Mini Cables with the Ribber

Mini Cables with the Ribber Tutorial for Machine Knitting

Quick 'n easy, these mini cables can add fun texture to your project

Decorative Cabled Ribbing on the Machine

Decorative Cabled Ribbing on the Machine Tutorial for Machine Knitting

Here's a decorative cabled rib that is fun to knit on the machine. Combine re-formed stitches with cables for an interesting stitch pattern that will add an to see full description

Swatching for Cables (shortcut)

Swatching for Cables (shortcut) Tutorial for Machine Knitting

Just like any other stitch pattern, cables impact stitch and row gauge. For accuracy, especially for an over-all cable garment, a large swatch in the cable to see full description

Create Cables on the Machine

Create Cables on the Machine Tutorial for Machine Knitting

Cables are traditional favorites of knitters both hand and machine. 3 methods of creating a basic cable are covered. Which do you prefer? BONUS: Simple tip to see full description

Color Block Cables

Color Block Cables Tutorial for Machine Knitting

Combining blocks of color with cables is a great way to add interest to your designs. Use for sleeves, yokes, pillows, blankets ... get creative!


Bobbles Tutorial for Machine Knitting

How to knit Bobbles on a knitting machine.Add fun texture to your knitting with bobbles. they can stand alone but are often combined with cables and to see full description

SilverKnit Pattern Controller

SilverKnit Pattern Controller Tutorial for Machine Knitting

You are not limited to using DesignaKnit or the PC10 controller for stitch patterns on electronic Silver Reed knitting machines. Combine Cochenille to see full description

DAK Cables with Brother Electronic Machines

DAK Cables with Brother Electronic Machines Tutorial for Machine Knitting

Use the BL1 or BL5 Cables to connect DesignaKnit on your computer to your Brother Electronic Knitting Machine.