Singer/Silver Thread the Carraige

Explore the yarn feeder on a Singer/Silver Machine and learn to thread it correctly.
Slip Cast on for Singer | Silver | Studio

A super fast cast on for Singer/Silver/Studio machines. Demonstrated on a Silver SK860860
YC6 Yarn Changer

Set up the Silver Reed Single and Double Bed yarn charger.
Slip Stitch on Silver/Singer/Studio Machines

Slip stitch is one of the basic techniques that can be worked on any machine. Hand manipulated or worked with automatic patterning, there are many, many uses to see full description
SilverKnit Pattern Controller Part 2

The SilverKnit Pattern Controller and Utility are an easy-to-use alternative to controlling Silver Reed and Singer Electronic Knitting Machines.
This to see full description
Stitch Patterning on Sliver Electronic Machines

Explore how stitch patterning works with Silver Reed Electronic machines 840/860
Knitting a Swatch on a Silver Reed Electronic Machine with DesignaKnit

Learn how to knit a swatch using a Silver Reed electronic knitting machine and DesignaKnit. This tutorial explains why gauge settings in DesignaKnit are to see full description