch question: If you're using a hand dyed luxury fiber yarn and need to save all of it for the project, is there a way to re-use your swatch yarn in the project?

All this time I thought the English rib and Fisherman's rib were the same
Terry Z
why did you not tell us??

When you can see what you can get with fine yarn you will use ribber for ever
Nancy H
I'm afraid of it too. Dulce B
Matthew F
Sorry Terry - we had a daylight savings time change here in the US

@Francine - me too! I make all kinds of stuff with the ribber.
Terry Z
did the time between USA and the Netherlands change? Normally you start at 19.00. It is now 18.36 and I am clearly too late.
Jean S
I uderstand that....I am totally intimidated by my other machine which is the one with the ribber...lol\
Elizabeth T
Its like DBJ but both yarns are in play at the same time like fairisle
Francine A
1x1 rib on the bulky, thin yarn, tension 9 or 10, my favorite , Francine
Wilma T
I have ribbers on 2 machines and use them both. Wouldn’t want to miss them
Marie-Jo C
It"s really a pity to possess a ribber and not to use it !!!
Dulce B
I would also love to learn how to use my ribber, still a little intimidated to try it
Nancy H
Also my goal for next year is to learn how to use mine. I have to get a stand for that machine.
Jean S
Elizabeth T
I love my Toyota ribber the best seems to flow better and simulknit is easy to set up x

I love the pompom idea!

ribber is amazing I can't live without it, I am in love with ribber
Kelly C
I also have a ribber but don't know how to use it.
Beverly P
Love to make Ribbed scarves on 260 with thick Homestead yarn!
Lynn I
The fisherman scarf that you just showed doesn't seem to have much drape
Jean S
I have a ribber, and my goal for the New Year is to learn how to use it/
Nancy H
Yes I have one but dont use it.
Dulce B
Where can we find the pattern you made for the scarf you are wearing (Im a beginner, so still need a LOT of instructions to figure out new things)
Karyn B
I have a ribber for my 260 but don't know how to use it.
Wilma T
I really like the classrooms.

Thank you!
Matthew F
Yes we will set up a replay after the show is over
Missed it.. got here on the last words. I do I reverse to start

Hi - also late. Can we watch this again to catch up after the live part is over?
Phyllis K D
Hi, a late hello from Raleigh, where we love scarves.
Jean S
You have it on,...do you have to pull it over your head to put it on and take it off?
Cindy M
Cindy M
No, I love to make bias scarves and they still curl but they look pretty when they do!
Lynn I
a friend suggested moving three stitches over on each side
Nancy M
and kill the yarn when I steam
Nancy M
when i blockscallop edge pin out scalops
Margit T
I use DAK for forming the tuck stitches
Wilma T
E-wrap a few stitches on the sides with an extra piece of yarn
How about a half Milano edge for a single bed fabric - see Calistayoo.blogspot.com
Elizabeth T
Lace doesn't seem to curl as bad especially since I block it hard
Cindy M
Along the diagonal idea, I think that Diana Sullivan does an edge like that which won't curl-
Margit T
edge tuck stitches with needles out of work creates a wonderful scallop

Embrace the curl. Full width circular knitting knit however many rows. Cast off and let em roll!!
Marie-Jo C
Why not a i-cord on the sides ?

I've knit several... increase on one side and decrease on the other :)
Nancy M
a column of purl on second needle eachend
Jean S
Love the idea of the PomPom .... does it open so that it lays flat?

this is Dee

yes it does
Carol D
Where is the map?

knit at a diagonal - that eliminates the roll
Sue S
Ny coming in late!

Hi from Spain, a bit late sorry
Nancy M
o the fleece could be wider and fringed
Nancy M
seaming also make scarf reversible
Marie-Jo C
A wonderful idea...

Hello from McMinnville, OR !!
Hi, Jo from Bristol UK
Nancy M
great map cool to see where everyone is!!

Love that idea!
Did not get entered quick enough....add Wisconsin to map
Elizabeth T
Horray & Hi from freedom, Indiana
Hi, from Jo in Bristol UK
Mary C
Mary from Catalina Az. First time viewer
Karyn B
That map is the only way you'd ever find Onancock, VA. haha
Nancy H
So So cool Thanks Matt
too many hobbies
I'm in MI - not seeing me

Morocco, Indiana
Cindy M
Cindy in FL--here against all odds! lol
Nancy M
hurrah got it finally

First time viewer from Pittsburgh, ready to learn
Lynn I
Lynn from Philadelphia PA
Beverly P
Hi again!
Wilma T
Hi, Wilma from the Netherlands. Always a bit late, but I made it.

You're worth the wait Sue!
Jonette B
yea, got it..thabnks
Matthew F
hit the play button
Jonette B
I have a picture? is that right?
Nancy M
refreshed and still nothing
Matthew F
Jonette - refresh your broswer
Margit T
refresh your screen (browser window) to get the live video
Jonette B
mine still says unavailable
Carol D
On track now... yeah!
Marie-Jo C
Eveything's all right her !! Thank to Matthew ..
Jean S
Thanks Matt
Nancy M
Margit it sounds like it will be gorgeous...I work with alpaca too
Jean S
Hi Sue!!! I can hear you....I can hear you!
Deborah D
Thank you Matt
Karyn B
Starting early is your safety net...you can work out any bugs.
Nancy H
Yay Matt, you're our hero!!
Diane C
It’s on!!

Got it!
Jean S
I have video but no sound ....
Gio R

Karyn B
Here you are Sue!
Elizabeth T
Margit T
The Silver Reed AW-1 makes the weaving so much easier.
Donna L
Matthew F
We had to go a new live call
Karyn B
Marie-Jo C
A nice pullover for me with a lot of Sue's tips !
Matthew F
and hit play

its on
Matthew F
refresh your page
Matthew F
Margit T
I've been planning (but not doing yet) an alpaca knitweave coat.
Karyn B
No worries Sue :)
Sue Jalowiec
we had to start a new stream ... LOVE Youtube!
Nancy M
still unavailable
Sue Jalowiec
Jean S
So far after issues with my KM I have just about finished 4 pairs of socks.
Catherine Z
Cathy Z from Salt Lake City
Carol D
Carol in the Catskill Mountains ... waiting for feed! :-)
Nancy M
what has everyone been knitting since our knit weaving class?

Hi Sue from Lemont IL
Josee T
Hi from Québec, Canada :smiley:
Sue Jalowiec
replaced the stream .... fingers crossed
Sue Jalowiec
thanks everyone for your patience ... we are almost there
Nancy H
Hi everyone from sunny South Carolina, what a great time to learn more about scarves.
Jean S
Oh I do too. was just thinking how patient everyone is and how grateful for Sue and Matthew
Mary C
Hi, from SaddleBrook still a black box
Margit T
Technology is wonderful ... when it works. I think Sue and team do an amazing job!!